Sunday, May 3, 2015

Today's News

Perfection maintained:

One time WWE wrestler Floyd Mayweather maintained his perfect winning record against Manny Pacquiao last night. He now stands at 48-0 as a boxer, and 1-0 as a wrestler.

WWE mark the 100th birthday of Hall Of Famer Stu Hart:

WWE man wins Emmy:

Scott Stanford won one of the 3 Emmy Awards he was nominated for, at a ceremony in New York last night.

ESPN host turns her back on WWE:

Michelle Beadle says she has ended her fandom of the WWE in protest of Triple H supporting boxer Floyd Mayweather, she tweeted to break the news that she will no longer attend WWE shows, as long as Hunter is in charge...

''I've loved WWE for a long time. But TripleH and his love for a serial abuser is too much. I'm turning in my fan card. They've given me great seats to amazing events over the years. I'm grateful.  But I'm also done now.''

Possibly because of these comments, Beadle was banned from the boxing event, she, along with a colleague, were not allowed into the media area, to report on the bout.

Kidd thanks Hall Of Famer:

Tyson Kidd has thanked Dusty Rhodes for his help in making him the best he can be...

"He's been a huge influence. He helped me find my voice and he'd critique my body language. He has a very special eye. It's a lot of little things together. The speaking part was obviously a huge part, but it was all the little things."

Hogan talks ring return:

Hulk Hogan has furthered his comments about a ring return, and it seems he is hoping for one more run, not just a one off match...

"Next year, WrestleMania is going to be where the Dallas Cowboys play at the AT&T stadium and next year they're going to try to break my indoor attendance record," Hogan said. "So, I stopped Vince McMahon in the hallway and said, 'Let me tell you something brother, there's no way you're running WrestleMania next year without Hulk Hogan on the card. Whether it's for my last hurrah and it's my retirement match, whether it's for my next run or whether it's to just beat whoever's got the WWE title and become the champion again. If you guys are in that stadium next year, I'm going to be there.' And Vince McMahon shook my hand and said, 'I look forward to it.' If it happened I would want it to be the greatest match of all time, of course ... If it's the end of my career and a huge emotional send-off that would be great, or if it's the beginning of another huge run for Hulkamania and me chasing the dream of winning the WWE title, that would be brilliant. I'm thinking very positively about getting back in the ring."

Neville awards fan:

Adrian Neville appeared on a TV show to surprise a young fan today. The boy was a guest of the show, where he was being interviewed about an act of bravery on his part. He was home one day with his mum, who was sleeping, whilst he took a shower, when someone broke into their house, his mother awoke and began fighting to get the man out of the house, without managing to do so. He heard the commotion and left the WC to see what was happening, and after seeing his mother's struggle, called the police from an upstairs phone. The police came, caught the bad guy, and the story made the news in local media. The Meredith TV show decided to give Ethan Reno a treat, and introduced him to his favourite WWE superstar on their show this weekend.

Neville paid a heartfelt tribute to the boy's bravery...

"So I heard about your story, and when I heard I said, I have to meet this guy. I want you to know that I'm super, super impressed with what you did. Your bravery and your courage would put any WWE Superstar to shame, and I'm proud of you Ethan."

Sheamus talks horrible WWE tryout match:

"Of all people, I had a tryout with Dolph Ziggler. The match was a disaster. Dolph had only been in the ring like three months and he's brought up as a caddy for Chavo Guerrero."

He said Finlay took him aside, gave him some pointers, and the rest is history.

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