Saturday, June 21, 2014

Today's News

TV vs WWE:

AT&T U-Verse have joined DISH and DirecTV in dropping WWE events from their schedule, they will not host Money In The Bank.

Second chance for indy star:

Devon Nicholson, who recently won a multi million dollar lawsuit vs Hall Of Famer Abdullah The Butcher, has announced he is now free of Hepatitis C, and that WWE have been in touch, and have offered him a tryout, which will take place next month at the PC.

Vince Russo:

Vince Russo has revealed he was threatened by two wrestlers during his booking career...

"I, myself, while never having gotten into an 'actual' fight while serving my duties of Head Writer at WWE, WCW and TNA, was actually threatened on not one . . . but, two occasions. The first time was by Shawn Michaels after I cut a promo on him to his friend Triple H, for hijacking the WrestleMania 15 main event by getting into Steve Austin's ear, who then talked Vince McMahon into changing the three way between him, the Rock and Mick Foley into a two-way, leaving Mick the odd man out. And, also a few years later by Bill Goldberg who was not happy when I needed him to do a job to Scott Steiner. Thankfully, I was able to get out of both predicaments completely unscathed."


Two TNA title changes have happened during their recent block of Taping's, Gail Kim is now the Knockout's Champ, and Austin Aries is the new X Champ.

The title changes will go to air in July.


Also on TNA, they have extended the poll on the rings, to allow UK fans to join in, but the vote is so heavily dominated by the six sided ring that Jeremy Borash told fans at the recent Impact taping's that they would be the last matches in a traditional ring.

WWE stars make Hall Of Fame:

Edge & Christian have been inducted into the Canadian Sports Hall Of Fame in their Home Town in Ontario, Canada. Edge did not attend the ceremony.

Team name:

Joey Styles has tweeted that WWE are looking for a name for the Rhodes Brothers team, following Cody's gimmick change, the current idea's include GoldStar, Dust to Dust, and The Dustbusters.

WWE Top 10:

WWE are continuing focuses on fails, this time Mic Botches.

WWE weddings:

Kaitlyn was married on Friday, she revealed she wore the lucky socks that she wore on every WWE PPV event she competed on.

Eva Marie will be married on Total Diva's soon, it will be for the show, as she is already married to her partner in the real world.

Bully Ray:

Bully Ray has admitted to a past in the porn industry. He refused to name any of the productions he starred in, when talking to Chris Jericho, but said he had 3 goals in life, to be a porn star, a wrestling star, and a rock star, and doing the porn led to him getting into wrestling, so he had no regrets.

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