Saturday, May 2, 2015

Today's News


Eric Young and Kenny King won the World and X Division titles on last night's Impact. Kurt Angle has been receiving some criticism for some of the risks he took during his match.

Alex Riley:

Alex Riley's surgery is a minor clear up of a degenerative tissue problem with his knee, he expects to be back in the gym in 72 hours.

Vince pays tribute:

Vince McMahon has released a picture from the WWE staff party, thanking a lady named Gale, who has reached 30 years of loyal service with the WWE.

Linda McMahon:

Linda McMahon is working on setting up a new business, but no-showed an interview where she was to make an announcement on the project. Her people say she wants to wait until she has fleshed the project out, and has added meat to it's bones.

Sheamus vs Shelton:

Sheamus has recalled a real world feud he had upon joining WWE, with Shelton Benjamin...

"I've got no problem with Shelton, he's an amazing athlete. But every time we were sitting down he was calling me rookie. I don't know what it was. I'd never been anything but nice to him and I just wanted to make the feud good. It really annoyed me, but I was going to stay professional about it. At TLC after I beat John Cena, I was sitting there with the championship and I thought to myself, 'Who's the bleedin' rookie now, mate?."

He added the locker room sided with Benjamin, and made sure he knew it...

"I walked backstage and it was like a ghost town, there were so many people pissed off. It was brilliant,"

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