Thursday, March 27, 2014

Today's News


Kevin Steen and Roderick Strong had their WWE tryouts last week, and it seems it went well for at least one of them. Steen says he will not re-sign with ROH when his deal expires in June.

Gail Kim talks Lei D. Tapa:

"She's a great girl. She has passion and she has determination. She honestly was just very inexperienced. She only had three years of experience under her belt and it just wasn't enough right now. I had two years of experience when I got hired by WWE and I got fired, and that was the best thing that ever happened to me. I didn't know it at that time, but it just motivated me even more and I think she's the same type of person that's going to go out and get better. She just needs more experience and I don't see this pulling her down in any way. All of us are rooting for her because we all loved her. She has such a great look, such a great presence, and she's got it in her blood. I have no doubt that she's going to be a big star one day. It just takes time.''

Brother vs Brother:

Bret Hitman Hart has revealed that WWE originally wanted his 1994 Brother vs Brother feud to see him wrestle his Brother Bruce, not Owen Hart. In conversation with Chris Jericho he recalled Owen, coming to him after the 1993 SummerSlam to tell him he was quitting the business to become a fireman, due to frustration with his status, leading to Bret fighting for his younger sibling's future. This came to a head in 1994 when WWE wanted to use Owen as a stepping stone to lead to a WrestleMania match for Bruce vs Bret. The plan was Owen accusing Bruce of being a bully and Bruce destroying him, then Bret makes the save and the feud is on.

Bret wanted no part of it, he was very derogatory about his Brother Bruce's ability, even at his peak, which he says he was not at in 94'. Bruce at the time, according to the Hitman had a pot belly and a bum knee, and that he (Bret) felt he could not work a match with him.

He then brought up the idea of having Owen as his opponent, but Vince baulked at the idea, and was adamant that they wanted Bret vs Bruce. Bret stood firm, he wanted Owen, and told McMahon that he was prepared to quit the company should they go ahead with the Bruce Hart angle.

Eventually WWE caved and Bret got his way, he and Owen had a great feud throughout 94' and Owen went on to have a long and successful career, although of course, it could have been longer... RIP Owen.

AMC to launch wrestling show:

AMC, who have recently been linked with a buy out of WWE, will air a reality show based on Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan's Resistance Pro group, they announced today.

Zack Ryder snubbed?:

Zack Ryder has revealed he found out he was going to be on the WrestleMania 30 card (In the Battle Royal) by watching Raw this week. He was not informed by WWE about his spot before hand.

WWE change host:

Michael Cole will host the next series of Legends Roundtable, taking over from Jim Ross.

Where is she now?:

The Kat, former WWE Women's Champion, and ex of Jerry Lawler, now works as an insurance agent in Florida.

Bruno Sammartino:

CBS in Pittsburgh are looking at giving the Bruno Sammartino documentary it's first airing on Mother's Day.

WWE vs Indy wrestling:

WWE are planning to swamp San Diego with NXT live shows going into WrestleMania 31. This is because the embargo they wanted on any wrestling events or shows in the area building up to next year's Mania has seemingly been rejected by the city. WWE instead will try to put indy promoters off hosting shows by putting on live events of their own. Hoping they will not be able to compete with the WWE juggernaut.


Christian is set to announce his retirement. A long run of injuries have taken their toll on his body, and WWE do not factor him into their long term plans any more, because he is around so rarely. He will though stay with WWE, they are lining up a role for him at the PC as a trainer.

He is expected to see out his current contract before he makes his announcement.

Jonathan Coachman:

WWE are looking at re-hiring Jonathan Coachman, but it will not be a full time return. He will continue with ESPN, and would host a WWE themed talk show, probably for the Network.

Rob Van Dam:

RVD will make his WWE return on April 7, the night after WrestleMania... or will he?, it has since emerged that WWE have organised his travel for the Mania weekend... there all still 4 spots in the Battle Royal... surprise entrant???...

Either way, this will be a longer return, he will be staying around for several months this time, more than the 90 day visit he made last summer.

Ultimate Warrior heat:

WWE insiders have confirmed that legends and Hall Of Famer's have expressed their distaste and dis-approval at the upcoming induction of the Ultimate Warrior into the Hall Of Fame. They named no names, but this follows Million Dollar Man's interview yesterday, where he confirmed he did not like the idea of Warrior going in.

CM Punk:

CM Punk has now cut all ties to WWE. He no longer talks to anyone employed by the promotion, even people he was close friends with.

One and done:

Sting will only wrestle one match for WWE, and that is expected to be vs The Undertaker at next years WrestleMania. He will then retire from wrestling. WWE, who have not confirmed his signing yet, are working on two possibilities for his debut...

* At WrestleMania, coming out to challenge Taker after he beats Brock Lesnar.

* At Raw, the night after WrestleMania.

Either way the long anticipated debut of Sting in WWE is coming... soon.

Sin Cara:

WWE have finally confirmed the release of the original Sin Cara, as of yesterday, he no longer works for the promotion.

Sin Cara has since tweeted that he will still be using the gimmick, after CMLL blocked his plan to change back to Mistico, he acknowledges that CMLL own that gimmick.

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