Thursday, March 6, 2014

Today's News

WWE vs Jarrett:

WWE are looking at launching a Tuesday night show, possibly as a response to Jeff Jarrett's new promotion, also looking at having a Tuesday time slot.

WWE Network:

The Network was down earlier today, due to an update being installed.

X-Pac spoils HOF announcement:

X-Pac told fans at a recent meet and greet that he would be involved in this years WrestleMania, when pushed for how he would be used, he said he was going to induct Scott Hall into the Hall Of Fame.

Hall is not yet confirmed, but is strongly rumoured to be on the list for the class of 2014.

The Undertaker:

Taker is booked for all Raws, and 1 episode of SmackDown from now until the post Mania Raw.


Fandango is in the UK at the moment on a promotional tour, and he was asked about the CM Punk situation. He said it was a "tricky situation,", before quickly changing the subject. In a separate interview JBL also shared his views on Punk...

"I don't know any facts on CM Punk-I had the honor of wrestling Punk in his first main events in WWE, including a cage match in Madison Square Garden. I have always enjoyed Punk and being around him, I certainly wish him the best-hope he comes back, but whatever happens my best to him."

Brock Lesnar:

There was an injury following the incident on Raw, where Brock Lesnar threw a monitor into the crowd, a young boy was hit in the face and suffered a bruise, he was checked by WWE doctors, before returning to the crowd to enjoy the rest of the show.

WrestleMania 30:

Big E. vs Cesaro vs Jack Swagger, or Cesaro vs Jack Swagger are being considered

Austin on heel turn:

Stone Cold Steve Austin says John Cena, should not be turned heel, because...

"No, there's no money in turning John Cena heel,"

Wrestler charged for sex assault:

Former AWA man Buck Zumhofe was convicted for 12 acts of sexual molestation on his Daughter. He tried to flee the court room after the reading of the verdict, but was tackled by cops.

TNA star leaves:

Brooke, has changed her social media account names, removing all mention of TNA, this follows her being dumped from the UK tour at the last minute, earlier this year. She has not wrestled since November, but is still on the roster page of their website.

AJ Styles to Japan:

AJ Styles is in talks to join NJPW, he should be on their roster by April.

CM Punk:

WWE did not bury CM Punk on Raw, due to Punk's relationship with Vince McMahon, Vince still hopes and believes Punk will see sense and return, however Triple H is not as keen on the former WWE champion. Speculation is, Punk may find it very difficult to return after Triple H takes control of WWE, and insiders say he should use what leverage he has with McMahon, while he can.

WWE TV deals:

ESPN say they are not interested in WWE's TV deals, and would not be joining the bidding war.


TNA have announced Slammiversary will be in Arlington, Texas on June 8 at the University Of Texas Campus.

Cornette to HOF:

James Cornette says he would only accept WWE HOF induction if he was inducted with the Midnight Express, but added that he didn't expect it to happen any time soon.

New WWE Alumni:

The Moondogs.

Also Alexander Rusev and his Valet Lana have been added to WWE.Com's active roster.

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