Wednesday, April 24, 2019


PPV saved:

Backlash will happen this year afterall. It has been moved though, and will now be at the end of the month of June, rather than the first week.

D Young reveals life in WWE, for the mid-card roster:

"They sit in catering. They sit in catering all day at TV… Live events, the matches are a little bit longer. When you get to TV it's survival of the fittest. It's a dog-eat-dog world. There are only a certain amount of spots that can be filled, and the one thing I learned from Titus O'Neil is how to be a businessman. So anytime we didn't have anything on TV we would do backstage skits, get those reps together on camera. Do a backstage skit. Do something for the WWE app that was just being put on the map. So we'd say, 'PTP didn't land on the WWE app, the app landed on PTP!' So we were hustling and bustling backstage, Titus and I, when we weren't having any matches. You just gotta keep yourself busy, you know? You can get a little down on yourself, you could get depressed and all that stuff. But that's the nature of the business."

WWE pull legends from AEW event:

Kurt Angle and Undertaker have been pulled from Starrcast !! because of their affiliation with the new AEW.

KO Day:

Kevin Owens new friendship with New Day was brief. He turned heel on them last night on SD.


Roman Reigns vs Elias is booked for Money In The Bank. Becky Lynch will defend her blue strap vs Charlotte Flair, as well as the red vs Lacey Evans.

Roster change:

Junder Mahal and his entourage have joined the blue brand.

Jazz reveals why she vacated NWA gold:

"Due to medical and personal issues in my life at this time. I'm having to turn the belt over without defending it. I will post again soon. Thanks for your support. ... Shout out to NWA for giving me the opportunity of being the best Women's Champion. One helluva run. Got to work some of the best talent in the game today. Hopefully this will not be the end. Until. #Andstill."

Why Andrade moved back:

(Possibly Jinder too). It was apparently not Charlotte having a strop backstage that caused Andrade's transfer to Raw to be cancelled, but Fox, who want more latin and ethnic performers on the show when they take over broadcasting it later this year.

Tama Tonga reveals locker room revolted against Cass and Enzo joining ROH:

"What up, Real1? I'll just address you straight up. Ya ain't gotta call out the locker room. It was me. It was f---in' me. Huh, Real1? You're a real f---in' idiot. You know why we ain't letting you in? Because you're cancer. We don't want that to spread in our workplace. You're a f---ing cancer. You're talking about bringing in money? Aw, s---. No, we're talking about you killing our business. You're a cancer. Not on my f---ing watch. B----."

Enzo took offense at the use of the word ''Cancer'' and made a number of social media posts calling him out in response.

WWE Alum sexually assaulted:

Eve Torres has shared a personal story of being sexually abused, for an awareness campaign aimed at encouraging others to speak out...

"It took me 10 years to admit to myself, and then to others, that I was a survivor of rape. It happened on a night with mutual friends, alcohol, and while I was out of town in an environment that was unfamiliar to me. At the time of the assault, I used all of these circumstances to tell myself that I had participated in the act, when in reality, my verbal and physical resistance indicated otherwise. It is so common for women to believe that because we didn't physically 'fight' him off, we invited it, and it wasn't rape. This is not true. When we are faced with a situation that seems impossible to get out of, or would require a battle we don't believe we are equipped for, we often feel we have no other choice than to continue without resistance. This form of cooperation can even be considered a survival tool in some circumstances, but it does not mean that we allowed it, wanted it, asked for it, invited it, or chose it. If we did not offer our consent, it is sexual assault, and in many cases, including mine, it was rape. It took me embarking on my journey in Women Empowered to garner the confidence to acknowledge the reality of what happened, and then share my story with others. In order to authentically ask others to advocate for themselves, I had to be an advocate for myself. Self-defense doesn't end if/when an assault takes place. Self-defense is the mindset that we deserve to be protected, supported, and safe, and that may mean seeking help after an incident occurs. One might think that acknowledging a sexual assault would make someone feel powerless. In reality, it wasn't until I was able to identify it as such that I was finally able to take back the control that I felt was stolen from me that night. I know that if I were put in the exact same situation, all these years later, I now have an arsenal of physical and psychological tools to defend against him. As the shame was stripped away, my power emerged."

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