Sunday, May 31, 2015

Today's News

Elimination Chamber:

WWE will present their Elimination Chamber Network special tonight, a new Intercontinental champion will be crowned, and for the first time a Tag Team match will be held in the structure. The World and Diva's championships are also up for grabs.

Former WWE star profiled by movie website:

Grantland gave a bio piece to introduce Nathan Jones, who appears in the Mad Max remake, currently airing in theatres, they touched on his brief WWE career...

''All this was supposed to build to a tag-team match at WrestleMania, with Undertaker and Jones taking on the Big Show and A-Train. But Jones was still new to pro wrestling and not ready for a match of that magnitude. Instead, the story line changed: The bad guys laid Jones out backstage, leaving Undertaker to successfully face both heels by himself. After that, Jones disappeared from WWE TV for a few months. When he came back, he and fellow giant Matt Morgan became the new pet monsters of Paul Heyman, then Brock Lesnar's manager. They both joined Lesnar's Survivor Series team, losing a tag-team match to a team captained by Kurt Angle. A few weeks later, Jones was gone from the company, this time for good.''

Austin Aries addresses his future:

''No matter who's wrestling companies you root for or hate on, remember the human element. We're all people working to provide, just like you. If you need to spread negativity or wish the worst, step back and ask yourself why and what good it brings you... The world's a sphere for a reason...what's put out there, it all comes around. I would extend those comments to the journalists who provide for theirs by reporting on what I do... Just because you have the "scoop" doesn't make you a #GR8 reporter. Knowing when it IS and ISN'T responsible to share that scoop does.''

SummerSlam match revealed?:

WWE superfan Stephen Amell, of Arrow fame, has been pushing WWE to give him the chance to host Raw for months, even offering to wrestle to seal the deal, he may be getting that chance, but on a much grander stage. Hollywood Life are reporting that the actor will face Stardust at the summer spectacular, SummerSlam, and he has tweeted that he is taking a break from acting to spend time with his family, and to learn some wrestling moves.

WWE did tease something between the two men on Raw recently.

Lesnar sells out:

The Japan WWE show in Tokyo has sold out, just hours after Brock Lesnar was announced for the event.


FW4 report that WWE are currently working on Finn Balor's WWE promotion to the main roster.


Still no conformation on Rusev's status, but he will be at Elimination Chamber tonight, even if he does not compete.

TNA vs Destination America:

TNA execs are ''Very livid'' at their Network hosts re-tweeting a parody news story from Kayfabe news, saying they would be airing WWE Raw on their channel too.The anger does not stem from the joke, poorly timed as it is, given the current situation, but from a paragraph stating that TNA will soon be banished from existence. The line stated, to the effect, that when they add Raw, ROH and TNA, ''If they still exist next week'' would have to pick at the scraps left at the WWE table.

Ziggler talks future plans:

"When I was about 10 years old, I was hoping to be a WWE superstar and then go on to be the governor of Ohio or something - it's not impossible. But wrestling is and always will be my first love and I would not miss a (WWE) show for anything else."

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