Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Today's News

Stephanie McMahon talks personal life:

"Truthfully, we really don't get to see each other very much. Our jobs are so different and we do perform together on television, but that's about the most we see each other, with the exception of being at home which, again, is pretty much just working out - our midnight workouts - so that's our bonding time. But I wouldn't mind being around him 24/7, I have to say. I mean, my husband is pretty amazing."

Randy Orton talks injury:

Randy Orton says a match in October re-injured a 12 year old shoulder problem, shooting down the long held belief he did the damage putting out his garbage at home. He went on to say he will be back in a couple of months, and will continue to wrestle for 5-10 more years.

He also called on WWE to induct Daniel Bryan into their HOF.


Despite losing at WrestleMania, Shane McMahon was in charge of Raw last night. He gave NXT star Apollo Crews his main roster debut, and Baron Corbin, fresh of his major debut win, got his Raw debut too. Enzo & Cass also debuted, without their valet Carmella. Unfortunately Zack Ryder's major push lasted only a day, he dropped the IC title to The Miz. His wife Maryse made her return to WWE during the match. Also WWE have dropped the Los Matadores gimmick, and will revert Primo & Epico to their original ring names. A vignette confirmed the change last night. Finally Cesaro returned from injury, but missed out on earning a shot at Roman Reigns, AJ Styles has that honour.

Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson were backstage.

Undertaker is retired:

Dave Meltzer says Undertaker told WWE he was retired after his match on Sunday. He must have forgotten the European tour, that Taker is still going on.

Career ended on Raw:

Wade Barrett was unceremoniously dumped out of the League Of Nations on Raw last night. Speculation is this was WWE writing him out of their stories. They will apparently leave him rot at home for the final three months of what could have been a great WWE run.

More NXT debuts:

Aiden English and Simon Gotch will wrestle on SmackDown tonight.

Retirement nixed:

WWE have decided to keep Brie Bella's retirement announcement for the Total Diva's show, as an exclusive for the next season.


Becky Lynch suffered nasty cuts and bruises to her face at WrestleMania.

WWE / Titus set to reunite:

Titus O'Neil's suspension ends on Sunday, and WWE are already making plans for him. They have launched a contest for a fan to go to Universal Studios with Titus and his family.


Stephanie McMahon has revealed that horror legend Tom Savini worked with her on her WrestleMania attire and mask.

Lilian in heat:

Lilian Garcia got into a row with a WWE staffer at Raw last night. She was close to making another of her mic botches, by announcing Zack's title defense before they had taped a promo setting up the match. The staffer banged his hand on the apron, and demanded she go over to him, she did not take kindly to the spat, and things got very heated between the two, according to fans in the front row.

WWE petition Obama:

Damien Sandow has launched a White House petition to make WWE give him more TV time. He needs 100,000 signatures to get a response for the Obama administration, but currently only has 251.

Cowherd vs WWE:

Colin Cowherd has again attacked wrestling, this time Bubba Dudley was the man to step up to defend the sport, inviting him into a WWE ring with anyone he liked, as anyone on the roster would gladly show him how 'Fake' it is.

LU injury:

Ivellise has broken her leg... again.

Wrestling unites:

Indie stars have teamed up to launch a GoFundMe for recently deceased Brit Kris Travis' family.

TNA arrest:

Crimson, ex of TNA, has been arrested following a ''Domestic incident.'' He apparently headbutted his wife, leaving her battered and bloodied. His bond was set at $2,500

Total Diva's cast shake up:

Alicia Fox, Rosa Mendes and Mandy Rose have been dropped, and will be replaced by a returning Naomi, Lana and Renee Young. Maryse has also joined the cast, hence her TV return last night.

Seth Rollins:

Seth Rollins will star alongside Wesley Snipes in WWE Studios movie ''Temple.''

Foley snubs HOF?:

Mick Foley did not attend the WWE HOF ceremony. He instead attended a WWN show to surprise Terry Funk with a lifetime achievement award.

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