Saturday, May 30, 2015

Today's News

Neville defends gimmick:

"You know what, especially on Twitter I get a lot of people hating on the cape! But I like the cape. And you know what, kids love capes. So if anything I'm doing it for the children!."

NXT champ leaving:

Kevin Owens has signed his main roster papers and will wrestle full time on the big stage. He will continue to appear for NXT for a couple of months, firstly because their is already a few weeks of footage in the can waiting to air, and secondly he will need to drop the NXT title at some point.

Camacho talks injuries to others killing his WWE career:

"It definitely played a role. He (Mistico) had significant injuries that just happened one after the other. First it was his knee, then his hand. The poor guy was just plagued by injuries and it did hold us up. Their were opportunities for us to start something with another talent on the roster and they tried to get us into something with Ted Dibiase and that came to a stand still creatively because Ted wanted something else and we were just bouncing around doing live events and just doing tag matches with different people."

Stephanie selling stock:

Stephanie McMahon has filed paperwork to have 609,733 shares of WWE stock taken from her trust fund, and to be made available for sale before the end of this calendar year.


Machine Gun Kelly will host Raw on June 15.

Joe to UK:

Samoa Joe will be making his debut for Preston City Wrestling on August 7.

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