Saturday, April 23, 2016

Today's News

WWE star in trouble with mum and wife:

Linda McMahon has revealed she was watching her son Shane's WrestleMania match with his wife, and neither were happy when he started climbing the cage...

"If I had to sign off on that, he wouldn't have gotten permission to have done it. I was standing next to Marissa, his wife, as he's climbing up the cage and I know he's going to jump off and I'm just telling you, my nerves were just wrapped so tight. And as he jumps, we both grab each other. And when he hits and I know he has to hit the mark just right. That was an incredible, incredible stunt."

Bret talks now vs then:

"I think that the wrestlers today are very skilled and a lot of them are really great, gifted wrestlers, like Daniel Bryan, CM Punk and even Kevin Owens. I tip my hat to them. I enjoy watching them, they're special talents and they carry that torch to the next generation. There's a lot of those wrestlers who've had a big impact since I left. I'd like to have worked with CM Punk or Brock Lesnar, but I find that there's something missing in wrestling that was more prevalent in my era. I think the actual storytelling was better. I could allow a story to unfold or not be rushed.?'There's no drama any more, it's just like bing, bing, bing, bing. They're too busy setting up the next moves and it seems very rehearsed like the whole match is rehearsed. I miss the natural flow in my matches. I watched a lot of my old matches from the '90s and I like the storytelling better, but that's just my preference. Fans now like that it's more fast-paced and there's not really any pause to tell a story."


So much for rest in peace. The documentary team that have been telling Chyna's story have revealed that they were filming when they went to her house, and found her dead body. They have also said that the footage may find it's way into the film, although are promising not to show her body. They say they will play the actual audio of them finding her corpse over a still image. He went on to say only prescription drugs were in the room, and he did not believe her death was intentional, or a result of foul play, and that they planned to scatter some of her ashes in the ocean, and have some kept on show for fans to pay their respects, in her home town.

They are not the only ones trying to get column inches from her death. The lawyer filing concussion suits against WWE says he was hoping to get Chyna to join their campaign, her people say she refused, but was interested in the science of the concussion suits. He is also asking for Chyna's brain, to use in their case against the WWE.

As well as that the owner of Vivid says he was talking to the former IC champ just days before she died, claiming Chyna wanted to get back into porn.

E! are the only ones showing some respect, they are planning to remove an episode of reality show 'Botched' from the next series. Chyna was set to be the featured star of the opening episode of the next season.

Finn Balor:

Finn is not injured. He is still working the NXT live tour.

Sky flies:

Velvet Sky has left TNA. The promotion says they mutually agreed not to renew her contract with them.

Jumanji Rocks:

The Rock has confirmed he will be involved in the remake of the classic 90's family movie.

NXT - TNA wedding:

Austin Aries and Thea Trinidad are engaged to be married.

Mr. PG wants swearing and bleeding back:

John Cena says he misses profanity and blood in the modern world of WWE...

"For one thing, profanity brought fire out of people with personalities that backed the language. It's very difficult to say, 'Oh, you're being poopy,' especially when they're meant to be fighting words. And now, if someone starts to bleed, the referee intervenes to stop the bleeding. But before, you'd just let it fly. Blood is one of the things that made fights cool. Like, you knew it had gotten serious. I understand why we don't do it anymore. Vince has been a coach to me, a father figure, a boss, and a friend, and his goal and my goal are the same: to make the company be as big as it can be. But yeah, the blood is one thing I miss."


Two mascots of a basketball team performed a WWE spot during a game last night. One monkey climbed a ladder and jumped off a balcony onto another monkey, who was laying on a table, delivering a pretty good Superfly Splash through the table.

WWE star leaving?:

Speculation that Jack Swagger was about to end his WWE career was running wild yesterday. He had posted a tweet that his current job was the best he had ever had, followed by the words ''Last day.'' His wife later explained that he meant it was the last day of the European tour.

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