Monday, April 15, 2019


Angle wanted win:

Kurt Angle says he hoped to win his last match at WrestleMania 35...

"Honestly? I would have liked to go out with a win, but I understand why it didn't occur. Many people believe that I should have had a different opponent. Maybe. Maybe not. But my argument as to why it should have been Corbin is pretty strong. As a HOFer and Legend in WWE, I came to my final match last Sunday. It was my retirement match. As a legend, or HOFer, or whatever you want to call me, my job is to leave the WWE by doing the honors for a younger talent. I did that. I would have loved to have won, but I don't think I would have properly played my role if I did. You leave the company better than it was before you came. I think I was able to do that by losing to Corbin and then getting laid out on RAW the next night to Lars. It may have felt wrong, but it was the right thing to do. Agree to disagree."

UK change:

Undertaker fans may be angry with the dead man. UK fans paid upwards of £220 for tickets to his three night speaking tour, which is to start later this month, but will not be getting what they paid for in full. He will still be there, but only for a signing and photo op. The q&a will now be done by Mick Foley. This change is apparently at the insistence of WWE, after he signed a new deal with them in the past few days, and was against his wishes, he wanted to fulfill all of his agreed dates, and agreed not to sign for any new appearances. He will be allowed to appear, including the AEW legends event, although Vince is not happy about that one, but he will not be allowed to do the speaking part of the events.

New Day here to stay:

Kofi Kingston says that, despite his new found solo success, his faction will stay together...

"I don't understand why people say that, we've said since the beginning of time the philosophy of New Day is to lift your brother up, that is the goal. I think the stereotypical path to take with all these factions, when somebody has success, one of them goes off and does something on their own. Someone wants success, one of them goes off on their own. That's like very typical. Anyone who has seen New Day on TV or whatever, is atypical. When we come out, we skip and clap, I twerk, I wear unicorn horns, we wear pink and blue, we throw pancakes out, ice cream, Booty-O's. Everything is not your typical story, so for us to break up is the opposite of New Day, just doing the standard fair. It just won't happen. Everything we do, we do together."

Stevie Ray reveals why he did not come to WWF/E:

Stevie Ray says loyalty to WCW stopped him taking up opportunities to join WWF during the invasion...

"When I stopped WCW, I went overseas for three-and-a-half years. I was going back and forth over there. I didn't want to go to WWF; as a matter of fact, the last WCW Nitro I didn't even attend and they sent me a ticket, but I was always in the mindset of this is competition to me. This is NFL vs AFL or National League vs American League in baseball. WCW vs WWF, to be honest with you bro, I didn't want to go out like a b****. Stevie said Harlem Heat helped revitalize the tag team division in WCW which helped them win the Monday Night Wars for 83 straight weeks. He didn't want to then just hop on to the other team that he was battling for so long. We had been fighting for the team, but when I heard Vince McMahon had come in and stuff like that - which I knew was coming. It's like, you saw the writing on the wall and you put it in the back of your mind, but at the end of the day I knew it was going to happen. But I didn't attend the last show because my brother said that they are going to be auditioning people. I told him that he should do it, but I'm done. This is the thing, I wanted people to remember Harlem Heat as an ass-kicking tag team of color, you see what I'm saying? I didn't want us to be something else. I didn't want us to turn into a Doink the Clown, so I'm not saying that they would have done this with Harlem Heat, but I didn't want to lose the edge that we once had as Harlem Heat. But then I had seen what they did with my brother and his character, I was like, okay, it is what it is. Vince McMahon does things his way, but I'm not mad, it's his show and he can do whatever he wants to do. But I just wanted people to be honest and break it down. I wanted people to remember Harlem Heat the way that they remember them today."

Champ does not want unification:

Becky Lynch says she does not want WWE to unify her titles...

"Nope, absolutely not. Nope, I want to defend both of them and I don't see a point for them to be unified because we have two different brands, we have RAW and SmackDown. If we go back to one brand, maybe, but maybe not, nah! No! I'm 'Becky Two Belts,' I need two belts and also I just like there being more things for people to fight for."

WWE sign announcer:

WWE have signed Johnny Loquasto for Hollywood Championship Wrestling.

X-Pac wants Chyna memorial:

X-Pac says the WrestleMania Women's battle royal to be named after Chyna.

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