Monday, May 18, 2015

Today's News


Pre - R-Truth bt Stardust
Pre - The Ascension bt Mega Powers 2.0

  1. Sheamus bt Dolph Ziggler
  2. The New Day bt Cesaro & Tyson Kidd 2-1 to retain the Tag Championship
  3. Bray Wyatt bt Ryback
  4. John Cena bt Rusev to retain the United States Championship
  5. Naomi & Tamina Snuka bt The Bella Twins
  6. Neville bt King Barrett
  7. Seth Rollins bt Dean Ambrose, Randy Orton and Roman Reigns to retain the WWE Championship


  • Dolph Ziggler was bust open and needed 10 stitches, some are accusing him of blading.
  • Neville jarred his knee.
  • Ryback was also injured in his defeat to Bray Wyatt, he suffered a suspected broken rib.

Steve Austin:

Stone Cold Steve Austin has agreed to return to the WWE Network, he will interview Paul Heyman in June.


Despite the edict from their network hosts TNA have announced their 2016 UK tour will go ahead.

WWE have also confirmed their 11 day November tour for later this year...

  • Wednesday, 4 Nov., 7:30 p.m.: 3Arena, Dublin, Ireland
  • Thursday, 5 Nov., 7:30 p.m.: Cardiff Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff, Wales
  • Thursday, 5 Nov., 7:30 p.m.: The SSE Hydro, Glasgow, Scotland
  • Friday, 6 Nov., 7:30 p.m.: The O2 London, London, England
  • Saturday, 7 Nov., 7:30 p.m.: First Direct Arena, Leeds, England
  • Sunday, 8 Nov., 5 p.m.: Genting Arena, Birmingham, England
  • Sunday, 8 Nov., 5 p.m.: Liverpool Echo Arena, Liverpool, England
  • Raw: Monday, 9 Nov., 7 p.m.: Manchester Arena, Manchester, England
  • SmackDown TV: Tuesday, 10 Nov., 7 p.m.: Manchester Arena, Manchester, England
  • Tuesday, 10 Nov., 7:30 p.m.: Odyssey Arena, Belfast, Northern Ireland
  • Wednesday, 11 Nov., 7:30 p.m.: Brighton Centre, Brighton, England
  • Thursday, 12 Nov., 7:30 p.m.: Newcastle Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle, England
  • Friday, 13 Nov., 7:30 p.m.: Nottingham Capital FM Arena, Nottingham, England
  • Saturday, 14 Nov., 7 p.m.: Butlins Arena, Minehead, England

Elimination Chamber:

The six entrants into the Intercontinental Championship, and Tag Team Championship chamber matches will be decided on Raw tonight.

Tough Enough changes:

WWE have shuffled the team for Tough Enough. Lita has been removed from the expert panel, and will train the girls, and Booker T has also joined the training team. Byron Saxton is rumoured to be joining the show too.

Raw teaser:

  • Is Rollins really as good as he says he is?
  • What 'I Quit' Match aftermath lies ahead for John Cena, Rusev and Lana?
  • Who's going into the Elimination Chamber?
  • Will Barrett settle the score with Neville in kingly fashion?
  • Will Naomi become the next Divas Champion?

Stephanie McMahon has confirmed her TV return tonight.

Next week, Raw will be hosted by the cast of Entourage.

Indy group lay claim to Joe:

Speculation is growing that Samoa Joe's WWE debut is getting ever closer, but one group, North East Wrestling, say they have a deal for Joe to work for them this summer, and that fans should expect Samoa to fulfill the agreed dates.

Mexican wrestler banished:

Rush has been persona non grata in Mexico for a number of weeks after an physical altercation with a security guard. The security guard is in need of repeated medical treatment, and CMLL are refusing to book him, as they hope to avoid the negative publicity, which is rife in the country in the wake of Perro Aguayo Jr's death earlier this year.

The Rock:

The Rock has confirmed he will be back in Fast & Furious 8.


Chael Sonnen has revealed he had to chase down Jeff Jarrett to get his job with GFW.

Did Rusev quit?:

A fan has translated what Rusev actually said at Payback last night... Here it is...

''Ahhh no...ahhh I give up! Next time we will crush you! I give up! Stop! I told you! I'll crush you Cena! Damn your old mother, Cena! I will crush you! That's enough, I told you!.''

Adam Rose:

Adam Rose has tweeted that the party is over, hinting at a change in gimmick.

Eric Bischoff talks WWE vs WCW:

"People always said during the Monday Night Wars that the only way we were able to compete was due to a large checkbook and deep pockets. That's not very true at all. That is a false narrative designed to shape history. WWE had significant advantages over WCW and vice versa. One of the advantages and disadvantages of WCW had to deal with was being a member of Turner Broadcasting. The advantage is true you are owned by a network therefore they are more invested in you and you have more latitude in certain aspects. The disadvantage was our crew at times because when I started with Turner, they still had the NFL and the NBA. Turner had a significant sports tradition and we had to use only Turner production people. We were on the bottom of the list and if we were in the NBA season for example and the entire best camera and tech guys, production guys that we normally used were needed as they would go and be on the more important broadcasts. That left us in a tough spot because of where we were on the bottom of the pecking order. We got what was left over and sometimes need to scramble at the last minute and find freelancers we never worked with us before. The result would be ending up having a rotating door of production staff due to Baseball, the NBA and the NFL. That was a tough situation to be in. That was most of the time. We had a lot of people that never worked with us before operating hand held cameras. Specifically those guys were not used to or familiar with shooting the action in a wrestling ring, they are always a heartbeat and a half behind. When you shoot wrestling, you have to anticipate what is going to happen next and be slightly ahead of it as opposed to following as it happens unlike other sports. The results of that would be sloppiness and a lot of missed shots. The angles you would have liked to have were never really there because our cameraman were not used to what they were seeing or how to cover it. That was a big disadvantage that WCW had. WWE had years to develop and train their staff. WWE makes sure the production team got exactly what Vince McMahon was looking for and how he wanted it. He was able to build that, we couldn't. We had the where do we go environment 75% of the time."

WWE games:

WWE will release 2K16 in October, they say the game will have the biggest roster in the franchises history.

Scott Hall:

Scott Hall was physically removed from an indy show over the weekend, he was said to be too drunk to perform.

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