Sunday, April 21, 2019


Goldust joins AEW:

Cody Rhodes has announced he will wrestle his brother at the first AEW PPV. Goldust had denied letting his WWE deal run out earlier in the year, but, WWE would clearly not grant him permission to have the match, so, it seems he is gone from the company. His profile has also been moved onto the Alumni page of the WWE site.

Former World champ returns to wrestling:

CM Punk made his wrestling return at an indie this weekend. He hit his GTS on a wrestler at school gym show, under a mask, and later posed for photos with attendees, wearing the same hoodie as the mysterious masked man.

JR criticises HOF:

"The Hall Of Fame, it seemed to me, I don't want to say it was a throwaway because it was not a throwaway. It just seemed to not have as much sizzle this year as it has in previous years, well, I think those ensemble casts are… like DX certainly should have gone in and I don't have an issue with anybody going in. It's not my call, but the bottom line is that one predominant headliner that stands above the pack did not exist this year, in my opinion."

He went on to call for Christian to be inducted, although said it should be as a tag team with Edge.

Impact re-sign WWE reject:

Mahabali Shera failed to make the grade with WWE, and was recently released from the PC. Impact have wasted little time in bringing him back to their employ, confirming his signing today.

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