Thursday, May 21, 2015

Today's News

WWE debut:

Samoa Joe made his WWE debut for NXT on last night's Network special.

Joe told Renee Young after his debut...

"It felt right, it felt natural, it felt like I should have been here. After being there tonight, I know I should have been here all along."

Joe has not yet signed an exclusive WWE deal, and will continue to work indy shows as well as NXT events, but Triple H, who took personal charge of signing the former TNA man, will leave the option of joining up full time on the table.

Other notes from last night...

WWE filmed an angle to write Hideo Itami off screen, they shot him being attacked in the parking lot.

TNA star Sarita made an appearance, during Tyler Breeze's entrance.

Bischoff sues TNA:

Eric Bischoff is taking TNA to court for $114,500.02. He claims the company owe him the money, as they breached their pay to play contract for his production services, and the wrestling services of his son Garrett.

TNA say they never asked Bischoff, his production company, or his son to work any dates without being paid upfront, and will leave the door open to the possibility of working with them again in the future.

TNA dropped:

Destination America have reportedly (Meltzer) dropped TNA from their channel, and will pull the programme from their network at the earliest opportunity, this September. The news was delivered to TNA's parent company, with the poor ratings vs cost of production being cited as the main reason for the decision.

The network hoped to keep this news secret until they announced their fall schedules.

The news was passed down to Dixie Carter late last week.

The only response from the promotion has come from Bob Carter, who, whilst promising the company will survive, did not offer a denial to these very worrying reports for the future of their company....

''For almost 13 years some people have predicted we were about to go out of business.  It's no more true today than it was then.''

TNA are threatening to sue any and all internet sites that release statements about this, claiming they are false and defamatory, I don't know what statements they are referring too, the only one I have seen, and shared here, comes directly from Bob Carter's Twitter feed. Based on Tweets from Billy Corgan, who did concede the office were worried about the sounds coming from their hosts, the threats are aimed at Dave Meltzer's reports on this, and I haven't read his piece as I use him extremely rarely as a source for this page.

Injury notes:

WWE are staying quiet on Daniel Bryan's status, but the mood is said to be bleak. He, at the very best, will be gone for a long time, and his chances of coming back at all are not looking good.

Hideo Itami's injury has been described as a fluke incident.

Sami Zayn did work last night, but he is apparently scheduled to have shoulder surgery next month.

WWE need to fight to keep star:

Fox and ESPN are monitoring the contract situation of Renee Young, both want to add her to their presentation teams, however WWE have big plans for the Canadian, and would be devastated to lose her so soon.

WrestleMania 32:

Vince McMahon is already preparing on making WrestleMania 32 the biggest event in wrestling history, he wants it to be a sell out.

Ronda Rousey is still interesting WWE for the show, despite UFC and Rousey herself ruling it out.

Women to be given more prominence:

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon are leading the push to give the women of WWE a much larger role in their future booking. They are drawing the attention of the WWE board to the success achieved by Ronda Rousey in UFC as proof that women can lead a major promotion, and still earn mega bucks.

Hall Of Famer featured:

Jerry Lawler appeared during a tribute package for TV host David Letterman last night.

Sunny addresses porn career:

Sunny has conceded she has been approached by Vivid, but says she has no intention of doing porn, and that negotiations had not yet begun, and nothing is signed.

Sue the 'E':

Big Vito is urging more former WWE stars to join him in suing the WWE for the damage done to their bodies from their in ring careers...


I know all have there view points on this lawsuit. But, if you never stick up for your self, you never know what can be and what cant.If you were in DEEP SOUTH and OVW as a developmental talent, you also have rights. If you have problems and think you need help, Please join the lawsuit I am in litigation in. If you have medical records, you are positively ahead of the game. IF YOU WERE A ENHANCEMENT TALENT IN THE WWF, you also qualify. If you think you are irritating the WWE and think if you join, you will ruin your chances, the bussiness has changed guys, if they have not called you in 5 years, they are not calling you. This is a chance for benefits , the same as in the NFL lawsuit. No one knew, but a Billion dollars divided up for the guys who put there time in and have some issues, now have relief. I am standing up for myself, and all of you. I was never a follower always a leader. So follow me guys and join. I hope the internet guys post this to there sites, TMZ . The WWE will definitely see this and to know that I will be going on TV soon in a tell all, is just proof that you gotta believe in you and the sacrafices you made in life. As you know, you had to be tuff, never say your hurt, if you were , you lost your spot. There are some good people and some WWE HOFers involved and signed on as well. I hope this post makes it back to the right people. I will be heard and know one thing, I dont bulls--t and I speak the truth, when the truth comes out, it isnt a very nice place. Here is the name of the lawyer, his name is Bill Kyros , his number is 1 617 833 3727. Call him and tell him I sent you. Good luck guys and join the fight for rights you deserve. This is a brotherhood that we all seem to have forgotten about.''


Goldberg says he has started doing a bit of kick boxing with Glory.

Indy stars rebuff NXT:

The Young Bucks say despite becoming the hottest promotion in the USA right now, they do not want to join, Matt says he has a young family, and does not want to take a pay cut to get the increased prominence, and Nick does not want to relocate to Florida at this stage of his career.

ROH star Quinn Ojinnaka refused a WWE contract offer, and instead chose to return to ROH, he impressed many during a series of tryouts, but feels he would be better off staying put.

Total Diva's:

Total Diva's is changing nights, and will now air on a Tuesday. Cameron and Rosa Mendes have been dropped from the cast, while Naomi returns for series 4.


Sabu says he does not want WWE Hall Of Fame induction, and that the Pro Wrestling HOF would mean a lot more to him, should he be offered that honour.

Hogan centered in legal case vs FBI:

Gawker, the website that published the Hulk Hogan sex tape are suing the FBI wanting full disclosure on what they told Hogan about how and when the tape found itself in their hands. They also want reimbursing for the cost of duplicating thousands of pages of documents and two discs of video files to aid with the FBI investigation into the case.

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