Thursday, April 11, 2019


Impact call bullsh!t:

The Jackyl says he does not believe Dean Ambrose is really leaving WWE. He was asked if Impact would be interested in the founder member of the Shield, and conceded they would be, but, added that he won't believe he is going until he see it.

Backstage incident at Mania:

New WWE announcer Pat McAfee says he was ready to quit WWE at WrestleMania after Michael Cole chewed him out like a parent chastising a child over his choice of attire for a social media show. The incident had to be resolved by Vince McMahon personally, who was pulled out of a production meeting to soothe the choppy waters, which did not please the boss...

"He said, 'I told you no shorts.' I said, 'You told me no jorts.' He said, 'You look unprofessional, you look sloppy.' He was like, yelling at me in front of all these people that I've looked up to for so long. So I looked at Michael Cole, I said there are tuxedo shorts, man. He said, 'You look terrible.' He was like, yelling. This wasn't a rib or like, a gimmick, you could tell there was actual panic. I'd been wearing this outfit for 10 hours at this point, so now we're 45 minutes away from the show and I feel like I could've been told earlier and also not potentially getting yelled. So, I told Michael Cole, OK I gave him like a you know, OK... and then walked out of Gorilla, and then I walked back to where the Watch Along was happening, and I grabbed my bag and I told the Digital guy, I said, 'Hey, can you tell Michael Cole to go f--k himself, I am leaving. Right? I am not getting punked and yelled at like a child in front of everybody like that. You guys think I'm some schlub, you guys think I'm just some... this is a second job to me. I'm very lucky to be here, very excited to be here, but I'm not just going to get yelled at like I'm a f--king child in front of people.'"

Sasha vs TV host:

Sasha Banks agent has confirmed, somewhat unwillingly, that Sasha is having a family emergency. They made the statement after strong criticism from the host of a show she was set to appear on. Sasha's agent disputed the shows claim that they canceled with very short notice, saying they informed them before midnight the night before the planned appearance. The show have since released a statement wishing Sasha and her family well.

NXT call up:

A leak form NXT suggests Kairi Sane and Io Shirai will be Paige's new SmackDown team at the superstar shakeup.

HOF feud:

Booker T has hit out at Superstar Billy Graham telling Kofi Kingston to get 'roided...

"'Superstar' Billy Graham said some disparaging things about Kofi Kingston and the thing is, man, these old guys need to wake up and realize their era is over. Do you know what I mean? It's over! And to bring steroids into a conversation as far as what a man needs to do to get to the top in the [pro] wrestling business. Man, there is more to life than the wrestling business. What about your health?''

Billy, never shy, responded...

"So, let me address a few concerns some fans have about my advice to have Kofi bulk up a bit by using some steroids. Please notice that I urged Kofi to use some steroids .......but never told him to ABUSE them like I did. Please notice the two WWE greats in the photos below. Cena, 16 time WWE World Heavyweight Champion appears to me to very think he might have been a little juiced in this photo ??? Of course ...BUT.... no one is complaining about Vince's golden boy being all roided up...or did you good folks simply forget ??? And Mr. Dave Batista posing with me backstage here in Phoenix. Ya think ol Dave might be on a little juice in this shot ??? No one is complaining here again....ya all just forgot didn't you ???

Creative changes:

Road Dogg has quit his role as SmackDown chief writer after getting tired of interventions from Vince McMahon. This Tuesday was particularly bad apparently, and Dogg felt he could not continue in the role, announcing his resignation the next day.

He is not the only creative departure. Vince fired a creative team member on the spot at the HOF last week because Vince McMahon's name was mentioned during the Hart Foundation's induction speech. Vince hates being thanked at the ceremony, which DX later in the show teased him for, but his angry knee jerk reaction was said to have left a bad taste in many mouths backstage, and took the shine off a glittering night.

The writer in question later claimed he quit, which could be argued to be true, but it was described as one of those ''You can't fire me, because I quit'' kind of things.

Impact vs Drake getting ugly:

Eli Drake was fired by Impact over disparaging comments of his employers. The situation is getting ugly though, because Impact say he, not they, breached his contract and have launched legal action to bind him to them until a resolution of the dates he is missing can be reached. They want a judge to ban him from signing with any other promotion until a deal can be agreed.


Rhea Ripley has torn ligaments in her lower leg and is benched for 8 weeks. Big E says he tore his meniscus on SmackDown this week.

It's too real, Dammit?:

A high school principal in Florida has had one of his students arrested after the 18 year old boy tried to simulate an RKO on him as a prank. Police reportedly tried to talk him down, but he was adamant he wanted charges filed, and the boy appeared in court today to answer for assault on a school official.

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