Monday, April 25, 2016

Today's News

Team to make history:

When they debut on Raw tonight Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson will achieve the never before done accomplishment of appearing on NJPW, ROH and WWE TV in the same week.

Cruiserweight tournament:

Six more names have earned spots into the WWE Network summer tourney...

  • Rich Swann.
  • Tomasso Ciampa.
  • Johnny Gargano.
  • Akira Tozawa.
  • Lince Dorado.
  • Ho Ho Lun.

Lilian in heat:

Lilian Garcia got into a shouting match with a WWE employee at ringside during Raw in London. She had introduced Colin Cassady by his full name, rather his nickname 'Big Cass' and did not take kindly to being admonished by her colleague for her mistake.

Titus honoured:

Titus O'Neil has been named on the list of honourees by Fathers Incorporated. He will win a 'Spirit' award on April 28 in Atlanta.


Chyna's manager has confessed he was worried about her in the days before she died...

"She had been a little emotionally strained. She was really confronting some demons and she may have been taking a little bit more than normal. Every couple of days she'd be a little bit off of her game, a little loopy, like maybe she had taken too much but she was still coherent."

He claims he had struck a deal to have her take part in TV show 'Intervention' and she was due to go to a facility for 90 days.

The documentary filmmaker telling her story has confessed the film has taken it's toll on her emotionally...

"She was having a tough time the past couple of weeks and we all knew that and she was using more of her prescriptions than she should have been or mixing them up - I can't say for sure exactly what she was doing. But I know we wanted to help her and we were trying to - but I guess we just weren't able to help her in time. I knew she was struggling and had lots of things troubling her but I wouldn't describe her as suicidal and we talked on the phone almost every day. She left me a voicemail on Sunday night actually - it was a five-minute-long voicemail and she was saying she actually felt good and she wanted to see a doctor next week and get her prescriptions. She seemed upbeat - certainly not suicidal - she was making a lot of plans for the future. She was sending out all these videos - that she thought were funny videos but in retrospect they are quite sad. One was her trying to do the scene from Psycho and stuff like that. We did our final interview then - she was really upset about a few things and wasn't in a good place emotionally so I went over there and we filmed her for hours," he said. "She just had a lot to say and was very upset. It was a combination of things from her past and current troubles. I know she had been drinking and I think she was upset with things that were going on."

He also discussed the black eye she had in her final YouTube video...

"I remember when that happened, she sent me a photo, and honestly I just think she fell. From the picture you can see a kind of friction rash on her face. It doesn't look like somebody hit her because your skin wouldn't drag that way. Later on it looked like a black eye but the first day it just looked like she fell and knowing the substance she was on I wouldn't be surprised if she would fall and not remember it."

The Coroner has decided to delay releasing his findings on the cause of her death, as investigations into the circumstances of her demise continue.

WWE are said to have a tribute planned for her on Raw, I am hearing a tribute video package has been made, and will air, depending on time. There will also likely be a graphic dedicating the episode to her as the show begins.

Raw tease:

  • Styles' longtime friends Gallows & Anderson to make Raw debut
  • How will Dean Ambrose retaliate against Chris Jericho?
  • Has Baron Corbin stolen Dolph Ziggler's spotlight?
  • Will old-school fisticuffs trump new-school smacktalk with The Vaudevillains and Enzo & Cass?
  • Is Shane McMahon's tenure as Raw showrunner coming to an end?

Bret talks WWE appearance:

Bret Hart says he has no desire to appear at Payback, but will out of respect to a request for him to do so by Natalya. He says his wrist is not sufficiently recovered for him to get involved as he would like, but added he is fit enough to slap the Sharpshooter on Ric Flair.

LU injuries:

Angelico injured his elbow, and Matanza Cueto was rushed to hospital after punching through a glass window and slicing a vein in his arm, causing profuse bleeding. The injury is though not as bad as first feared.

Faction finished:

Alberto Del Rio says League Of Nations has run it's course, and was only done as a stop gap for it's members, as they feared they would be overlooked for Mania 32.

He also said he has two or three years left, before he retires from the ring, and wants one more run with the WWE title before he goes home.

WWE sign actor:

WWE have signed a deal with Wesley Snipes' film company to make a number of films in partnership with their movie arm, WWE Studios.

John Cena:

John Cena has revealed his return date. He will be back on May 30, four months earlier than expected.


Xavier Woods responds to internet troll, using the ''F'' word...


R-Truth has revealed he has a clothing line coming out soon.

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