Saturday, April 16, 2016

Today's News

Cena sucks?:

John Cena's new TV show scored the lowest viewing figures of all shows in his timeslot, across all American networks, bar none.


Cesaro has started using the 619 move made famous by Rey Mysterio.

Foxy makes history:

Alicia Fox made history last night. She was the first female to appear in front of a live WWE audience in the UAE. She was not dressed as a diva in the ring usually would be, to respect the religious and cultural laws, she wore long sleeved pants and top, to cover as much exposed skin as possible.


Tommy Dreamer's House Of Hardcore show last night was dedicated to the recently deceased Balls Mahoney.

Wyatt sent home:

Bray Wyatt has reportedly been sent home from the European tour, because of his calf injury.

HHH hates Foley:

Mick Foley has come out to shoot down a comment his son made about Triple H hating him...

''Despite what you may have heard, I really don't believe Triple H dislikes me, as my son Mickey implied on his live stream - from which point the story took on a life of its own. Keep in mind, that my son Mickey is on the autism spectrum and while he is a bright and beautiful child, he doesn't always speak with the same type of filterthat most of us naturally have – and as a result, he is much more likely to say exactly what comes into his mind. Sure, it created something of an awkward position for me – but nothing that is said or done will ever take away from the bond Triple H and I share; the bond of great matches as we were moving up the card in 1997 and 1998, and when we were on top of the card, on top of the cell – and figuratively, on top of the world in 2000. Rumors will come and go. But memories like the ones Triple H and I created will last a lifetime.''

Rock remake:

The Rock and Kevin Hart are in talks to star in a remake of 'Jumanji.'

WWE ban two:

Adam Rose and Konnor have been banned for 60 days each, for their second wellness policy fails.

NXT record:

Finn Balor is one day away from becoming the longest reigning NXT champion. He has just tied the record previously held by Neville.

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