Friday, April 12, 2019


Cole on blast:

A former NXT announcer has jumped into the story of the Mania backstage incident with his own stories of Michael Cole's poor behaviour.

Alex Reyes wrote...

"Cole is a straight shooter, but he has a ridiculous and irrationally nonsensical temper. I got yelled at for taking a selfie at the Axxess set (which was the same live event set for house shows) I got yelled at for being scruffy on the plane to Mania.. Even though other announcers flew on the same plane in shorts and a t-shirt when I was in a suit and tie (and I shaved when I got to the hotel before rehearsals) I was yelled at in an announcing training session for saying 'skinning the cat' because it was an 'insider term'. And we don't use those on broadcasts... we do.. and it's gymnastics terminology used in wrestling.... I was yelled at for buying a Whataburger after a show at nxt jacksonville.... I was yelled at for not doing my new NXT pre-show music contest even though I was told by production that he wanted to wait until the following week until he had more music in the computer, but I was yelled at for not doing it. I was only yelled at by Cole directly once. These were by other announcers who had it filtered down to them because the culture created. They look for the smallest things to criticize, berate and bully. If they like you, they look the other way. If they don't they find ways to get you in trouble and cause this stigma about you within the company until you're ultimately gone. Cole I would argue has hired good talent, is underrated as a PXP guy when the reigns are taken off and when he wants to be an EXCELLENT teacher... but he also has a stupid temper, is fake when it comes to building a real culture of 'team' and fosters a culture of not trusting. Anyone and being constantly afraid of losing your gig at every turn. There are several other stories from other folks in his circle that have more direct interaction with his temper. This McAfee story doesn't surprise me AT ALL. He's the most defensive person ever... until he's on headset.... I was on headset at the Rumble and hearing him call Vince 'sir' was surreal considering the way he carries himself"

Mania walkout:

Sasha Banks' personal issue is not a family emergency, according to a WWE leak. She reportedly quit WWE after WrestleMania, furious at the broken promise that she and Bayley were going to have a dominant and long reign with the Women's Tag belts, to establish them, and embarrassed that they were given to the Iconics, who it is said are seen by the other women in the locker room as nothing more than a comedy gimmick act. WWE are said to have sent her home and told her to take some time to think about her decision, to make sure she means it, and has not acted in the heat of the moment of what was said to be a last minute decision to change the titles at the show. She has taken the time to go on holiday, with Kalisto.

HOF attacker freed:

Zachary Madsen has posted bond for assaulting Bret Hart and a WWE security guard at the HOF ceremony, and has been freed from prison. He will though be back in court this week, where he faces more than 2 years in jail for his actions at the HOF.

Alum seriously ill:

Vampiro says he has been diagnosed with Alzheimers.

Why match was changed:

Brock Lesnar vs Seth Rollins was booked to be the penultimate match art Mania 35 but Brock and Paul Heyman lobbied the office to get the match on first, and eventually got there way, but there was said to be quite a discussion going deep into the afternoon of the event.

The changes concerned Becky Lynch, who thought they may have put Bryan vs Kofi on last instead of the women...

"I was worried about it slipping away. Just because the build to the match had been so long that I was worried with Kofi heating up as much as he did, and them referring to several of the matches as the main event. Then I was like, 'Oh, but are we the main event? But maybe they ... I mean, they really should, but maybe they won't.' Because you never know in this place, which is a great thing but also a bad thing and a terrifying thing, especially when you're trying to achieve all of your dreams."

Lashley going home:

Bobby Lashley is planning to go back to MMA after SummerSlam, but he will maintain a relationship with WWE.

NXT star deletes Twitter:

Dominik Dijakovic has posted some controversial in gimmick tweets in the past week, which have drawn so much heat, he has decided to remove himself from the social media platform.


Nia Jax needs double knee surgery. She has ACL tears in both legs.

AEW sign Alum's kid:

Brian Pillman Jr. has joined AEW.

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