Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Today's News

WWE feature:

WWE have featured their female PC coach, Sara Amato AKA Indy legend Sara Del Rey on their website today, in which she says she would like to have a run on the WWE roster, but is very proud of her work with the women of WWE.

30 stars remember 30 Mania's:

In another WWE feature today, the promotion have talked to 30 former stars about their WrestleMania moment, one from each event...

Rowdy Roddy Piper on Mania 1...

“There has always been controversy over what drew the first WrestleMania. [Hulk] Hogan will tell you he did. Mr. McMahon will tell you he did. But they’re liars. [Laughs] I did. Let me give you simple facts: Leading into the event, I’d kicked the female vocalist of the year, Cyndi Lauper, in the head. I broke her platinum record over Capt. Lou Albano’s head at Madison Square Garden. I chased Dick Clark. I started a riot. I slapped Mr. T and beat him with a belt on “Saturday Night Live.” I said one of the lines that got me in the most trouble ever, and it was a dandy. All of this going into WrestleMania. What had Hogan done? What had Mr. T. done? What had Mr. McMahon done? Well?”

Hillbilly Jim on Mania 2...

“When you’re grappling in a Battle Royal like that, in a contest with so many guys battling it out in the ring, you have to watch yourself because there is such a high-injury factor in that sort of thing. There’s just a lot of humans and a lot of beef running around. It was really no different at WrestleMania 2, and we had NFL guys in there, too, in Chicago, complicating things. It’s no surprise that Andre won that one. It was just a wild thing.”

The Dragon Ricky Steamboat on Mania 3...

“[WWE] were talking about 100,000 people being there, and we’re thinking, ‘Are they crazy??!?’ If they only get 20,000 people in there, it’ll look like there’d been a bomb scare … But then we’d hear these numbers. There’d been 50,000 tickets sold. Then 70,000. And it all made Randy [Savage] and myself more excited.”

Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase on Mania 4...

“How many guys do you know who can say they wrestled three matches at WrestleMania? And that’s what I did. I wrestled all day, culminating in the main event against Randy Savage. And I think that match was important in the legacy of The Million Dollar Man ... I remember the pressure of that day being pretty substantial. For one thing, it was my first WrestleMania, and I had to worry about the possibility of competing in multiple matches. I didn’t have a lot of time to panic.”

Jake The Snake Roberts on Mania 5...

“I would probably say being in the ring with the big man, Andre the Giant, at WrestleMania V is the most memorable moment for me. I mean, what business did I have being in there? That, to me, says more about where my career went than anything else. I never won a bunch of titles, which was OK. I didn’t want to carry them around in my bag. I was already carrying a giant snake! But I would have never, ever, in my wildest dreams have thought that I would’ve ended up in the ring with Andre.”

Cody Rhodes on Mania 6...

“My youngest memory? I have two actually. One is of me in the pool when I believe I was four. But the first memory I actually have is when I went to WrestleMania in Toronto at the SkyDome. It’s the only WrestleMania that my father was part of. I don’t remember much about the event itself but I remember that was the day that he put his hands under my underarms and sat on the mat in the middle of the ring. I remember seeing the blue and yellow WWE logo in the corner on the turnbuckle pad and then he sent me back outside the ring. That was it.”

Sgt. Slaughter on Mania 7...

“Just to be in the main event itself was a big thing. But we had a lot of scary times just getting to WrestleMania, because I was an Iraqi sympathizer at the time. We received death threats.”

Ric Flair on Mania 8...

“When I was working with Randy Savage, he was going through a lot personally, so I probably didn’t get his best, but we definitely had a great time.”

Shawn Michaels on Mania 9...

“They’re putting a fair amount of trust in you to start off the show with a bang. You don’t get that position because they want the show to start out with a whimper. That’s not how it works. The opening match is a coveted position. I remember at WrestleMania IX being a little disappointed because I felt that I had moved past that point … I was a little unhappy about going on first, but now I see it as a compliment.”

Bret Hitman Hart on Mania 10...

“Wrestling Owen in Madison Square Garden, which we had both always wanted to do growing up together, has the most meaning to me. The truth is, I hadn’t wrestled Owen much. So just before WrestleMania, we met at my parents’ house and went down to The Dungeon just like the old days.”

Diesel on Mania 11...

“I did get to walk out of the ring with Pamela Anderson when she was red hot. Jenny McCarthy was there that night, too. But I was out there with my friend Shawn Michaels. I think these WrestleMania matches have a tendency to be anti-climatic. I really do. I think there’s all this buildup and hype but by the time you get to the ring it’s just like, ‘Man, I just want to get this over with.’ ”

Goldust on Mania 12...

“Getting stripped down to my bare underwear in the middle of 25,000 screaming fans was my moment. I don’t know of any other ‘Backlot Brawls,’ but that match is always brought up to me on Twitter and by my fans in general. They remember that the most, and it was a big moment in my life. I almost ran [Roddy] Piper over. I mean, he was like a deer in the headlights. I thought he was going to move, and he didn’t. I heard his knees buckle on the front of the car. I thought, ‘Jeez, I just killed Hot Rod.’ ”

Stone Cold Steve Austin on Mania 13...

“I had thought that match was going to be garbage. I’m a kicker and a stomper — not a submissions wrestler. But it had been such a badass ride, where the emotion and the story of that match grabbed everybody by the heart and the guts, and you understood it, and you believed it 100 percent.”

Road Dogg Jesse James on Mania 14...

“What do I remember from that match at WrestleMania XIV? Pain! It was a big match that no one had ever seen at a WrestleMania and I loved wrestling those guys, because Mick Foley is such a great guy and a tough guy as well. Terry Funk is the toughest old man I’ve ever been in the ring with throughout my career. The word I started out with was pain, and I’ll come back to it and close with it, that’s what I remember the most about that match.”

The Rock on Mania 15...

“Ironically, WrestleMania was supposed to be the beginning of The Rock-“Stone Cold” Steve Austin rivalry, as far as pay-per-view storylines, television, etc. was concerned. After WrestleMania, things just started to change. The fans were behind me…”

Chris Jericho on Mania 16...

“Originally, there were four guys on the official WrestleMania poster that year: Triple H, Big Show, The Rock and myself. Two months in, they took me off and put Mick Foley on it because he was in the main-event match. But on the Sunset Strip, there was a huge billboard and my face was still on it. It was really cool to be on that level.”

William Regal on Mania 17...

“If you recall, the buildup stemmed from the time Chris Jericho urinated in my tea, which I’ve still not quite gotten over. The first match of the evening is an important slot. There’s pressure, and yet it’s very satisfying knowing that you’re trusted to open the show.”

Triple H on Mania 18...

“In 2002, when I came back after my first quad tear and beat Chris Jericho to become the Undisputed Champion, for me, that was a massive moment. A lot of people would look at it and think that it was overshadowed by The Rock vs. Hollywood Hogan, and I get that. But for me, it wasn’t. Because when I tore that quad, people told me I’d never wrestle again.”

Booker T on Mania 19...

“For me its never been about winning or losing in the business, it’s about going out and giving a great performance that those fans can walk away from and have something they could hold on to. A lot of them still hold on to that moment today because they are still coming up and saying, ‘Man, you should have beat Triple H that night.’ ”

Molly Holly on Mania 20...

“They told me there wasn’t going to be a Women’s Title Match, so I figured I could start slashing people’s tires or think of a way to get on the show. I’m not a Playboy Playmate and I can’t do a triple flip, so I had to come up with something that would make them put me on the show. If it were socially acceptable for someone with my personality to have a shaved head, I totally would’ve left it.”

John Bradshaw Layfield on Mania 21...

“I knew that John Cena was getting hot at the time, and that this match could be the crowning of the guy who was going to be the face of the company. And while I gave that match everything I had, it was pretty special to be part of that moment. I take no credit for Cena’s career; he did that on his own. Also, I had always wanted to headline a WrestleMania and walk in there as champion. I became a main-eventer late in my career, and I think I enjoyed it more than I would have if it had happened sooner. So the timing was right for everything.”

Mick Foley on Mania 22...

“My match with Edge was built on the very simple, and very real, premise that I had never had a true great WrestleMania moment. I remember I was getting ready for that match — listening to Tori Amos — when one Superstar, who shall remain nameless because it might betray his image — walked into my makeshift dressing room ... He admitted to me later that he was a little bit scared, and this is one of the biggest and toughest Superstars of all time. So you can understand that I was really getting in the zone, really intent on having that classic match that night.”

John Cena on Mania 23...

“I didn’t necessarily have the idea of breaking through the glass. I wanted to drive the Mustang down the ramp. ...We consulted the production team and discussed limitations. The car couldn’t be driven down the ramp, so we entered through the glass, which ended up being much better … I came really close to totaling that car. It could have ended up like The Shockmaster’s entrance.”

Edge on Mania 24...

“Kicking out of the Tombstone was big moment. I was waiting for that, waiting to hear the reaction from the crowd. And then to hear it when it happened, my ears were smiling.”

Randy Orton on Mania 25...

“I think main-eventing The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania could have been my moment. Undertaker and Shawn Michaels went on a few matches before us and it was their first go at WrestleMania. They stole the show. By the time Triple H and I got out there, the fans were just sitting on their hands. I think we made a mistake or two in the match and the audience didn’t go for it. That sort of sealed the deal. We were fighting uphill the whole time.”

Kofi Kingston on Mania 26...

“Kane had gone crazy and broke the ladder in half during the Money In The Bank Ladder Match. I saw two pieces of a ladder right there, so instead of rushing outside and grabbing another, I made stilts out of those two pieces. As the crowd figured out what was going on, you could hear a slow roar coming up as I started climbing. It’s not easy to walk on stilts.”

The Miz on Mania 27...

“I was knocked out during my match. Now that I’ve watched it a few times, I remember bits and pieces of the match. It’s still kind of blurry. I have no idea what happened backstage. I was so worried that I messed up everything. I was miserable that night. I think someone would have said something, but I don’t want that sympathy card.”

Daniel Bryan on Mania 28...

“I would have liked to have gotten a better opportunity at WrestleMania. That is when you want to showcase everything you can do and steal the show … It was a blessing and a curse. The blessing of it was that it really engaged the hardcore group of fans, who were really [ticked] off.”

Fandango on Mania 29...

“We went down to Broadway in New York City with about eight to 10 girls and we rehearsed a few hours for a couple of days with a local ballroom dancing company. It was really cool because I got to meet a bunch of chicks. Russian girls are great.”

Stephanie McMahon on Mania 30...

“You’re guaranteed the greatest live-event spectacular in the world. WrestleMania 30 will have something for everyone, commemorating 30 years of epic entertainment. WWE Legends, the best Superstars of today and the brightest young talent of tomorrow will all join forces to create memories that will last a lifetime.”

WWE Champion to be punished:

WWE insiders claim AJ Lee will be stripped of the WWE Diva's Championship at WrestleMania, as punishment for her real world boyfriend CM Punk's walking out of his WWE contract. Natalya, Nikki Bella and Naomi are penciled in as her opponent(s).

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Heath Slater vs Sheamus...

* Damien Sandow vs Seth Rollins...

* Big E. vs Fandango...

* Real Americans vs Rhodes Brothers...

* Bray Wyatt vs Kofi Kingston...

* One of the Bella's vs Tamina Snuka, mixed reports on which Bella fought the match...

* Alberto Del Rio vs Dolph Ziggler, who also cut a promo confirming his spot in the Battle Royal...

* Big Show vs Kane...


Hall Of Fame:

Carlos Colon will be named as the fifth WWE Hall Of Fame class of 2014 inductee on SmackDown this week, his Sons Carlito and Primo, and nephew Epico (AKA Los Matadores) will induct him. This was a recent decision, but does not affect Scott Hall, who is still expected to be named as an inductee this year.

Colon, who wrestled for WWE in the 1993 Royal Rumble match, said of the honour...

"Imagine, it is the realization of a dream. To get there, it is the ultimate. As in other sports, like baseball and basketball, reaching the Hall of Fame is the biggest thing and it is finally happening for me."

Michelle McCool:

Michelle McCool was working with Sara Del Rey at the PC today.

Jake The Snake Roberts:

Jake The Snake has posted a gory post surgery picture of his leg.

WWE sign indy star:

Steven Walters works for Anarchy in the mid west, and is known as ''The Fever''. He will join up with WWE in May.

Rampage Jackson:

Rampage will have one more MMA fight, vs King Mo, and will then return to TNA and will work solely as a wrestler going forward, he is already having wrestling training.

Jerry Lawler:

Jerry Lawler has heat backstage, Vince McMahon ''Absolutely hated'' the ''Tacky'' shirt he wore on Raw this week.

Chris Jericho:

Chris Jericho has released the artwork for his new book.

Summer Rae:

Summer Rae has started training for her role in the Marine 4.

WrestleMania 30:

WWE have shot down some rumours re the Battle Royal. Firstly they say the trophy is not a life size replica of Andre The Giant, as reported on some sites. And they say stars who have announced their participation on their social networks are not official entrants, only Ryback, Big E., Curtis Axel and as of SmackDown, Dolph Ziggler are confirmed. 26 spots remain.

Ex WWE men in TV ad:

Colt Cabana and Domino star in this KFC commercial...

Fandango interview:

Fandango says the PG era is better than the Attitude Era...

"I think it's more rewarding to know that we can go out and put on a good show without going lowbrow and taking the easy road. Whether it's the middle finger, or cursing, because that's going to get a reaction no matter what. It's harder to get a reaction the honest way and that's just pure entertainment. That's from an 8-year-old kid to an 80-year-old woman. I think chair shots and middle fingers and swearing and girls with their tops off is an easy reaction. I think the way we do it now is a lot more rewarding, for sure."

He also discussed CM Punk's chances of a WWE return in time for Mania...

"With the WWE you never know who's going to come back at any time. Whether it's The Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, Chris Jericho. Every week you tune in there could be a surprise. I really can't tell you there, but I'm always excited to turn on WWE with the chance of someone coming back. So you never know."


Kaitlyn will marry her Fiance in June, she says they will then spend the next couple of years trying to start a family. After that, she will contemplate a WWE return, but added that she is very happy at the minute, so will not promise to come back, but will not close the door completely.

New baby:

Stacy Keibler was married last week, the wedding was a surprise to all, including her Family. They decided to wed quickly, because they are expecting their first child.


Santana Garrett will debut as Brittany on this weeks Impact.


Rhyno says D'Lo Brown invented his ring name.

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