Friday, April 19, 2019


Drew blasts lazy whiners on WWE roster:

Drew McIntyre says he is tired of WWE stars taking to social media to whine about their status...

"I can look around now and see people who have lost perspective. They're perhaps tweeting about how upset they are and their lack of opportunity instead of bettering themselves or working harder outside of the ring. They're clearly not going to the gym and they don't have that fire anymore, and I understand it because I was there. And I can spot it because I was that guy. It's my job and my character's job to get rid of those who don't necessarily have that fire and remind me of my younger self."

Kofi responds to 'Roid up comment:

Kofi Kingston was asked a difficult question during a manistream media interview this week. Newsweek asked him his view on Superstar Billy Graham telling him to get roided...

"It's so important to have representation for all races on TV. All people, from all walks of life. So when other people look at the television screen they can see and identify with that person doing great things. It's very powerful and motivating and inspiring. So, for me to be the inspiration for kids who look like me, for kids from any race who have struggled or continues to struggle or have any obstacles to overcome, I take a lot of pride in being that beacon of hope. I take pride in being the guy that people can look up to and believe in themselves because of what I've done.' I think it's great. A group of guys who are not what you would think of when you think of a typical professional wrestler. You see a lot of smaller guys who can do some incredible things on top. It's funny, because I had an appearance with Shawn Michaels and Johnny Gargano and we were all talking about how when you're smaller, you have to give it a bit extra. You have to fight a little bit harder and that much better and allow your talent to shine through. That's been proven by guys like Shawn, guys like me - guys like Gargano or AJ Styles, Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins - we take a lot of pride in being workhorses and just giving it everything we can and proving that size doesn't matter. It's really all about getting the people to believe in you and the harder you work, the better you become. I've heard a few things through the grapevine. Honestly, I haven't seen them myself. People can say whatever they want. But as long as they turn on the television, they will see me as champion. That's really all that matters. And I don't have a comment about people's opinions. People are entitled to their own opinion as far as what a WWE Champion should be, but the fact is that I am WWE Champion and that's a fact. It is what it is."

Tazz blasts Rousey as insulting:

Tazz says he feels Ronda Rousey hsa insulted the business by taking her ball and going home so soon into her career. He says she has had her hand held by the WWE and went home sulking because fans did not give her the same referential treatment...

"I gotta tell ya. It's a little tough to swallow. Because, look, she's entitled to do whatever she wants, I understand that. But she's been in the game for a year, and she's got pushed to the moon, and skyrocketed because of her credibility and her legitimacy over the years in the MMA game and now is a UFC Hall of Famer and all these other great accolades she has. And she's earned every one of them, I'm not knocking her for that. But to take a break from the business after a year is a little tough for a lot of the lifers in the game, and people who follow that business and respect the business. It's insulting to the people that this is their lifestyle. Being a professional wrestler, no matter if you're in the WWE or anywhere else, is your life. It's not a job. I never looked at all my years in the ring or even segueing into broadcasting, I never looked at that as a job. I looked at it as a career, but it's part of my life, it just encompassed my job. It wasn't a 9 to 5 gig."

Alum's done with ROH:

Cass and Enzo were not brought in for this weeks TV tapings for ROH, leading to mixed speculation that either there invasion of the big co-pro show was legit, or that they have already upset someone in ROH and have been dropped already.

John Cena:

John Cena hosted the 'Ellen' show today.

Road Dogg goes home:

Road Dogg is not actively working for WWE at the moment, and is expected to be on an extended break. After quitting the creative team of SD he was expected to be fast-tracked into another role, possibly on air, as a commentator, but no idea pitched to him has interested him enough to take the role on, so WWE have stopped offering.

Dean's last match:

Dean Ambrose will work a 6 man with Shield vs Drew Mcintyre, Bobby Lashley and Baron Corbin on the lives this weekend. It will be the final match of his current run with the company.

Why Taker is back with WWE:

WWE reportedly made a financial offer that the Undertaker could not refuse. They legally could not stop him from attending the AEW legends show, but they tried, and have been leaning on other promoters, including the UK one, to demand he be pulled from the booking, or any speaking engagements be axed, or changed.

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