Thursday, May 7, 2015

Today's News


A former World champion will return to TNA this Friday. The announcement of who that star is, will be at the start of the live broadcast on the day.

Payback (Possible SPOILER!!!):

The last minute addition of Dean Ambrose to the Payback main event may be leading to a double heel turn and reformation of The Shield, which will continue until the three members split again and compete against each other in a triple threat match at WrestleMania 32. If WWE are going with this angle it is a very late change, WWE still have not informed digital media channels of the change, as some are still advertising the triple threat, and would see Reigns and Ambrose attacking Orton, to help Rollins retain his WWE Championship.

Curb stomp:

WWE say any decision on the future use of the curb stomp finisher, used by Seth Rollins, is ''On hold'' until the concussion lawsuits have gone away.

Young Bucks:

TNA, ROH and Lucha Underground are all preparing improved bids to try to tempt the Young Bucks into exclusive deals with their promotion.

Jeff Hardy:

Jeff Hardy is doing well in his recovery, and expects to be back in the ring in two months.

TNA talent issues:

TNA have left their roster furious and short of work for this month, after cancelling the China tour with near no notice to their talent. The tour was to have been a big earner for beleaguered stars, unhappy with lack of TNA dates in recent months. This cancellation means the TNA roster have to scramble around for dates with other promotions.

Most worryingly for TNA, members of their roster are sending out feelers to other promotions, including WWE. One un-named TNA star was told that WWE would not be taking anyone from the promotion, even if they went through the try out camp, or applied for Tough Enough. If it is true that TNA talent are considering applying for a reality show to get away from TNA, then TNA have deep and fundamental issues, and really need to work on their talent management in a hurry.

Sami Zayn:

Bret Hart worked through Sami Zayn's Raw match with the Canadian. The plan was not to bring him up full time, but he was to work the SmackDown taping the next night, he could not, due to the injury he suffered on his way to the ring on Monday, after apparently over exuberantly waving his arms around on his way from the locker room. He reportedly tore a rotator cuff, and may be missing for several months.

Alex Riley:

Alex Riley has had his knee surgery today.

Send him to the jungle:

Bobby Lashley says he wishes CM Punk could have at least one match before making his UFC debut, advising the bosses at the group to ''Send him to the jungle somewhere'' to get some competitive MMA experience, out of the glare of the media in the US.

Major NXT injury:

Hideo Itami has reportedly suffered a shoulder injury that will keep him benched for 6-8 months. This, at this stage, is officially unconfirmed.

Adam Rose:

Adam Rose wants to return to his original WWE gimmick Leo Kruger, and tweeted to say so, after the ESPN documentary last night. This comes after the moment he was told he was to be given a new character was aired on the documentary, showing how upset he was at the idea. Fans have also taken a personal interest in him, after he revealed that his son suffers a rare condition that means he cannot eat in the normal way, and has to be fed by a tube through his stomach. He also said his son had already lived longer than his doctors expected him too.

Backlund hijacks funeral:

Bob Backlund has grossly offended the Gagne family after interrupting the eulogy at the late Hall Of Famer Verne Gagne's funeral. Greg, his son, was introducing Mean Gene Okerlund to continue paying tribute to his dad, when Backlund stood up from his seat, went to the lectern, and cut a heel promo ''That was clearly out of place'' for the setting.

This follows recent fan complaints about the Hall Of Famer's strange behaviour at fan conventions. He has been making fans young and old alike recite the United States Presidents before he would agree to give anyone an autograph, if they failed to deliver the list to his satisfaction, they would be sent away without their prized signature.

Owen Hart:

To mark what would have been the 50th birthday of Owen Hart, WWE have today announced they are working on the first dedicated Owen Hart DVD collection.

Martha, Owen's wife, and their children have been consulted, and are said to be supportive of the project, despite the tensions between the two sides over the years.

Tough Enough:

WWE have named the expert panel for the new series of Tough Enough as Hulk Hogan, Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan and Paige.

WWE linked to murder:

A 20 year New Jersey man has killed an 18 month old child, after performing ''WWE moves'' on the baby. The man 
successfully performed the rock bottom on the child on a piece of furniture, but then attempted the last ride, made famous by The Undertaker. This time he missed the item of furniture (Not specified, I presume a bed) and the child hit the floor, collapsing a lung and potentially breaking his neck. Doctors could not save the boy.

WWE have released a statement...

"There is no excuse for a 20-year-old grown man to assault an 18-month old child, no matter what. Using a flimsy excuse about emulating a wrestling maneuver does not absolve Brandon Hoffman of this abhorrent crime. The death of Bryson Shoemaker is a tragedy, and WWE offers its condolences to the child's mother, Sierra Shoemaker."

Austin talks Mania 32:

"There was no creative for me at WrestleMania XXXI. Now with WrestleMania XXXII coming up in Texas, I would be pretty damn sure I'm going to be there. It's my home state and it just makes more sense."

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