Friday, April 1, 2016

Today's News

HOF'er blasts Hogan win:

Bret Hart is not impressed with Hulk Hogan's massive financial win vs Gawker, and has railed against him today...

"He's coming into a nice little bonus there for being a racist. The real truth of it is those statements that Hogan made, me personally, I was offended by it. I'm a Canadian guy. But for years and years in the States, I was a witness to a lot of American wrestlers, most white, Southern, American wrestlers...that were very racist and used the N-word pretty freely and behind the back of the black wrestlers. I was always offended by it. I think with Hogan, I think it's a case of him getting caught...they talk that kind of bulls--t, and they don't look in the mirror and go, 'You know, I am a racist' when they are racist. He admitted to being a racist on the video. I think that for all the money in the world, to people all over the world he was hero. I'm sure he had a lot of black wrestling fans that idolized him and worshiped him. When he goes on TV and says, 'That wasn't me. That's not the real me', I say bulls--t. That was the real you. That's the real you that I've seen, along with countless other wrestlers that are from certain parts of the country that talk in that vernacular and it's not right. I'm glad he stepped into that mess because he tarnished his reputation and his image forever. I have lots of reasons why I don't like Hogan. He's always been a liar. I can't hardly think of a thing that he's said in his life that's been true or honest. He's a liar. He's a piece of s--t. He's a rich piece of s--t now."

Hogan was not the only one he set his sights on though, WWE got a tougue lashing for this years Mania booking...

"A little bit of my issue with Wrestlemania this year is it's not fair that all the wrestlers who are on the road, doing the work, pulling the wagon, that are traveling every day and away from their families and doing the grunt work are in the lower matches. Brock Lesnar is the main event, and he's on the road three days a year. Undertaker is on the road three days a year. They can sit at home and train and get ready for these big pay-per-views and make all the money. The Rock, who isn't even a wrestler, he's going to get a pay day. He'll get a pay day more than someone like Dolph Ziggler will make for the whole year. Vince McMahon has his kid wrestling against the Undertaker. Triple H is the 1000 time World Champion. There's a lot of nepotism right now in wrestling."

Dallas spoil angle:

Local WrestleMania promotional material has the main event of Mania changing to a no dq bout on the night.

WrestleMania 32:

Legends have started arriving for WrestleMania and the Hall Of Fame, including Steve Austin, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Sean Waltman, Ric Flair, Fifi The Maid, Madusa, Tatanka, Diamond Dallas Page, Gene Okerlund, Edge, Christian, Jake Roberts, members of Roman Reigns' family, Carlos Colon and many others. Cesaro is also in town, possibly for the battle royal. Hulk Hogan has though denied rumours that he is in Dallas.

WWE unveiled the Dusty Rhodes memorial statue today. Triple H and Dusty's sons did the honours.

WWE have been preparing and practising a ''Massive stunt'' for the Hell In A Cell match.

WWE have released a video from inside the arena, as construction continues...

Foley in training:

Mick Foley revealed that he is training his daughter to wrestle on Steve Austin's podcast last night. She says she wants to be a WWE diva.


Tonight the pre WrestleMania NXT special will air on the Network.

Major Mania move?:

It has been reported today that WWE have shifted things around, and that The Undertaker vs Shane McMahon is now going to close WrestleMania, instead of HHH vs Roman Reigns. This is not confirmed officially.


WWE have created their own emoticon, to promote WrestleMania on social media site Twitter.


The Undertaker has a black eye.

Major Mania return (Potential SPOILER!!!):

Speculation is rising that a major name will be coming back to WWE at WrestleMania 32. That name is reportedly Goldberg. Of course there is no official conformation of this, or any idea of what he will be doing at the show, if he were to be there.

WWE meet with WWN:

WWE officials were at a business meeting with WWN, owners of Evolve and DGUSA, to discuss the furthering of their business relationship.

Cena bitter about Mania?:

John Cena says he is fit and ready to go, and in his opinion should have been cleared to return to the ring two weeks ago. When his interviewer pushed the point, asking if he was mad about being left off the card, he said no, and was excited for the people that were involved.

Total Diva's:

Renee Young, Lana and Naomi have been taping this week, for Total Diva's. It is rumoured they will be added to the cast, as E! are worried about falling viewers, and want to shake things up.

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