Wednesday, April 10, 2019


New champions:

The Hardy Boyz bt Uso's for the blue Tag gold last night.

WWE release:

Dasha Fuentes has been dropped by WWE this week.

Match cut:

Samoa Joe vs Rey Mysterio was cut to a minute long bout, not because of Rey's injury, but because Mania was over-running quite drastically.

New role for Paige:

Paige is going to start her career as an on screen manager next week. She is bringing a female team to SmackDown to challenge the Women's Tag champs.


Drew McIntyre walked out the main of SD last night during a commercial break. Fans in the crowd said he tagged out, waved his arms around and then walked to the back via an access ramp as his match continued behind him.

Brand extension dying?:

Probably not, a Superstar shakeup of the rosters is scheduled for next week, but, it seems the company are thinking about doing away with the individually branded titles. WWE have already unified the women's titles and teased doing so with the World straps on Raw this week, now Matt Hardy says he would be up for a unification of the two Tag championships, and threw out a challenge to the red holders for next week.

Fans angry about title change:

WWE have removed the snap box from the Universal title belt and replaced it with velcro fastenings. Many fans took to social media to becry the ''Atrocity'' and ''Vandalism'' that WWE have done to one of their supposedly most prestigious titles.

MMA star wants to kill Brock in wrestling ring:

Frank Mir says he is training for a wrestling career because he wants to do in a wrestling ring, what he failed to do in the UFC cage, kill Brock Lesnar in action. He says he wants to make Brock the first person to die in the ring, which he is a little bit late for, many wrestlers have died in the ring, most famously (And tragically) Owen Hart, who, of course, died before an IC title match in 1999 after falling from the roof when his harness failed.

Wrestlers in horror flick:

Bret Hart and Angelina Love appear in 'Demented'.

Goldust attacks colleague:

Goldust chokeslammed one of his fellow police deputy's through a table this week. Not because of a row over the last doughnut, they did it to support a local charity.

GLOW star remembers working with Jim Carrey on film:

Lightning wrestled Jim Carrey in 'Man On The Moon' a biography about the Inter-Gender champion of the World, Andy Kaufman...

"He was a total spaz. I was supposed to do a giant hair mare when he's supposed to grab me and throw me by the hair, but the producers saw the move and they thought it looked too violent. Then they asked me to do a dropkick and I'm like, 'Yeah I can dropkick.' So it turned into a dropkick and Gene LaBell came up to me and said, 'Make him feel it.' I don't know what they were discussing but he wanted to prove to them something. He starts to walk away and then comes back and says, 'But don't hurt him.' And you do not say no to Gene LaBell. I hit him as hard as I would a pro and it just totally whiplashed his ass. Then I had to wrestle with him for two minutes and that's how I knew he was a total spaz. Carrey had no idea about timing in wrestling and he ended up hurting my elbow by falling on my arm as it was locked on the ground. They told me to address him as Mr. Kaufman or Andy. He was into the character and did not want to be addressed as Jim Carrey. But it was a fun experience."

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