Friday, June 27, 2014

Today's News

WWE block star:

WWE blocked Evan Bourne from making a surprise return to ROH for their debut PPV recently, he was going to do an interview in the ring to announce that he planned to return to the group after he was free of WWE, but when hearing about his plans WWE contacted ROH and told them they could not use him until late September.


Al Snow made an in ring return for TNA last night, as did Homicide. Zeke and Snitsky were fired by Dixie Carter so their TNA career's were brief. Finally Kurt Angle is the new authority figure in TNA replacing the injured MVP.

The TNA roster are not happy with the return of the six sided ring, many stars have complained to officials, but the office have deemed that TNA need to distinguish themselves, and the 6 sider is here to stay.

ECIII needed 12 staples to his head after being bust open by a trashcan.

Guerrero to HOF:

The Wrestling Observer are reporting that WWE have offered Hall Of Fame induction to Vickie Guerrero after her departure from the promotion earlier this week.

Wrestling controversies:

X-Pac has offended TNA fans by telling Kurt Angle to go back to WWE using quite colourful language...

"Wash off the TNA stench. I really want to see Angle end it back in WWE. They groomed him & he's still a WWE guy under contract to TNA."

And Vickie Guerrero has been criticised by Hector Guerrero's wife, who took exception to her letter of goodbye to WWE...

"She thanked everyone except the family of who's name she uses.."

NXT promotion:

Former TNA ref Dan Engler has gotten the call up to join the main WWE roster.


Cameron is expected to cost Naomi the Diva's title at Money In The Bank to complete their split.

Layla vs Summer Rae, with Fandango as guest ref, and Big E vs Rusev have been added to the card.

John Cena landmark:

John Cena debuted 12 years ago today for WWE.

WWE weddings:

Seth Rollins Has announced his engagement, and Bo Dallas was married this week.

Del Rio on Punk:

Alberto Del Rio has told fans that CM Punk will be back in WWE...

"Yeah, of course. He'll be back soon. I don't know when, but he'll back,"

WWE confirm leak:

After this years SummerSlam poster was leaked the company have confirmed that they do plan for John Cena to face Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam, but did not say if the title would be on the line, as is expected.

Mick Foley vs Technology:

Mick Foley has owned up to an embarrassing slip up recently...

"I was sending a text message, one I thought I was sending to Brie, and I told her I was going to get in touch with [Vince] McMahon. I rarely interfere in the course of WWE events, but when I do, I like to think my opinion carries some weight. I sent what I thought was my message to Brie, saying, 'Give Daniel a hug and tell him how wrong I think this whole thing is.' I was pretty new to the iPhone. My son looked at my phone and said, 'Dad, you just sent that to Mr. McMahon.' My next message was, 'Oops.'"

Brit returns home:

Oliver Grey formerly of NXT has returned to the UK wrestling circuit after his WWE release earlier this year.

New NXT profile:

Simon Gotch.

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