Saturday, March 15, 2014

Today's News

Hall Of Fame 2014:

Here is the induction video for inductee number 5... Carlos Colon...

WWE have also added him to their website.

CM Punk:

Wrestling Figures.Com have gotten their hands on 3 official WWE WrestleMania 30 T-Shirt designs, featuring CM Punk. These Tees, likely authorised before he walked, are sure fire collectibles of the future, and the website expect them to sell quickly.

Sting to WWE:

In an online Q&A Sting says he only wants to face one man to complete his career, and that man is The Undertaker. He added he has no desire to face any one else, for any else, and has not watched any other wrestling show but Raw since he left TNA. He is also watching many of Taker's past matches as a research tool, and says his favourite was one of the Taker vs Shawn Michaels matches.

He also said TNA wanted him to go back to his surfer Sting days when he first signed for them.

WWE Diva's return:

Layla has proved WWE wrong, and has returned to the ring, working a match this weekend in Texas. She and Naomi are expected to return to TV on Raw next week.

Tyler Reks:

WWE Alum Tyler Reks has teamed with WWE and TNA stars to start a fitness website and book, JTG, Ezekiel Jackson and Ethan Carter are some of the other stars involved in the project.


TNA insiders say Brooke is still with the company, but has decided to cut down on her social media activity (Although she hasn't), and wants to take some time for herself. She entered a bikini contest, and has received ''Good news'' from her Doctor in the past week.

Jim Ross critical of Mania match:

He is not a fan of the Battle Royal...

"I'm not a hater but I'd say I'm luke warm on it. Happy for the talent getting booked but the battle royal needs to be more than a filler match. Perhaps it will surprise us."

He also said stars in the match should be happy that they are on the card, and should not complain about it, adding they wouldn't be a part of Mania if not for the match.

3 more entrants have been confirmed by WWE...

* Dolph Ziggler...

* Alberto Del Rio...

* Fandango...

24 spots  remain officially, although Kofi Kingston, Damien Sandow and Cesaro have announced their participation via various social media sites.

Disappointingly WWE are considering making the match the pre show kick off, which is dumb for me, after the hype of having Hulk Hogan come to Raw to announce the match, dedicating it to the first ever HOF'er and putting some of their top stars in it, to give it an added importance, but I am not surprised TBH.

WWE Top 10:

Unexpected Arrivals...


Triple H has shot his portion of the WWE Fit DVD, along with WWE students at the PC today.

WWE vs Fans:

The Occupy Raw segment on Raw was a direct response to the internet campaign to hijack Raw in Chicago the week before, and was done to ''Troll'' the fans involved. Also some of things Stephanie McMahon said, such as disrespecting her family, are an honest example of how WWE feel about CM Punk's walk out, and the fan backlash that has followed.

New WWE group:

Zack Ryder is going to join the group of angry and underused WWE stars to form a new faction. Dolph Ziggler and The Miz were going to be a tag team at first, but WWE have already picked up on Zack's new internet show, and are set to add him to the team.


Natalya has revealed her post career plans. She says she wants to do some broadcasting for WWE after her ring days end, and then move away from wrestling, and start a legal career as a lawyer.

WWE Network:

WWE have released a statement to assure fans that WrestleMania 30 will go to air as planned, despite early glitches with their Network...

"Notwithstanding the overwhelmingly positive response to WWE Network, we want to ensure subscribers have the highest-quality experience watching WrestleMania 30 and all our programming, and thus have put in place significant quality assurances. These steps include increased capacity to handle high volumes of transactions, logins, and concurrent live streams, daily 'stress' testing of all systems over an extended period, and the addition of technology experts to review our plan and procedures. We're confident that we'll be ready on Sunday, April 6."

Solomon Crowe:

WWE cut Solomon Crowe's debut from a recent episode of NXT because they have changed their mind about dropping his hacker gimmick.

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