Thursday, April 28, 2016

Today's News


Fox News have ran a feature on the high death rate in the world of wrestling. You can read their article here.


Chyna's manager says she had been dead for days before he found her, and that it will take eight months to determine the toxicological results of her post mortem. He however says he believes a combination of legal drugs will be found to be the cause of her death.

TNA have been criticised for making a mistake in their tribute to her, they had her dates as 1970 - 2016, which differs from WWE's 1969 - 2016 graphic. In their defense there has been some confusion over her correct age since her death.

Bray Wyatt:

Bray Wyatt will be out for 4-8 weeks with his calf injury.

WWE name only man to have kicked out of every tombstone:

Brock Lesnar has never been pinned after taking the Undertaker's finisher, he is the only man to be able to say that, only 8 superstars have ever kicked out following the move.

WWE Alum kicked out:

Marty Jannetty was extremely badly behaved during WrestleMania weekend, he was kicked out of a number of bars, and was photographed climbing about on a water fountain.

WWE release:

Rich Brennan has been dropped by WWE. He was lead announcer on NXT before being promoted to SmackDown, but then WWE signed Mauro Ranallo. He has since been doing backstage interviews, but has been deemed surplus to requirements by the office.

WWE invited to White House:

John Cena and Nikki Bella will attend Barack Obama's correspondents dinner on April 30.

Bret Hart sees nothing special in HHH:

"I'm always happy to be proven wrong, but I've never seen any real genius come from Triple H yet. I sound like I'm always knocking him, but it seems like he's quick to push the great wrestling to the side and push the bodies, guys who have physiques, all the time. They wonder why CM Punk quit and they wonder why Daniel Bryan got hurt. It's because they squeeze so much out of those guys. I'm just calling it the way it is. Triple H is a former bodybuilder. He's all about bodies. He thought that Hulk Hogan was the greatest wrestler in the world. They think Ultimate Warrior was the greatest wrestler in the world because that's what they're attracted to, but he's not really a wrestling fan like I grew up. I was a wrestling fan. I had wrestling in my blood. All the way through, I was a wrestling fan. I loved great wrestling. Like this year's WrestleMania, there was no great wrestling on the card. All the great wrestling was two days before in the NXT show with Nakamura and Sami Zayn and, whatever her name is (Asuka), the Japanese girl, that wrestled Bayley. That's what WrestleMania is all about. This year at WrestleMania, I thought it was absent on the bill. There was no wrestling on the card."

WWE Network:

WWE have blocked users of their Network from sharing accounts, as of today.

Ric Flair:

Police have said Ric Flair was not intoxicated during his erratic incident at an airport yesterday, and had suffered a bad cut to his head, not his hand, but did not say how the damage had happened.

ROH to takeover TNA?:

Sinclair Broadcasters, owners of ROH, have expressed an interest in buying TNA. They are looking at repackaging the Tennis Channel, by making it the American Sports Network, which they feel could be a good home for wrestling, and for TNA.

ROH would not be forgotten though, they could be offered a two hour weekly show on the new channel.

Rousey signs:

Ronda Rousey has signed a three film deal to tell true life stories, on the Lifetime Channel.

WWE star rocked by murder:

Dolph Ziggler's brother is wanted, and on the run from police. He is accused of the aggravated murder of a 34 year old US marine, in January. The marine was shot to death in a Cleveland, Ohio hotel.


Eric Young is reportedly at tonight's NXT taping in Florida.

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