Sunday, April 7, 2019


WWE HOF 2019:

Triple H, Chyna, X-Pac, Bad Ass Billy Gunn, Road Dogg Jesse James, Jim The Anvil Neidhart, Honky Tonk Man, Brutus The Barber Beefcake, Torrie Wilson and Stevie Ray are now officially WWE Hall Of Famers, after their inductions last night. Bret Hitman Hart, Shawn Michaels and Booker T received their second rings and Luna Vachon, Bruiser Brody, Playboy Buddy Rose, Special Delivery Jones, Wahoo McDaniel, Professor Toru Tanaka, Jim Barnett, Primo Carnera, Hisashi Shinma and Joseph Cohen were enshrined via the legacy wing. Finally, Sue Aitchison was presented with this years Warrior Award, by his wife, Dana.

The ceremony was not without incident, as I will note later, and was held inside a wrestling ring, rather than on a stage.

Before the show HHH gifted each of his fellow inductees a pair of custom made and engraved DX cufflinks, he also gave a pair to Chyna's sister.


Last night, as many in the wrestling world had their attention turned to the WWE HOF, fans of ROH and NJPW were enjoying the huge co-promoted show between the two groups. The show was highlighted by both companies top titles changing hands, in separate matches, but was soured somewhat by the reunited Enzo and Big Cass apparently invading the event. There is some dispute about it being real or kayfabe, as security were very slow to react to them jumping a number of talent, including Bubba Dudley, after a tag match, leaving fans at the show believing it was storyline, but the screen was blacked out of the broadcast of the show throughout the incident, so fans watching remotely, believed it to be legit, after learning why the stream had cut out.

Brock returning to MMA:

Brock Lesnar is in talks for a fight vs Daniel Cormier for some time in the summer, for UFC.

Hall Of Famer assaulted during ceremony:

Bret Hart was the victim of an extraordinary attack during his induction into the HOF last night. A fan rushed the ring, tackled him to the ground and started throwing punches, before others got involved to split the attacker from the double HOF'er. Natalya, who was accepting her late father's induction at the same time, was also thrown to the ground during the incident, but not by the so called fan, she had tried to brace Bret from falling, but his momentum took them both down, quite violently. Other talent and legends that had been enjoying the show from the crowd then jumped into the ring to make the save, and get some retribution. Edge, Beth Phoenix, Tyson Kidd, DH Smith, Drake Maverick, New Day, Shane McMahon, Heath Slater, Curtis Axel, Titus O'Neil and Ronda Rousey's husband, Travis, were just some of the talent that jumped in almost instantaneously to help make the save, with Dash Wilder becoming an online hero after the incident, as the guy was being dragged out by security he managed to connect with a wicked punch that floored him. The video of that moment has gone viral today. The fan was then taken away by police and has been charged with a number of crimes, including assault.

None of this was aired, WWE cut away from the ring as it was ongoing, but later did acknowledge what had happened in a press statement, where they said an over exuberant fan slipped through their security after he got carried away, and that he was handed over to police after the incident. One security official was hurt by the fan, suffering a number of minor injuries as the fan fought to get by him. Bret, too, suffered some minor abrasions, and went to a local hospital as he was struggling with a knock to his hip from the fall, but was said to have got at least two good stiff punches in himself.

More has emerged on the guy since, and it may not have been quite as spur of the moment as WWE would like us to think. He is called Zachary Madsen, is 26 years old, and in the past few weeks has been on a social media tirade against WWE. He started off after the announcement that the women had the main event of Mania this year. Apparently he decided that if the women could main event, than he could have a match too, and started throwing out challenges to pretty much the whole roster, including the ladies. He did not get the reaction he was hoping for, from anyone, and then started to target the office, namely Vince and HHH, with challenges and attacks, still nothing from WWE. Things stepped up this week, as he started to live tweet his road trip to Mania from Nebraska, constantly demanding someone from WWE get in touch with him to book a match before he got there, and tagging various rostered stars in his posts. There was no response from anyone from WWE, and by the time he got to NYC he was angry. His tweets took on a much darker tone, with threats and insults to everyone that had refused to answer him, which by this stage was pretty much everyone on the roster with a Twitter account. He has also had two other arrests in the past few months. All this taken into account, it is assumed that he is suffering from some kind of mental health issue, which police will take into account as they deal with the incident.

Natalya was emotional after the show, but praised Bret, and said he and her dad deserved better than that...

Natalya was emotional after the show, but praised Bret, and said he and her dad deserved better than that...

"I'm so proud of my uncle Bret Hart tonight during our HOF ceremony. Bret is a cancer survivor, a stroke survivor and one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. He didn't deserve to be attacked or have his moment or my dad's diminished. We got it back on track. Thank you, guys"


The assault of Bret Hart was not the only controversial moment at the HOF. Triple took a thinly veiled swipe at Cody Rhodes during his speech. He said using the initials ''EVP'' makes some people feel important, that is the title Cody, the Young Bucks and Kenny Omega have with AEW. Billy Gunn then joked with Hunter that his job with AEW meant he couldn't fire him anymore, to which Hunter replied that he could buy the ''Pissant'' company any time he wanted, and that he might just do it, so he could fire him again.


Tonight is the 35th annual WrestleMania. There are so many matches booked, that it will probably last longer than most of Jerry Lawler's marriages, so be prepared for a long night people.

Jerry Lawler, JBL and Paige will call a match each, as a guest announcer.

Brother Love recalls most difficult Mania celeb:

Brother Love says he found Little Richard difficult to work with at Mania 10, because he refused to sing 'America The Beautiful' live. He said he tried for days to change his mind and even got in the ring, and in his face, to call him out for short selling the fans during the final pre event soundcheck. He went on to say, although insecure, he was very gracious to everyone, and did not strop off after his gig, which was not how things were reported at the time...

"I remember him being gracious with everybody. He did leave, thanked everybody and said goodbye. but did leave early, although we knew that before he got there. It wasn't like he dashed out and did his thing and got out. We knew. We had a window of after he was going to finish his performance and then leave, so it wasn't a surprise to anybody, but he was gracious to everybody. He stood in the back in the little alleyway there in the dressing room area where Hulk comes down and the old man is sitting there playing with his quarters. Richard sat there and talked with people there, and was very cordial. Nice as can be. Didn't stick around, but was nice as can be."

World champs quits?:

Eli Drake has had his employment with Impact terminated with immediate effect, the company says on their official website. No word on why they have parted ways, or what he plans to do next, but he was, by his own admission, contracted until the last day of May, before this, so the split was not because his contract expired.

Bryan banned:

Daniel Bryan says WWE have banned him from talking about the environment on WWE TV for political reasons. US President and HOF'er, Donald Trump, has been controversial in some of his decisions on the matter, and WWE want to keep politics off their programming...

"My wife would say that I'm crazier at home than I am on WWE. There's a lot of things that I'm not allowed to talk about on television. It's weird because I haven't said much about the environment because they told me I'm not allowed to talk about the environment. Why? Because they say that the environment is a political issue. It's not a political issue, it's a scientific issue, and saying it's a political issue makes it stupid. What an idiotic idea!"

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