Sunday, March 16, 2014

Today's News


For March 20...

* BroMans vs Sanada & Tigre Uno vs The Wolves...

* Magnus vs Samoa Joe (TNA World Title)...

For March 27...

* Gunner vs James Storm...

* Abyss & Magnus vs The Wolves...

* Angelina Love vs Madison Rayne...

* Eric Young vs Samoa Joe...

* Bobby Roode & Ethan Carter III vs Bully Ray & Willow...

For April 4...

* Angelina Love & Velvet Sky vs Brittany & Madison Rayne...

* Sanada vs Tigre Uno (X Division Title)...

* Kenny King vs MVP...

* Magnus vs Abyss vs Eric Young vs Samoa Joe (TNA World Title)...


CM Punk:

CM Punk will appear on the Talking Dead tonight. AMC are advertising him under his real name.

Mark Henry:

Mark Henry told fans that he has no plans to retire any time soon, at a live show this weekend.

Mickie James:

Mickie James hopes to be involved in the Hall Of Fame induction of Lita, she has today said of Amy Dumas...

"I admire her so much. She really helped me out when I was nobody. I credit her with a lot of my success. She's definitely one of the most overlooked women in the last decade. She wasn't like anybody else. She let people know that it's OK to just be yourself. She totally deserves it, and I couldn't be happier for her."

And went on to say she wants to be in NOLA for the ceremony.

Bella Twins:

The Bella Twins have reached one million Twitter followers.

WWE Network:

In Demand are contacting other promotions, and indy groups with the offer of airing their events, in place of WWE, who they fear will not be popular on their channel, now that the Network has launched.

Daniel Bryan:

WWE sources claim that the current push for Daniel Bryan, is not as a result of the fan backlash from the Royal Rumble, but is being done as a ''Middle Finger'' to CM Punk. The angle, Daniel facing Triple H, then going on to challenge for the WWE World Title in the main event of Mania, was allegedly offered to CM Punk, to get him back for the event, but Punk turned them down flat. The source claims a senior, although unnamed, official,  said...

"How dare he not come back and be a part of WrestleMania."

They further claim that playing the angle out with another star, is to show Punk what he is missing out on.

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