Sunday, May 10, 2015

Today's News

TNA find new announcer:

The Pope is returning to TNA. He will join Josh Mathews on the comms desk for Impact on May 22.

Hogan vs the Media:

Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Hart refused to interact with fans at an airport as they returned from Australia, because of the media following them around with their cameras. He said he could not pose for pictures or sign autographs because the cameras were ''Stressing him out.''

Honour the King:

Today is Jerry Lawler day in Memphis.

Dolph Ziggler seeks new job:

Dolph Ziggler's agent is in talks for a Comedy Central show for the WWE man. Dolph has expressed an interest in making an improv show.

JTG interview:

On heat with WWE...

"We had heat from the day we stepped foot into the WWE doors." I asked if the heat was more on Shad's end. "Man, there's no such thing as Shad. That's how it is in the wrestling business when you're in a tag team. Even if you look up stories about The Rockers. Sometimes Marty Jannetty would get into trouble but The Rockers felt the brunt of it and it was the same thing with Shad. When Shad did something then Cryme Time felt it and vice versa. If I did something then Cryme Tyme felt it."

On WWE racism...

"I'm not gonna say it doesn't exist anymore. I don't believe WWE is racist. Right now they have the tag team champions Kofi Kingston and Big E and Xavier Woods. I wouldn't say that they're [WWE] racist but there's definitely a system in place, that I believe...this is my opinion, that African American, black Superstars, can go so far. That's from what I've see and that's my perception because as of right now to this day I've never seen a black WWE Champion. Not the title from WCW, I'm talking about the WWE Championship. I haven't seen a black face of the company."

On Triple H ruining WWE...

"In my opinion, if Triple H could put aside his ego and his dislike for a person and focus on business then I think it could probably be a lot better. For example, I don't think he was a big fan of Zack Ryder. Zack Ryder did everything he could to get over and he got over and when he was in MSG [at Survivor Series 2011] and The Rock was there and they were chanting Zack Ryder's name. I wasn't in New York [at the time] but my buddy told me that he went to Survivor Series and he was on the train and they were chanting for Zack Ryder. That was the perfect time to take advantage and make some money off of Zack Ryder. That was the perfect underdog story and it was all thrown to the side because he wasn't favored by Hunter. When you see someone try so hard to get know Zack Ryder busted his ass and he got a lot of respect backstage and from the boys in the locker room. He got so much respect for getting over on his own and not needing the machine to push him. He got a little push but they buried him. That put a black eye on the morale in the locker room. It was like damn, if he did all that it kind of make everybody not even wanna try."

Darren Young:

Darren Young is making a documentary aside from his WWE career, although a WWE employee has accompanied him to the GLAAD awards as he begins taping the feature, so they will likely be watching what is going on, and will be signing off on the content of the film.

Roman Reigns attacks CM Punk:

Roman Reigns says CM Punk had nothing to do with creating The Shield, and the only thing he ever made was his ''Pepsi tattoo''. He said he, Rollins and Ambrose where the main minds behind the creation of the group, adding others had input, but Punk was not one of them.


TNA had to turn fans away from the last taping due to high demand for tickets, but fans left the show as it was going on, in their droves, and TNA were disappointed with the lack of crowd atmosphere. On a more positive note TNA officials and talent have praised Billy Corgan's first day of work for the promotion. He was said to have been very interested in the product, and had some great ideas and pointers for the talent.

Chris Hero will not be working for TNA, he was just visiting friends.

WWE linked to another death:

A 17 year Indian boy was attacked by a group of others and beaten to death, whilst another boy recorded it on his mobile telephone, and then posted it online. Several of those involved have been arrested. However, the largest English language newspaper in the country are attributing the attack to a ''WWE style'' fight, that went too far. Now, I am not going to post the footage here, but I have seen it, and it, to me, has no resemblance to a WWE match in any way, it was a 7 on 1 back alley gang attack, I think this constant attempt by the media to blame every tragedy they can on WWE is getting really silly. WWE have not commented on this latest incident.

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