Thursday, April 4, 2019


WWE tribute:

WWE  have announced a new Hall Of Famer statue will be unveiled at the weekend.It will be the fifth such unveiling. No word on the recipient as yet.

Sonya Deville talks representing LGBTQ in WWE:

"Being a part of the LGBTQ community myself, it's another passion of mine to let my fan base know that I represent another demographic in the WWE. And we are diverse and it's OK to be you. And that's kind of another message I'd like to spread while i have this platform."

HHH planned to take year off, but boss asked him to work Mania:

"Vince came to me and told me, 'I need you to be in WrestleMania this year,'. And I was like, 'Really? Because I haven't been cleared to train yet even -- I don't know that I'm going to make that.' Batista and I had this conversation a while ago about trying to do this ... then I had to call him and go, 'Dude, I tore my pec and I don't know what's going to happen. I'll see.' To this day, I'm still ... I'm going to get in the ring next Sunday, and you and I will both find out at the same time whether my pec will hold on. I got cleared up to perform, and my training is good and I feel good. But until you get in there, lifting dumbbells and getting hit by Batista are two totally different things. So I'll see how it goes, but I feel good and I'm excited to get in there. And at this point in my career, I don't ever want to make it sound like it's not as big as it is, but at this point in my career, it's all gravy."


Amazing Red, who is perhaps best known for his stint in TNA, has confirmed his career is over.

HOF'er baits Brock out:

Mark Henry says WWE talent should not complain about Brock Lesnar not being around much, because...

"Brock is a bit of a butt hole. You don't want him around all the time. He's subject to hit somebody or cuss a little kid out. You need to keep him away from people. He's a monster and I would rather the monster only be seen when he's gonna fight for the title."

Mexican Garden:

AAA have announced they have booked an event in Madison Square Garden. The show will be in September.


WWE have signed with the A&E biography channel to create programmes on a number of their HOF inductees.


Hulk Hogan has been confirmed as the HOF inductor of Brutus The Barber.

New Mania match leaked:

Promotional material in NYC has leaked the news that Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins are getting a red Tag title shot at Mania, vs the Revival this weekend. The match has since been made official via social media.

Foxy forgiven?:

Alicia Fox is in NYC for the Mania women's battle royal. It is her first appearance for WWE since turning up drunk for a live match, a match that cost Arm Amderson his backstage job. She was offered rehab by WWE after that incident, but it is not known if she took up the offer.

HHH hints at further honours for Chyna:

Triple H has hinted that there may be further acknowledgement of Chyna's career, aside from her impending induction as a member of DX...

''To sit back and see Chyna, obviously posthumously, get recognition and I'm sure there's much more to come later, but she's a trailblazer. In the weekend that the women headline WrestleMania as the main event she takes a spot in the Hall of Fame, it's awesome."

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