Friday, March 21, 2014

Today's News

WWE Network:

WWE have released a survey of fans, listing a number of idea's for new reality shows to air on their channel, the idea's under consideration are...

* WWE Rescue...

- WWE stars come to the home of WWE fans, and help them deal with personal and business problems. The show is compared to Nanny 911.

* NXT - Behind the Scenes...

- Following the lives of NXT's stars, their struggle to make it to the main roster, their day to day lives, and relationships. They will also follow stars lives after being cut (Released), to see how they deal with the heartbreak of losing their dream job, and how they readjust to life post WWE.

* WWE Ultimate Challenge...

- Based on the Amazing Race, a WWE star will team with a fan to travel the US, taking part in a series of challenges, as part of a 12 hour scavenger hunt.

* Xtreme WWE Collector...

- Superfans show off their WWE collections.

* Pros vs. Joes...

- WWE stars vs fans in a competition, of physical and non physical challenges. The show is said to be based on Gladiators.

* WWE Around the World...

- Following WWE stars as they travel the world, and experience the culture, take part in challenges, such as swimming with sharks, and meeting the fans of the country, to find out what WWE means to them.

* WWE Dirty Jobs

- WWE stars join fans as they go about their day to day jobs, such as cleaning the sewers.

* WWE Prankdown...

- WWE stars prank fans, one example was taped as a test of the idea, they had John Cena and Randy Orton both go to a car dealership, and both ask to buy the same car. They tried to outbid each other, but eventually started having a match in the middle of the showroom.

* Blackman's Bounties...

- Based on Dog and Beth, this show will follow WWE Alum Steve Blackman's bounty hunter business. Here is a 2012 tease for Blackman's show, which was not picked up at the time... WARNING... very strong language...

All of these idea's are based on other shows, so they basically want to know which show you want them to plagiarize.

Also some PPV events have been taken down from the Network. This is for music and content edits. WWE promise more content will be posted after the free trial ends tomorrow.


The Hammerstein Ballroom in New York have confirmed that they are in talks with TNA to host shows this summer, but that no dates are yet in place.


The DJ that assaulted Batista at a recent live event has been sacked by his radio station, as a result of the incident.

WWE start the party:

WWE stars have been in NOLA this week, filming ad's for Mania, and an episode of Total Diva's. They have also been partying... Hard... Summer Rae and The Bella's are some of those posting many pictures to their social media of their pre Mania festivities in the city.

Ted DiBiase Jr.:

Ted DiBiase Jr. Has discussed his decision to retire from WWE...

"Stepping out of the ring was frightening and exciting at the same time. We had financial security, but I was giving up time I would never get back. Now I'm not getting beat up or jumping off a top rope anymore. I'm home with my wife and my son instead of on the road 290 days a year."

WrestleMania 30:

Ricky Steamboat and Mick Foley have been added to Axxess.

TNA star released:

WWE have dropped Lei D. Tapa from their roster, her last match was a bout vs Gail Kim.

Edge pops for WWE star:

Edge has praised Curt Hawkins as the biggest wasted talent in WWE. As Hawkins prepares to open his own school in New York, Edge, who is one of many stars offering help and support to get things off the ground, criticised WWE for under using his former sidekick.

Hulk Hogan robbery:

Hogan has his boot back. The husband of the thief saw his wife, a Michigan woman, on TV in the act of commiting the crime, and convinced her to give it back, there is an active warrant out for her arrest.

WWE ban:

WWE have banned... Baby Oil. A notice at the PC, and sent to talent, says it should not be used, because it looks bad on High - Def TV's.

Backstage heat:

Goldust is hot with Fandango. He was bust open on Raw, and needed minor medical help to close the wound, but is not happy with the mistake that caused the accident.

Cody Rhodes:

Cody Rhodes says he misses his mask, and will likely bring it back at some point in his career.

Buy a piece of WrestleMania history:

The new owners of the now defunct Pontiac Silverdome, site of WrestleMania 3, have promised to bring the building back to it's best, after paying just $583,000 for the site. And for wrestling fans this could offer a once in a lifetime opportunity. They are selling the seats for $100 each or a block of 4 for $360 on RJM Auctions website.


WWE have started phasing out their current logo, the change will be launched fully after Mania.

Bret Hitman Hart interview:

Bret Hart says he was booked to beat Yokouna at WrestleMania 9, but the result was changed shortly before the event. He also added that he knew nothing of the plan to then give the championship to Hulk Hogan.

He went on to talk about this years Mania, saying he wants to see Daniel Bryan come away from New Orleans with the title. He also defended CM Punk, telling the Boston Herald that Punk is burnt out, and is fed up due to WWE's use of legends. He cited the return of major stars coming back for the big money on a part time basis, while the likes of Punk and Bryan have to carry the load all year round. He went on to express his respect for CM, and his understanding of Punk's frustrations. He ruled out a Mania appearance for the former champ, but said he wants to see him back in the ring, because he has too much talent to stop too soon.

Wrestler on TV:

Former TNA man Cassidy Reilly will be on Duck Dynasty soon.

WWE forced to change theme:

Adam Rose will be given a new theme, it turns out they forgot to get permission for the theme he has been using from the creators of the music, and they were not happy about the snub.

Nikki reveals cost of boobs:

Nikki Bella says her boob implants cost her $6,500. She also broke kayfabe and said Bray Wyatt came to apologize for the promo he cut on her before he went out on Raw earlier this week. She added the promo was very popular in the back.

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