Saturday, April 27, 2019


WWE try to make amends with AEW:

WWE will Mark Henry to the AEW legends event, in place of Undertaker and Kurt Angle, who were pulled earlier in the week. They have also given a hidden gem match, previously thought lost from the WWE archive, but recently discovered. The match between Bret Hart and Tom Magee is said to be Vince's personal favourite match. The footage will only be allowed to be played for the live audience, not on any stream or home video release.

Reby sickened by reporter:

Reby Sky has claimed a reporter asked Matt Hardy if he was sexually attracted to her, because of a physical resemblance he saw between Reby and Matt's brother, Jeff. She shared the story on social media this week.


WWE pulled a big return feud between Sami Zayn and Harper, designined to bring them both back in a big way, after Mania, possibly leading to Harper's decision to ask to be released, a release WWE are refusing to honour.

Bischoff regrets TNA:

Eric Bischoff has said he wished he did not work for TNA, and called his time there ''Regrettable.''

Induct Benoit:

Vickie Guerrero has called for WWE to induct Chris Benoit into the HOF...

"It's a sad situation," Guerrero began. "I loved Chris Benoit. His family was our family. His wife Nancy, we were close friends and their son Daniel and we were all really close. I wasn't there when it happened and I don't understand why it happened, but I still love him. Aside from all of that he loved us and he respected us. He was a talented wrestler and he had his own legacy, I think that it shouldn't be ignored and it's sad how things turned out, but I would like to see him inducted into the Hall of Fame."

Belts reactivated:

NWA say they will present the winners of the Crockett cup their Tag titles, which have not had an owner since 2017.

Real life feud:

Tessa Blanchard says she has lingering heat with Ivelisse Velez, ex of LU, who is currently trying out for a return to WWE. She says Ivelisse told her that she was only working in the sport because of her surname, and had no right to be competing at her level.

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