Sunday, March 2, 2014

Today's News

CM Punk:

WWE responded to an internet campaign planning to hijack Raw tomorrow, with a statement that they would plan to counteract the potential problems. That plan is the WWE return of... CM Punk. This according to Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer, who got the story from a ''Top, active WWE star''. He has since however played down the story, saying he trusts his source, but cannot say 100% that it is a done deal.

If true, It appears Punk has gotten his way, and will take the 3rd spot in the main event title match, but would be very unlikely to win, due to his contractual status. The Triple H match has not been ruled out completely though, Triple H wants Punk at Mania, and apparently has not given up on the match yet.

TNA vs Wrestle-1 PPV SPOILERS!!!:

BroMans regained the Tag Titles, and Sanada bt Austin Aries to become the X Division champion at last nights PPV, Taiyo Kea also made a guest appearance in a 6 man tag match.


Mick Foley:

Mick Foley says he has signed up to donate his brain to science, and that he can not walk up / down stairs, due to the toll he has put on his body, during his ring days.


WWE sped up Batista's heel turn over the Elimination Chamber weekend. He was originally set to lose to Alberto Del Rio at the PPV, leading to Randy Orton mocking him over the intervening weeks leading up to Mania, and eventually ''Unleashing the animal'' as Mania gets closer. The crowd response to Batista has forced WWE into changing the plan, and turned him at SmackDown this week.

Shawn Michaels:

Shawn Michaels told fans at a meet and greet, that he is ''Done with wrestling'' and has no intention of coming out of retirement, even for just one more WrestleMania match.

Jim Ross speaking tour:

Jim Ross held a show in New York last night, here are some highlights...

* He said Vince only let him sign Mick Foley in 1996, because he expected him to fail, and would lead to him (JR) being embarrassed...

* He says Macho Man Randy Savage should be in the Hall Of Fame...

* He told a couple of stories about Vince McMahon, one of him refusing to say something on commentary, leading to an heated row, only for McMahon to tell him he was right when he came back through the curtain after the show. And that he did not mind joining the Kiss My A$$ club, because Vince was a clean freak.

* He said all he knew of the Montreal screwjob, ahead of time, was the match would end in a DQ.

* He told a story about Dick Murdoch accidentally picking up a transvestite in a bar, and one of Ric Flair whipping his bits out in the back of a limo, causing the girls he had in the car with him to run away, screaming.

* He remembered the night Owen Hart died, saying he saw him fall out of the corner of his eye as he watched the monitor, and that he has never watched the show since, because it was the hardest night of his career.

AJ Lee:

AJ Lee got a great reaction at a live show this weekend, fans chanted CM Punk throughout, what was described as a very good match vs Natalya, and she pulled faces, and played at been upset whenever they did, her interactions with the crowd went down very well, and endeared her to many in the crowd, despite her being the heel.


Rob Van Dam, says he will be back with WWE before SummerSlam.

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