Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Today's News


WWE sources suggested that Sting had signed his WWE deal yesterday, and would make his debut appearance for the promotion at WrestleMania 30. The story was later played down, and denied by other WWE sources. Although Sting will be in NOLA on Mania day, I would take this as rumour for now.

The Rock talks Hercules:

"I trained and worked harder than ever for 8 months for this role. Lived alone and locked myself away (like a moody 260lb monk) in Budapest for 6 months while filming. Goal was to completely transform into this character. Disappear in the role. Press journalist asked me today, with the mental & physical toll the role had on me, would I do it again? Not only would I do it again.. I'd do it f*cking twice.''

Daniel Bryan:

WWE are reporting that Daniel Bryan has suffered a dislocated shoulder, and torn ligaments. The injury is kayfabe.

WWE 50 book:

TV ad released...

Rey Mysterio:

Rey Mysterio has pledged his future to WWE, and announced himself as a participant in the Andre The Giant Battle Royal, during an interview in Spain, other highlights...

On retirement...

"At the moment I have no plans to retire, I want to keep fighting so my retirement will be in the distant future. And once I retire I would love to be inducted into the Hall Of Fame."

On rumours of joining AAA...

"I have nothing against the AAA but I do not plan to go there, I want to stay in the WWE because it's my home and where I want to end my career. When I renew my contract ends with the company."

On WrestleMania 30...

"At the moment whether or not I will not, but I think I will have a place in the battle royal in honor of Andre The Giant."

On WWE's next top star...

"The future is Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins and Tyson Kidd, the latter deserves more opportunities on television, is very talented and Seth Rollins has a similar style to that of CM Punk."

WWE had been working on the possibility of losing him, and had talked about cutting him loose. In fact they were playing him down on TV in case he told them he was leaving, but the Spanish interview has convinced WWE of his loyalty and they will re-sign him for at least another year soon.

CM Punk:

CM Punk was recording vocals on a music track yesterday, with the band Madball.

A fan at last nights SmackDown taping had a CM Punk face sign confiscated.

Punk will appear in the WWE Slam City cartoon, the episodes were finished before he left, so WWE could do nothing about them, but he will be written out of the Flintstones movie and replaced with Rey Mysterio. He will likely also be written out of the other WWE cartoon Camp WWE, he was the main character in that.

John Cena lands movie role:

John Cena will appear in Trainwreck, a new movie from Judd Apatow.


Layla made her WWE return on Main Event last night.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Fandango vs Fernando...

* Damien Sandow vs Dolph Ziggler...

* Tag Team Championship Number 1 Contenders match, The Shield (Ambrose and Rollins) vs 3MB vs RybAxel vs Real Americans...

* Battle Royal match, the 12 stars currently confirmed for the Mania Battle Royal along with The Miz, who cut a promo confirming his spot beforehand.

* Alberto Del Rio vs Big E...

* The Bella Twins vs Natalya & Summer Rae...

* John Cena vs Luke Harper...

I don't normally post match results for SmackDown, just the cards, but I must today...

After a non finish to the Tag Title contenders match, Kane, who had interfered to attack The Shield, felt bad about it, and promised Tag Title shots to both Real Americans and Rybaxel, although did not say when or where, and gave 3MB spots in the Battle Royal.

The Undertaker appeared after the show.


JBL blasts rumours:

After reports that JBL was behind the Twitter parody account ''Cranky Vince'' earlier this week, the WWE man has decided to come out and deny being involved, writing a long statement listing reasons it wasn't him, I won't post the whole thing, this section gives you the gist of his argument...

''So, I would have had to tweet it on my iPhone, then right away tweet it on the WWE computer (not my computer) on my desktop (because it showed that the two tweets were sent from different devices) that is on camera and in full view of fans and of course King and Cole, all the while doing commentary for Raw. Brilliant. I can say 100% it is not me-it's crazy to me that anyone would think it would be. Don't know why this was done, I think WWE's IT guys have it figured out-but doesn't matter, someone is having fun on Twitter and that's fine. I'll block anyone who brings it up as whoever is behind this account certainly doesn't have WWE's best intentions.''


PWI have disputed the figure that was released yesterday for TNA to host 3 shows in New York later this summer, they say the correct figure is lower than the $300,000 quoted, and called that amount a little higher than the true figure.

They also report that these shows are being held to appease TNA officials, who wanted to take Slammiversary to New York this year, but were over ruled by Dixie Carter, who chose Texas as the venue.

TNA's UK DVD distributor Clearvision has filed for administration in the UK.

WrestleMania 30:

Coming out of SmackDown, 20 names are now confirmed for the Battle Royal, 10 remain, the newest additions are...

* Rey Mysterio (Not sure that this is WWE confirmed yet, Rey announced himself, but if so, it would be his first Mania match since 27, 3 years ago.

* Goldust (First Mania match for 12 years).

* Kofi Kingston.

* The Miz.

* Cody Rhodes.

* Drew McIntyre.

* Heath Slater.

* Jinder Mahal.

Again, not totally clear on 3MB, Kane gave spots to the group due to this weeks SmackDown match result, it is not known 100% if he gave spots to the 2 men involved in the SmackDown match, or all 3 members.

WWE have also announced a two hour pre show kick off, which will air across their social media. The event will have a pre show panel, interviews of those involved, returning legends, and a match.

Tony Schiavone:

Former WWF and WCW announcer Tony Schiavone has ended his self imposed split from wrestling, he went to WWE HQ earlier this month to do some DVD / WWE Network work.

Schivone, who was the voice of WCW during the Monday night wars, has since said he regrets quitting WWE in 1990, and that he left wrestling after WWE told him they did not need him when WCW went bust in 2001. He also said he did not plan to return to WWE full time.

Hogan robbed:

A heavy set woman in her 50's had a group of spring breakers help her steal a signed boot from Hulk Hogan's beach shop in Florida, they knocked down a statue of Hogan, while the elder lady went for the footwear, and left during the commotion. Hogan says he will file a police report.

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