Monday, April 4, 2016

Today's News

WrestleMania 32:

Here is my recap of last night's WrestleMania event (Seven hours... it lasted for seven hours...).

WWE released a statement about the delays entering the arena, and said they decided to strengthen security protocols, to make the event as safe as possible. This however caused long lines outside of AT&T, and meant the early matches on the pre show were fought in front of a half empty stadium.

Brie Bella was lifted and carried around the ring after her victory in pre show match 2, even her sister entered the arena to bid her twin farewell. She will confirm her retirement tonight on Raw. Alicia Fox may also be ready to stop, she tweeted her pride to have shared her career with the Bella's, potentially hinting at an announcement from her too?.

Lita unveiled a new Women's Championship belt. WWE are calling it the first ever Women's title, but those of us without short term memory syndrome know that is incorrect. This new belt however will not continue the lineage of the previous title, and will start afresh.

Zack Ryder recreated a moment after his match. Back in 1994 a young Zack posed with the IC title, then owned by Razor Ramon. Last night the picture was re-taken, this time with Razor holding Zack's belt. The result of this match was changed on the night, initially Kevin Owens was going to retain.

Wade Barrett was pulled from the League Of Nations vs New Day with no notice. The match ended up being a 6 man tag, with Barrett on the outside. No word from WWE on why he was pulled, but the theory is he was punished for his decision not to re-sign his WWE deal. He will of course leave later in the summer. After this match Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley and Stone Cold Steve Austin came out to beat down the League.

Shane McMahon performed the spot of the night, dropping an elbow from the top of the cell, down onto an announce table.

Mark Henry did enter the Battle Royal, for what may have also been his last match. He was not the only surprise entrant. DDP, Tatanka, and Shaquille O'Neal all joined the fray, and NXT were represented by Baron Corbin. This match was moved onto the full card.

The Rock wrestled a match... for 6 seconds. He beat Erick Rowan of the Wyatt's with a single Rock Bottom. John Cena then came out to join The Rock in beating down the group.

The event set the attendance record with over 101,000 fans announced to be in the stadium. The actual figure is not yet available, but will be between 93 and 94 thousand.

Many stars were in the crowd enjoying the show live in Texas, including Molly Holly, Candice Michelle, Brooke, So Cal Val, Jimmy Korderas, Rosita, and most notably current TNA star Velvet Sky.

Raw tease:

  • What does the future hold for Raw after the WrestleMania main events?
  • Who's coming after the all-new WWE Women's Championship?
  • Is John Cena returning to Raw?
  • How does Ambrose come back from the carnage?
  • How long can WrestleMania's Cinderella Man Zack Ryder make the moment last?

Goldberg talks WrestleMania:

Bill Goldberg says there was never any chance of him being at WrestleMania, but he decided to stay quiet on the matter, so as not to spoil the hype the rumours created for WWE fans.

Taker retired?:

The Undertaker had many members of his family at last nights event, in his home state of Texas. Speculation is he worked his last match, despite getting the win. He apparently symbolically showed his decision to the crowd by taking off his gloves, but this is all online and backstage rumour right now. He has not worked his last matches though, he will be on his way to the UK after this weeks TV's, for a tour of Europe.


Batista has confirmed he will appear in the sequel to Blade Runner.

Post Mania promotions:

Several NXT talents are rumoured to be on the way to the main roster this week. Baron Corbin is likely the first of those, after his appearance on last nights card.

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