Friday, March 28, 2014

Today's News

Hulk Hogan:

To mark the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania 5, Hulk Hogan, who main evented along with Macho Man Randy Savage, has recalled the match, discussed his friendship, and later feud with Macho, and also revealed how Miss Elizabeth ''Saved'' Savage from being ''Killed'' by Andre during their 1988 feud...

''Andre hated Randy. And the only thing that saved Randy was Elizabeth, because Andre loved Elizabeth. He and Randy didn’t get along. It started out with the baby oil. Randy would just coat himself with baby oil and I remember Andre saying, “No baby oil!” WHAM! “No baby oil!” WHAM! I’d hear these crazy chops come out of the corner and Randy’s eyes would be this big looking at me, trying to get to the corner with me. Andre just did not like him for some reason, and Elizabeth was really the only reason that Randy didn’t get killed.''

He later told how he and Savaged reconciled their friendship shortly before he died in 2011...

''We ran into each other at a doctor’s office. I was on my seventh or eighth back surgery, and I couldn’t pass an EKG because I was getting just jammed up with anesthesia every three or four months. They couldn’t get my back right. My back was collapsing and they were telling my new wife Jennifer I’d never walk again and all of this craziness. Jennifer and I were sitting on those little seats in the doctor’s office in Tampa and all of a sudden the door opens and in comes Randy. “Yeeeah! Ooooh yeah! What’s up?” I went, “[Gasp].” Freaked me out, scared me to death. And he goes, “Hey, brother. What’s up, Hogan?” He had that gleam in his eye and looked really healthy. He gained his weight back and he had a wedding ring on. I said, “Hey, Mach, what’s up with the ring?” He said, “Hey, just married my childhood sweetheart.”

WWE retirements:

Two of WWE's great's of the modern era have discussed the end of the career's. Mark Henry says he has his retirement planned out, and wants to have his retirement match at WrestleMania 32 in 2016. Chris Jericho, says he will be done with wrestling within 5 years, adding that he does not think of himself as a wrestler, but as an entertainer, and he would like to continue to entertain, but his music career takes priority for him, and wrestling will be a side project in his spare time, that he will stop doing for good soon. He says he is currently making the transition away from the wrestling world, and would not be involved in the sport in 5 years time.

CM Punk:

During the above interview Chris Jericho was also asked about CM Punk, he says he understands Punk's point of view, and that he felt the same frustrations with his WWE career in 2005, but that he worked out his contract before leaving the promotion, and would not walk out during his contract. He also said Punk would be replaced, as many others had before him.

Rowdy Roddy Piper says he believes Punk has done the right thing for himself and the company, that it is good for both sides to take a breath and evaluate what each offers to the other, before moving forward.

WrestleMania 30:

10 days to go... Work has started on the construction of the set today, (Picture).

Stone Cold Steve Austin has confirmed he will be in attendance, for the Hall Of Fame ceremony at least.

The Diva's match is still causing confusion. WWE have not made up their mind about what format the 14 woman match will have. They had cleared up some confusion earlier this week saying that it would be a single fall, and that AJ would not have to be involved in the fall to lose her belt, but did not talk about a number of other questions, for example, would all the women be in the ring at once, or would they need to tag in and out?.

Vickie Guerrero has shown how little thought WWE have put into this match, by tweeting her followers to ask them how the match should be done.

WWE have reportedly contacted every major drawing star of the past 30 years, that is still alive, with an invitation to the event. They plan a nostalgic spot with many legends of the past making a cameo appearance.

Rowdy Roddy Piper:

Roddy Piper says he is going to be at WrestleMania 30, but has issued a couple of warnings, firstly, he wants to be involved, and has told WWE if they don't use him, it would be the end of his relationship with the company...

"If they don't use me, then I don't know what the message is, but it would tell me that I'm not welcome. And I don't go any place that I'm not welcome. So I'm not sure what I'd do, but it's hard to see me coming back if they don't want me."

He also said he is glad that Mr. T is going into the HOF, but warned him not to mention him in his speech.

WWE Hall Of Fame:

The USA Network will feature the inductions of The Ultimate Warrior, Jake The Snake Roberts and Lita, on their one hour highlights show.

Randy Orton:

Randy Orton has been given this weekend off to prepare for WrestleMania next weekend.

Daniel Bryan talks Royal Rumble snub:

"It's just interesting that they, that they would not allow me to be in the Royal Rumble. I knew I was going to have the match with Bray Wyatt and it was fun because I was actually doing a string of interviews, probably the Thursday before the Royal Rumble, and I kept telling them, "As of now I'm not in the Royal Rumble but I want to be in the Royal Rumble. If anybody can make any noise or any headway as far as me being in the Royal Rumble, I wanna do it." Stuff like that is the frustrating part about wrestling. You just want opportunities. You want a fair opportunity to just go out there and do your best. So if you're good enough to be in the main event, if you can do everything you need to do then hey, let me do that."

He also revealed his method of avoiding being ribbed, he says whenever anyone played a trick on him, he kicked them in the nuts. He says no-one has tried in to rib him in quite some time.

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