Monday, March 31, 2014

Today's News

As WrestleMania gets ever closer, I will be posting a tease of each match on the card, each day, today the Tag Team Championship Fatal 4 Way, who leaves with the gold from this match?.

I should also note, that disappointingly for those involved, this match has been pulled from the card proper, and dropped onto the pre show. I am really upset about this, I would love to see The Uso's doing what they do on the biggest stage of them all, it is also the second year in a row that Cesaro will have missed out on his Mania debut. Ryback and Curtis Axel will also be unhappy, they withdrew from the Battle Royal for this match, and will now be jerking the curtain. Shame...

WWE feature:

WWE remember 10 WrestleMania matches that almost happened, and why they were dropped.

Booker T:

Booker T has appeared in a TV ad (Video in sidebar)... He has also announced his first IPPV for his ROW promotion.

Pete Rose:

WWE Hall Of Famer Pete Rose, says he still loves WWE...

"It is the best entertainment on TV.  No question about it. They have grown and grown and grown. I watch them every Monday night from my home in Las Vegas. But Vince is such a nice guy and he started that thing out and just kept working at it and working at it. He knows how to create a star, man ... the storybook and the lines who is a good guy this week and who is a bad guy this week."

AJ Styles:

AJ Styles says his biggest gripe with TNA was the camera work, changing angles during matches annoyed him.

WWE star on TV:

David Otunga and his wife, will be on Ghost Stories, they feel they have a spirit in their new home.

Ric Flair:

Ric Flair has written to his Son, Reid, who died one year ago today...

"My dear son Reid,

One year ago today God took you away from your family that loved you so much. As hard as it is to not see and be with you everyday, we all know that you are safe with my parents in heaven and in a far better place than you were here on earth. Your mom, brother, sisters and I miss you so very much. Not a day goes by we don't all think of you. I adored you as you did me, and I'm forever thankful for you. We traveled the world together and experienced so much side by side. I am so proud to be your father and you will forever be my beautiful son. My world will never be the same without you.

I love you,



Here is tonight's tease, for the final Raw before WrestleMania 30...

* What does The Phenom have in store for Lesnar?

* Can John Cena rally and find his footing against The Wyatt Family?

* Can Batista maintain his momentum?

* Can The Shield power their way to a WrestleMania victory?

* Will Daniel Bryan return and what does Triple H have in store for him?

Total Diva's:

There will be no episode of Total Diva's next Sunday, due to WrestleMania being on air at the same time, the show will return as usual the week after.

WWE Network:

WWE have acknowledged that some people were charged for what was supposed to be a free trial of the Network. They however say they will not provide refunds, but will add a free week to the end of the six month contract, before asking them to pay for the next six month coverage.

WrestleMania 30:

The final 4 spots for the Battle Royal will be filled tonight, and as I predicted last week, Rob Van Dam is expected to be one of those named.

Rowdy Roddy Piper continues to push for a spot at the show...

"Being honest, No ego, if WWE has the Warrior and Hogan, I'll give you a PIPER"S PIT you will remember for your life! I'm the best in history"

Stephanie McMahon will have a part to play in the show, she says it will her first time in front of the crowd at a WrestleMania for 12 years.

The entire NXT roster have been told to report to NOLA for the weekend events.

Lawsuit thrown out:

A former student with WWE has had his lawsuit thrown out for his delays in serving those he cites in his claims. He wanted to sue everyone for injuries he suffered in the ring, from the trainers, including Ricky Steamboat, Skinner and Dusty Rhodes, his fellow students including Santino Marella, right up to John Laurinaitis and Vince McMahon.

WWE Top 30:

WrestleMania moments.

Batista defends criticism of Daniel Bryan:

"For some reason I think people thought that I didn't like Daniel Bryan or I had this personal thing. I said a comment, I had one comment about him when he first won the world heavyweight championship and I was like, I was in shock and I said, 'Okay.' Because I just didn't get it. The reason I didn't get it because it was too soon and that's my personal opinion. I felt it was way too soon and they did that constantly over and over. I thought they, they just slap the title on people like, way too fast. It's like, I think sometimes that they used the title, I might get a little grief for saying it, sometimes I think they use the title to get guys over. I thought it just, they did it, it was premature. I never had a problem with him being you know, World Heavyweight Champion, I just thought that they did it way too fast.''

Zack Ryder:

Zack Ryder has dropped his new YouTube show, (For this week at least), after just three weeks.

Ron Simmons talks becoming the first African - American World Champion:

"Out of everything that I've accomplished in professional wrestling, that, without any doubt, tops the list. As I have stated before, once we leave this earth, man or woman, we want to be known or leave something behind that is good for mankind, period and that to me was the best gift I could've given, not only to my race, but to any aspiring wrestler, or anyone aspiring to do the best in anything they can. at that time there wasn't many African Americans in the business, and then for myself to come along and be the one, while not setting out to be that one, or that trailblazer, or the first to wear that heavyweight belt. it means a lot to me. To see the other guys like Booker T, or Mark Henry who had come after me and for them to come up to me and say 'Thank you, Ron, for inspiring me and opening the door for me to get an opportunity to pursue my dream. That's what sums the whole thirty years of this business, that I have been in the ring, that's what makes it all worth while."

He also called for Bradshaw to be inducted into the Hall Of Fame, and confirmed rumours that he and his APA partner did ''Welcome'' new stars, who had bad attitudes to WWE, to help them adjust to the WWE way.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Today's News

As WrestleMania gets ever closer, I will be posting a tease of each match on the card, each day, today the Diva's Title match. Now this is a tough one, because even WWE don't know what they are doing with it, but how do you see it going?.

Mick Foley:

Mick Foley has revealed why the planned feud with Dean Ambrose did not happen, in conversation with Jim Ross...

Foley fell out with Ambrose during the feud, because Ambrose brought Foley's family into it, causing real tension, and threats by the HOF'er to pull out of the rivalry. Foley told JR that there was a miscommunication between them, and that Ambrose wasn't receiving his texts because he was in the UK. Ambrose finally got the texts after he returned to the States, but by then Foley had written an angry blog post about Ambrose's lack of professionalism. Foley said they then got back on the same page and were ready to work the feud, and that he was ready to put his heart and mind into it, but then a diagnosis from his neurologist happened. He was told he could never wrestle again, and that was the end of what was going to be Dean Ambrose's main roster debut feud. Foley then said that he was happy to see Ambrose reach the success that he has with The Shield, and that he was happy that he "didn't crush his future."

Jim Ross:

Jim Ross has confirmed that WWE have invited him to the Hall Of Fame ceremony. He says he will try to attend.

Ultimate Warrior:

Here is the opening of the new WWE Ultimate Warrior DVD. He does not mince his words, and could be an interesting foretelling of what is to come from his HOF speech. 

My first WrestleMania:

In a new WWE feature, Zack Ryder recalls his first WrestleMania experience.

The Rock:

The Rock has revealed that 50 people were fired from his movie Hercules for taking pictures of him in his make up.

Lita interview:

On being asked to join the HOF...

"Stephanie McMahon was texting with me. She was feeling me out telling me the office has been trying to get in touch with me. She asked if I could call the office. She was doing the whole talking to me as a friend, but being a little vague. She said, 'The office just has something they would like to talk to you about. I believe that it's regarding WrestleMania. So maybe it's the weekend surrounding it? I'm not really sure, so just give them a call.' I was like, 'All right weirdo. Sure.' Then I called, and they asked me if I would accept the honor of being in their Hall of Fame."

On the current Women's Division...

"Let's say a generation is seven years. It has been about seven years since Trish and I left. We left within a few months of each other. The diva's division took quite a hit. I don't feel like it has fully recovered. I would love to see it get that spark again, that involving a deep roster that you could have a bunch of compelling characters -- ones you want to go out there and see. At the same time, the women just like the tag division, was super hot. I don't know that it has seen that type of attention since, either. It was a special time that I am glad to have been a part of when it was up."

On one more match...

"The only thing when I get asked about giving one more match is more just to prove it to myself. I do feel really great and really strong. I had some nagging injuries for a really long time after I retired that I guess I will have to live with for getting beaten up for so long. I do feel really great and feel really strong, so that would be more the reason why I would want to get back out there one more time to prove to myself I can still do all the stuff. As far as getting an itch or anything active, I'm super happy where I am and proud of my accomplishments. It's not really something I feel like I need to do, but if my arm was twisted at the right time, I could probably be talked into it."

Prince Devitt:

It looks as though Prince Devitt is coming to WWE. NJPW have announced his farewell match for them will happen shortly after WrestleMania. AJ Styles is expected to take his position on their roster.

WWE Games:

WWE are polling fans on which of the following ideas they would like to be made into a WWE game...

1. Trouble always seems to find a way to the WWE Universe! Play as either John Cena or Daniel Bryan and go off on an adventure to rescue the Bella Twins, who have been kidnapped by the evil Mr. McMahon. Venture through 50 stages to rescue the Twins, grabbing extra powers and goodies over land, water, air, and fire along the way!

2. A turn-based combat role-playing game where you can assemble and lead teams of Superstars and Divas-your mission is to protect the WWE Universe from the clutches of evil wrestlers from another dimension!

3. You're the boss! Manage the ultimate team of WWE Superstars. Pick your wrestlers, train them, and have them fight your friends and other opponents in the ring!

4. The WWE Universe is way too big for just one Superstar! Collect a series of WWE Superstar action figures, each with unique abilities that unlock certain challenges and portals, and bring them to life on the big screen via your game console. Only you can put the right Superstar against the right challenge to save the WWE Universe. Put the action figures "in the ring" and let the adventures begin!

5. Join an epic adventure with the Angry Birds in the WWE Universe! Use your favorite wrestling moves and slingshot your way through an action-packed journey from WrestleMania to Royal Rumble, facing the biggest WWE Superstars of all time! Can you become the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion with the help of the Angry Birds?

Shane McMahon:

Shane McMahon is expected to be at WrestleMania next Sunday.


Wes Brisco says he feels TNA killed Aces and Eights off too soon, and blamed a change in the backstage management team.

Jesse Sorenson is teasing a return to the group on his Twitter.

Samoa Joe has been pulled from shows this weekend, he is banged up.


In a correction from yesterday's post, John Cena has tonight off, not last night.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Today's News

As WrestleMania gets ever closer, I will be posting a tease of each match on the card, each day, starting with the Kane, Billy Gunn and Road Dogg vs The Shield, 6 man tag match, and will invite you to share your thoughts on the match, and prediction of the results in the comments section, so how do you think this one will play out?.

Roman Reigns talks dreams of being the best:

"Every single day. Somebody just asked me if I would like to take on the Undertaker and beat his (WrestleMania) streak. I would rather retain the WWE world heavyweight championship while taking out the streak. My motivation is to be the best. I have a deep responsibility to leave things better than the way I found them. I don't want to live off potential, so the first thing I have to do is capture the gold."

JR to UFC:

Jim Ross has been having meetings with UFC, and will be a part of something ''Very cool'' for the UFC Network.

WrestleMania 30:

WWE have revealed the 21 features at this years Axxess...

* The Main Ring – Check out live matches in the ring and Q&As featuring WWE Superstars, Divas and Legends, plus a ton of contests where you can win prizes.

* Superstar Signings – Get an autograph with your favorite WWE Superstars, Divas, and Legends at stations located throughout WrestleMania Axxess.

* Superstar Entrance – WWE fans can act out their favorite Superstars' ring entrances while being announced into the ring by a WWE announcer and download their experience at home to show off to their friends.

* Undertaker's Graveyard – Channel your dark side by exploring a cemetery with tombstones featuring The Undertaker's 21 WrestleMania victims.

* 30 Years of WrestleMania Memorabilia – Relive WWE history by checking out authentic WWE memorabilia, including displays about the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2014, plus a WrestleMania timeline showcasing the greatest moments in the history of The Show of Shows.

* WrestleMania Superstore – Browse the largest selection of WrestleMania 30 and WWE merchandise under one roof.

* Totinos Zero to Pizza Pronto – Participate in free sumo challenges and enjoy Totino's Pizza Rolls at the Zero to Pizza Pronto station.

* WWE Slam City Presented by Mattel – There's a new villain in the WWE Universe, The Finisher, and he's fired all of the Superstars and banished them to Slam City to find day jobs! Visit the Slam City Visitor Center at Axxess! Stop by and play with the new stretch-n-launch Slam City action figures. Be sure to get your photo taken on Superstar Blvd. to send greetings to all of your friends from Slam City.

* "WWE 2K14" Video Game Zone – Want to relive the best matches from WrestleMania's past, or create your own WrestleMania 30 moments? Head over to 2K's "WWE 2K14" Game Zone and play as all of your favorite Superstars and Legends in the historic "30 Years of WrestleMania" Mode.

* Fruity Pebbles – Stop by the Pebbles volcano where you'll get tasty samples of Fruity and Cocoa Pebbles cereal, make a splash into the giant foam Fruity Pebbles pit and walk away with a handful of fun giveaways.

* Party City – Party City shows you how to throw the ultimate WWE birthday bash.

* WWE Stackdown Building Set – Create, construct, and customize your own WWE world, take a photo that puts you in the ring and learn more about the WWE Stackdown Universe Construction Toys from The Bridge Direct.

* KaBoom Imagination Playground – Come explore the fun of Imagination Playground! Let your creativity soar with these big foam play pieces that connect and stack to create your own castle, life-size flower, rocket ship — or just about anything! Visit the KaBOOM! booth and play with Imagination Playground today.

* Rise Above Hate Climbing Wall – Come climb the "Rise Above Hate" climbing wall.

* CeNation Trivia and Audio Booth – Test your trivia knowledge for a chance to win great prizes.

* WWE Network Live Stream – Now is the time! Watch as WrestleMania Today broadcasts live from Axxess Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

* Money in the Bank – Here is your opportunity to grab the Money in the Bank briefcase and win a future WWE Title bout. Take a photo and share with your friends and family.

* WWE Universe Open Casting Call: Presented by WWE Studios – The WWE Studios team is looking for talent at WrestleMania Axxess. You have a shot at auditioning for a role in a WWE Studios upcoming film. Do you have what it takes?.

* WWE Community Partners – Check out some of WWE's proud community partners, including Make-A-Wish, Susan G. Komen, Hire Heroes, We Give Books and Be a STAR.

* Information Desk – Get what you need at this out-of-the box welcome center. Fans will be offered literature and assistance at this entrance feature.

* Concessions – Take a break from all the excitement that WrestleMania Axxess has in store for you at this eating area where you can enjoy a quick bite and an ice-cold beverage.

Hulk Hogan:

Hulk Hogan says he regrets the reality shows he did with his family, and the damage they caused, praised Mr. T, and said his relationship with Vince McMahon is as strong as ever on a TV interview last night.

Titus O'Neill:

Titus O'Neill has discussed how being on the road affects his family life...

"I Facetime with them every night and after school they always call me and I make sure they've done their homework and they always ask me if they can buy something on their ipad like a movie or a song or whatever. I'm always giving my time to them wherever I'm at. And when I'm home, I'm home. I like to wake up early in the morning so I can get my workout by 5am and that way I can come back to the house and take them to school. After I walk them to class, I'll run my errands and when school breaks out, I help get their homework done and then we do whatever. Lazer tag or bowling, play golf or whatever they feel like doing with my time while at home."


Batista has hit out at fans hijacking shows, by chanting for Daniel Bryan...

"It's the whole show that they are missing out on. I love that they love Daniel Bryan, it's great. He deserves all of his success, but at the same time, we can't have 16 segments of Daniel Bryan. They would get bored really fast. He is a star on the show, he's gonna be out there eventually. If you chant his name through every other match that's going on, it's just... they're missing out."

WWE Top 10:

WrestleMania entrances.

John Cena:

John Cena was given last night off by WWE.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan interview:

On winning the Royal Rumble...

"It something I can still hang my hat on. I was never world champ, I was never tag team champ, I was never intercontinental champ. But people remember that Royal Rumble winner thing."

On WCW trying to make him quit...

"What they were trying to do was make me quit. They brought me back up and said 'we're going to turn you against America. I'm thinking 'Iraq, Iran, where are they going to go with this?' They said, 'well, we're putting you with Team Canada.' And I said, 'well, there's not a lot of heat there really.''

Rowdy Roddy Piper on heat with Mr. T:

"I was raised by the last of the Gorgeous George era. You don't let somebody come from some other business, walk in your business, make a fool of ya and go back into his business and laugh at ya. So if you watch Wrestlemania the very first one, I was the general and here was the rule: don't let Mr. T throw a punch, keep it strictly amateur with him. You watch that match from beginning to end, I crossfaced him and held him till he ran out of breath and let him tag Hogan. He doesn't throw one punch and we had complete control over him. That's why it worked."

And Finally:

Daniel Sturridge, one of the star players for Liverpool Football Club, currently marching towards winning their first Premier League title, has taken some time out of the title run in to share his excitement for WrestleMania 30, and his love of The Undertaker...

"The Undertaker was my favorite one (wrestler) because he was the scariest at the time with his music, the darkness and the way he'd come out of the ring. I've got a recent picture of me wearing an outfit and someone has put me next to The Undertaker. I've also got a picture of myself wearing an Undertaker t-shirt from when I was a kid. I would have the hair, the hat, the long jacket and probably the wrestling pumps. I would even wear the pants over the top of the trousers too."

Friday, March 28, 2014

Today's News

Hulk Hogan:

To mark the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania 5, Hulk Hogan, who main evented along with Macho Man Randy Savage, has recalled the match, discussed his friendship, and later feud with Macho, and also revealed how Miss Elizabeth ''Saved'' Savage from being ''Killed'' by Andre during their 1988 feud...

''Andre hated Randy. And the only thing that saved Randy was Elizabeth, because Andre loved Elizabeth. He and Randy didn’t get along. It started out with the baby oil. Randy would just coat himself with baby oil and I remember Andre saying, “No baby oil!” WHAM! “No baby oil!” WHAM! I’d hear these crazy chops come out of the corner and Randy’s eyes would be this big looking at me, trying to get to the corner with me. Andre just did not like him for some reason, and Elizabeth was really the only reason that Randy didn’t get killed.''

He later told how he and Savaged reconciled their friendship shortly before he died in 2011...

''We ran into each other at a doctor’s office. I was on my seventh or eighth back surgery, and I couldn’t pass an EKG because I was getting just jammed up with anesthesia every three or four months. They couldn’t get my back right. My back was collapsing and they were telling my new wife Jennifer I’d never walk again and all of this craziness. Jennifer and I were sitting on those little seats in the doctor’s office in Tampa and all of a sudden the door opens and in comes Randy. “Yeeeah! Ooooh yeah! What’s up?” I went, “[Gasp].” Freaked me out, scared me to death. And he goes, “Hey, brother. What’s up, Hogan?” He had that gleam in his eye and looked really healthy. He gained his weight back and he had a wedding ring on. I said, “Hey, Mach, what’s up with the ring?” He said, “Hey, just married my childhood sweetheart.”

WWE retirements:

Two of WWE's great's of the modern era have discussed the end of the career's. Mark Henry says he has his retirement planned out, and wants to have his retirement match at WrestleMania 32 in 2016. Chris Jericho, says he will be done with wrestling within 5 years, adding that he does not think of himself as a wrestler, but as an entertainer, and he would like to continue to entertain, but his music career takes priority for him, and wrestling will be a side project in his spare time, that he will stop doing for good soon. He says he is currently making the transition away from the wrestling world, and would not be involved in the sport in 5 years time.

CM Punk:

During the above interview Chris Jericho was also asked about CM Punk, he says he understands Punk's point of view, and that he felt the same frustrations with his WWE career in 2005, but that he worked out his contract before leaving the promotion, and would not walk out during his contract. He also said Punk would be replaced, as many others had before him.

Rowdy Roddy Piper says he believes Punk has done the right thing for himself and the company, that it is good for both sides to take a breath and evaluate what each offers to the other, before moving forward.

WrestleMania 30:

10 days to go... Work has started on the construction of the set today, (Picture).

Stone Cold Steve Austin has confirmed he will be in attendance, for the Hall Of Fame ceremony at least.

The Diva's match is still causing confusion. WWE have not made up their mind about what format the 14 woman match will have. They had cleared up some confusion earlier this week saying that it would be a single fall, and that AJ would not have to be involved in the fall to lose her belt, but did not talk about a number of other questions, for example, would all the women be in the ring at once, or would they need to tag in and out?.

Vickie Guerrero has shown how little thought WWE have put into this match, by tweeting her followers to ask them how the match should be done.

WWE have reportedly contacted every major drawing star of the past 30 years, that is still alive, with an invitation to the event. They plan a nostalgic spot with many legends of the past making a cameo appearance.

Rowdy Roddy Piper:

Roddy Piper says he is going to be at WrestleMania 30, but has issued a couple of warnings, firstly, he wants to be involved, and has told WWE if they don't use him, it would be the end of his relationship with the company...

"If they don't use me, then I don't know what the message is, but it would tell me that I'm not welcome. And I don't go any place that I'm not welcome. So I'm not sure what I'd do, but it's hard to see me coming back if they don't want me."

He also said he is glad that Mr. T is going into the HOF, but warned him not to mention him in his speech.

WWE Hall Of Fame:

The USA Network will feature the inductions of The Ultimate Warrior, Jake The Snake Roberts and Lita, on their one hour highlights show.

Randy Orton:

Randy Orton has been given this weekend off to prepare for WrestleMania next weekend.

Daniel Bryan talks Royal Rumble snub:

"It's just interesting that they, that they would not allow me to be in the Royal Rumble. I knew I was going to have the match with Bray Wyatt and it was fun because I was actually doing a string of interviews, probably the Thursday before the Royal Rumble, and I kept telling them, "As of now I'm not in the Royal Rumble but I want to be in the Royal Rumble. If anybody can make any noise or any headway as far as me being in the Royal Rumble, I wanna do it." Stuff like that is the frustrating part about wrestling. You just want opportunities. You want a fair opportunity to just go out there and do your best. So if you're good enough to be in the main event, if you can do everything you need to do then hey, let me do that."

He also revealed his method of avoiding being ribbed, he says whenever anyone played a trick on him, he kicked them in the nuts. He says no-one has tried in to rib him in quite some time.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Today's News


Kevin Steen and Roderick Strong had their WWE tryouts last week, and it seems it went well for at least one of them. Steen says he will not re-sign with ROH when his deal expires in June.

Gail Kim talks Lei D. Tapa:

"She's a great girl. She has passion and she has determination. She honestly was just very inexperienced. She only had three years of experience under her belt and it just wasn't enough right now. I had two years of experience when I got hired by WWE and I got fired, and that was the best thing that ever happened to me. I didn't know it at that time, but it just motivated me even more and I think she's the same type of person that's going to go out and get better. She just needs more experience and I don't see this pulling her down in any way. All of us are rooting for her because we all loved her. She has such a great look, such a great presence, and she's got it in her blood. I have no doubt that she's going to be a big star one day. It just takes time.''

Brother vs Brother:

Bret Hitman Hart has revealed that WWE originally wanted his 1994 Brother vs Brother feud to see him wrestle his Brother Bruce, not Owen Hart. In conversation with Chris Jericho he recalled Owen, coming to him after the 1993 SummerSlam to tell him he was quitting the business to become a fireman, due to frustration with his status, leading to Bret fighting for his younger sibling's future. This came to a head in 1994 when WWE wanted to use Owen as a stepping stone to lead to a WrestleMania match for Bruce vs Bret. The plan was Owen accusing Bruce of being a bully and Bruce destroying him, then Bret makes the save and the feud is on.

Bret wanted no part of it, he was very derogatory about his Brother Bruce's ability, even at his peak, which he says he was not at in 94'. Bruce at the time, according to the Hitman had a pot belly and a bum knee, and that he (Bret) felt he could not work a match with him.

He then brought up the idea of having Owen as his opponent, but Vince baulked at the idea, and was adamant that they wanted Bret vs Bruce. Bret stood firm, he wanted Owen, and told McMahon that he was prepared to quit the company should they go ahead with the Bruce Hart angle.

Eventually WWE caved and Bret got his way, he and Owen had a great feud throughout 94' and Owen went on to have a long and successful career, although of course, it could have been longer... RIP Owen.

AMC to launch wrestling show:

AMC, who have recently been linked with a buy out of WWE, will air a reality show based on Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan's Resistance Pro group, they announced today.

Zack Ryder snubbed?:

Zack Ryder has revealed he found out he was going to be on the WrestleMania 30 card (In the Battle Royal) by watching Raw this week. He was not informed by WWE about his spot before hand.

WWE change host:

Michael Cole will host the next series of Legends Roundtable, taking over from Jim Ross.

Where is she now?:

The Kat, former WWE Women's Champion, and ex of Jerry Lawler, now works as an insurance agent in Florida.

Bruno Sammartino:

CBS in Pittsburgh are looking at giving the Bruno Sammartino documentary it's first airing on Mother's Day.

WWE vs Indy wrestling:

WWE are planning to swamp San Diego with NXT live shows going into WrestleMania 31. This is because the embargo they wanted on any wrestling events or shows in the area building up to next year's Mania has seemingly been rejected by the city. WWE instead will try to put indy promoters off hosting shows by putting on live events of their own. Hoping they will not be able to compete with the WWE juggernaut.


Christian is set to announce his retirement. A long run of injuries have taken their toll on his body, and WWE do not factor him into their long term plans any more, because he is around so rarely. He will though stay with WWE, they are lining up a role for him at the PC as a trainer.

He is expected to see out his current contract before he makes his announcement.

Jonathan Coachman:

WWE are looking at re-hiring Jonathan Coachman, but it will not be a full time return. He will continue with ESPN, and would host a WWE themed talk show, probably for the Network.

Rob Van Dam:

RVD will make his WWE return on April 7, the night after WrestleMania... or will he?, it has since emerged that WWE have organised his travel for the Mania weekend... there all still 4 spots in the Battle Royal... surprise entrant???...

Either way, this will be a longer return, he will be staying around for several months this time, more than the 90 day visit he made last summer.

Ultimate Warrior heat:

WWE insiders have confirmed that legends and Hall Of Famer's have expressed their distaste and dis-approval at the upcoming induction of the Ultimate Warrior into the Hall Of Fame. They named no names, but this follows Million Dollar Man's interview yesterday, where he confirmed he did not like the idea of Warrior going in.

CM Punk:

CM Punk has now cut all ties to WWE. He no longer talks to anyone employed by the promotion, even people he was close friends with.

One and done:

Sting will only wrestle one match for WWE, and that is expected to be vs The Undertaker at next years WrestleMania. He will then retire from wrestling. WWE, who have not confirmed his signing yet, are working on two possibilities for his debut...

* At WrestleMania, coming out to challenge Taker after he beats Brock Lesnar.

* At Raw, the night after WrestleMania.

Either way the long anticipated debut of Sting in WWE is coming... soon.

Sin Cara:

WWE have finally confirmed the release of the original Sin Cara, as of yesterday, he no longer works for the promotion.

Sin Cara has since tweeted that he will still be using the gimmick, after CMLL blocked his plan to change back to Mistico, he acknowledges that CMLL own that gimmick.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Today's News


He is injured again... Christian had to withdraw from the Intercontinental Championship match he earned on Raw, to take place at Last Night's Main Event, due to a concussion that happened in the Raw match. Dolph Ziggler stepped in to take the shot, but Big E. successfully retained.

The concussion is said to be mild, but WWE are extremely protective over head injuries now, so with Mania just 11 days away, it could be tight for his participation in the Battle Royal.

Bad Influence:

TNA Tag Team Christopher Daniels and Kazarian have launched a comic book, with themselves as the central characters. (Photo).

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* The Shield vs 3MB...

Note, This was described as a surprisingly competitive match.

* Kane, comes out to make The Shield compete again...

* RybAxel vs The Shield...

* Damien Sandow vs Sin Cara...

* Fandango vs Goldust...

* Batista vs Sheamus...

Note, Sheamus suffered an injury to his elbow, and a blow to the face after mis timing a shot into the ring post.

* AJ Lee & Tamina Snuka vs Brie & Nikki Bella...

* Jack Swagger vs Jimmy Uso...

* Mark Henry vs The Miz...

* Big Show vs Bray Wyatt...


WrestleMania 30:

The Tag Team Championship match at WrestleMania is now official...

* The Uso's will defend vs Real Americans vs RybAxel vs Los Matadores.

WWE have cleared up some confusion over the Diva's match. Despite having (I think) 14 competitors involved in the match, there will be only one fall, first woman to score a pinfall or submission will become the Diva's Champion, and AJ Lee does not need to be involved in the fall for the title to change hands.

WWE 2K15:

Work has started on the next WWE video game. Ring Announcer Justin Roberts has been doing voice work for the game this week.

Iron Sheik:

Here is the trailer for the WWE produced Iron Sheik movie.

Wrestling wedding:

Luke Gallows / DOC will marry Amber O'Neal on May 13 this year, they have announced.


Today is the day, 13 years ago that WCW went bust, and was purchased by WWE. WWE have confirmed that they initially planned to allow the promotion to continue as a separate entity, and released a promo for what would have been the debut show under Shane McMahon's management.

That idea was of course dropped and WWE went with the Invasion angle instead.

Question Of The Day...

Do you think WWE were right to go with the idea of invasion, or would you have preferred WCW to have been allowed to continue under Shane's leadership???

Jonathan Coachman:

Jonathan Coachman is the subject of this months Where Are They Now? feature on WWE.Com.


Batista is mocked regularly backstage, due to his dress sense. That has been exacerbated this week after his tight jeans split on live TV.

Hall Of Fame:

There are two reasons WWE are inducting Razor Ramon, the character, rather than Scott Hall the performer of said role...

* WWE want to induct the NWO as a group in the future, possibly as soon as 2015, (Although with The Rock already expected to be the headline inductee, it is more likely to be later than that, as NWO members would not be willing to be inducted beneath any one else) and have therefore separated his WWE and WCW career...

* Vince McMahon is very proud of the gimmick.

Hall Of Famer talks Mania 30:

Ace Cowboy Bob Orton has compared his son Randy Orton to WWE...

"My son Randy is a winner and he is just scratching the surface of his greatness. I can't wait to see what's coming up for him in the future. He's like WWE — great then, great now and great forever."

Kofi Kingston on racism in WWE:

"People always say, 'Oh, there haven't been many black champions,' but on the other hand, there are a whole lot of white people that never won a belt either," he said. "These days, I think it's less of a racial thing. I honestly believe that if you are able to entertain and interact with the crowd, it doesn't matter what ethnicity you may be. [WWE] will reward you."

Bob Backlund:

The WWE Hall Of Famer will release his biog... The All-American Boy: Lessons and Stories on Life from Wrestling Legend Bob Backlund, on July 1 this year.

Sin Cara loves to fight:

Sin Cara is already in a battle with WWE over the Sin Cara name, and will now restart another with his former employers CMLL too. He has confirmed he will return to his Mistico gimmick for an upcoming show. Like WWE the promotion claim ownership, and have recast the gimmick since Luis Alvirde left the role.

WWE's future:

VInce McMahon was asked about the future of WWE after he leaves, and if he would like a McMahon to stay in charge. He was quite vague in his response...

"I would like to see a degree of that. I just think as times go on, things will evaporate. Eventually Uncle Sam sees the benefit. You can't do anything without Uncle Sam taking a huge bite of it."

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Today's News


Daniel Bryan missed Raw last night, he was not medically cleared to compete. This was not popular with fans, who had been under the impression he was going to be at the show.

Batista had a wardrobe malfunction, he tore out the seat of his pants during a segment with Randy Orton.

WrestleMania 30:

9 more names have been announced for the Battle Royal, taking us up to 26, 4 spots remain...

* Rey Mysterio

* R-Truth

* Great Khali

* Santino Marella

* Justin Gabriel

* Zack Ryder

* Darren Young

* Brodus Clay

* Sin Cara (Hunico)

Two other matches have been confirmed...

* Kane, BA Billy Gunn & Road Dogg Jesse James vs The Shield...

* Invitational Diva's Title Match...

AJ Lee defends vs Layla, Natalya, Alicia Fox, Brie Bella, Nikki Bella, Rosa Mendes, Tamina Snuka, Cameron, Eva Marie, Naomi, Summer Rae, Aksana, and Emma.

Personal Note, I hate this idea... AJ Lee is good enough, and after the reign she has had deserves a proper title defense. I know they were working on a multi person Diva's match, but I expected a triple threat, or a fatal four way... not this... I know WWE have zero faith in their women's division, but to dis-respect them, and the title like this, riles me up. Having the entire roster in the match, because they don't trust the talent to be able to work a good enough match, is for me worse than having no match at all.

I hope they dump it on the pre show, so it does not spoil Mania's full card.

I would rather have seen AJ vs Tamina, maybe, or have AJ throw out an open challenge, and a great of the past come back to go for her gold at the show.... A Jackie, Ivory, Molly Holly, Kharma, hey, maybe even Lita, she will be there anyway for her HOF induction.

The Tag Team Championship is expected to be The Uso's vs Real Americans vs RybAxel, but that is still not confirmed.

Hall Of Fame:

WWE confirmed the latest indutee for class of 2014, and it was Scott Hall, although WWE have emphasised they are inducting him as his eponymous character Razor Ramon, recognising him for his 4 IC Title reigns and Ladder match vs Shawn Michaels at Mania 10, they did not mention his WCW or NWO career as part of his induction package, they have also changed his WWE profile from his own name and NWO attire to his Razor Ramon gimmick.

His tribute video.

Hall, tweeted that they had saved the best until last, during Raw, but has since tweeted a more humble message acknowledging the honour...

"Thanks to WWE and all the fans at RAW in Brooklyn for the love. Dreams come true. Hard work pays off. Bad times don't last...Bad Guys do...''

Lita confirmed on the WWE WrestleMania podcast that Trish Stratus would induct her into the HOF.

Network backtrack on WWE snub:

DISH say they now will air WrestleMania, and will then evaluate their relationship with WWE on an event by event basis.

Hulk Hogan:

Hulk Hogan says Triple H asked him to come home to WWE several years ago, but he did not feel Vince McMahon felt the same at the time. He went on to say he and the Ultimate Warrior do not communicate much, but that he is excited that he is going into the HOF, and that he will never say never to another match, but that he won't perform his patented leg drop again, due to the damage to his back.

Shane McMahon:

Shane McMahon has filed a $50 Million lawsuit in New York. The suit is against the building he and his family lived in at 28 Laight Street in New York City, and paid $3.9 Million for. He says there are a multitude of issues, mainly leaking water in a number of areas of the home, and claims that, he, his wife, and children have all suffered health and respiratory problems as a result, and that they were forced to move into a rented apartment.

The family want to be compensated for a $5 Million decrease in the value of the property, damage to clothes, artwork, property and their health, and also want to be repaid the $15,000 per month rental price of their current abode. Shane and his family lived there from 2002 until May 2012.

Sin Cara vs WWE:

The original Sin Cara is not happy that Hunico is representing WWE as Sin Cara, namely for the Scooby Doo Premiere over the weekend. He called him a Fraud, and sent a version of a picture of the WWE stars at the event, with the words ''Fraude, Fraude'' on it, to Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, and Vince McMahon's Twitter accounts. He also will be unhappy that Hunico will wrestle as Sin Cara at WrestleMania, something he did not manage to do during his time under the mask.

Million Dollar Man on Ultimate Warrior to HOF:

The Million Dollar Man has questioned the upcoming induction of the Ultimate Warrior to the Hall Of Fame, but does not begrudge him the honour. He still harbours negative feelings about Warrior though, and says he stands by the Self Destruction DVD...

"I mean, I don't hate the guy. It goes back to anybody that watched the DVD, The Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior, that really tells the story. Obviously, if Vince has decided he needs to be in the Hall of Fame, I'm not going to begrudge that and obviously I'm going to be there. I quite frankly, don't know how many of my peers believes he really deserves it because…it's not just about being the star it's about a number of things, it comes back down to the gratitude thing. None of us would be stars, when I was inducted I had a list of people that I needed to thank. Harley Race was there in the crowd and I pointed Harley out. I think that's it, the overall lack of gratitude that the Warrior has shown over the years. Where it makes most of us go 'Who do you think you are?' Doesn't he realize that none of this would be happening if it wasn't for a lot of help from a lot of people. I think that's pretty much the consensus. I don't begrudge him. I'm not that kinda guy to hold a grudge. If I had to feel one thing towards Jim Hellwig, I guess it would be pity a little bit. I've heard other people say that he just generally has the attitude that it's about succeeding in life and you're going to have to do what you can to get ahead and if that means stepping on people along the way then so be it. That, in my opinion, is a very sad commentary and a very poor way to look at life. So am I going to begrudge him for going into the Hall of Fame? No."

He also says he worries the Warrior could use the speech to hit out at the company, and could cause some embarrassment, as well as having a dig about his inductor...

"I often wonder if Vince has thought about that. Here's his one opportunity to lay it all out there and vent out his frustrations on all of us who think he isn't worthy. Hopefully he won't do that. I heard that Linda McMahon is inducting him. You have to ask yourself why? Why is Linda McMahon inducting him? Maybe he couldn't find anyone else to do it."

He later said he feels that The Undertaker should lose his streak, to do as Andre The Giant did at Mania 3, and pass the torch.

WWE Alum returning?:

Jonathan Coachman tweeted a tease today...

"Hey all you @wwe fans. Have a really cool announcement in the next month or so about something happening this summer. Stand by.''


WWE have now changed Tensai's profile to Jason Albert.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Today's News

The Rock:

The Rock is currently working on 3 movies...

* Fast 7... Production is about to start again after a hiatus due to the death of one of Rock's co-stars, a body double will fill in the scenes for actor Paul Walker, who died in an auto wreck last year. The movie is expected to hit cinema's in April 2015.

GI Joe... This is delayed slightly due to director John Chu over-running on another project.

San Andreas... He is filming this now, and it will be released on June 5, 2015.

Hall Of Famer on TV:

Hacksaw Jim Duggan will appear on TV show Duck Dynasty's final episode of the current series.


Asking Alexandria have been invited to Raw tonight by WWE.

Speculation on my part, but they have in the past worked with the Ultimate Warrior, so maybe he will appear too?.

Official tease...

* What trouble will Scooby-Doo cause?

* Will The Shield get payback for the SmackDown ambush?

* Anything can happen when Arnold Schwarzenegger returns to a WWE ring

* Can Daniel Bryan deliver when it matters most?

* What happens when Lesnar & Undertaker meet for the first time since their contract signing?

The Miz:

The Miz has discussed his upcoming movie The Marine 4...

"I'm really excited about this. I've been working on the script, working on how to evolve Jake Carter [his movie character] from 'Marine 3' to 'Marine 4.' So I've been really dedicating myself to that. I'm a busy man."

WWE Hall Of Fame 2014:

The Hall Of Fame class is expected to be completed tonight, with the announcement of Scott (Razor Ramon) Hall's induction. The conformation of Hall's induction was made in a full page newspaper advert promoting the ceremony, taken out by WWE today. Hall will be inducted by members of the Kliq, although it is not clear if it will be the full group or just a couple of members, Sean Waltman has confirmed he will be involved.

The Ultimate Warrior is this years headline inductee.

WWE have, therefore overlooked Macho Man Randy Savage, despite Lanny Poffo, his Brother, removing his objection to his enshrinement, after refusing last year.

Hall Of Fame class of 2015:

The Rock is expected to be next years headline inductee (Possibly meaning no Savage again next year) and a second name has been put forward for the class today. Bret Hitman Hart says he believes his Brother Owen ''Will'' be inducted next year, and hit out at his widow Martha, saying she lies about Owen's ''Hating'' wrestling, and being a wrestler. He also added he wished his kids got to see him doing what he loved, and that Martha's grudge against WWE has not helped the situation.

It seems some in WWE are disappointed with this years class, and the feeling internally within WWE is they want to make up for it next year.


Alexa Bliss will take over from Summer Rae in the NXT group BFF's, Summer had been a member as well as a main roster star, but her duties on the main roster are allowing her less time to spend with NXT, so WWE have replaced her.

Zack Ryder:

Episode 3 of Last ReZort.

WrestleMania 30:

Early betting odds for Mania have Bray Wyatt beating John Cena, The Undertaker beating Brock Lesnar and Daniel Bryan going over Triple H.

WWE have confirmed the official music for the show...

* Kid Rock's "Celebrate" from "Rebel Soul"

* Eminem's "Legacy" from "The Marshall Mathers LP 2"

* Mark Collie's "In Time" from "The Punisher: The Album"

Ultimate Warrior:

The Ultimate Warrior has told WWE he is open to working a match at WrestleMania 30.

Curt Hawkins:

Curt Hawkins says he will be a regular fixture at his new wrestling school, possibly a hint to leaving WWE when his deal expires?.

Sheamus talks frustrating WrestleMania career:

When asked how he felt about not being a part of a major match since his first Mania vs Triple H, he said...

"It was such a huge match, and I feel like at every Mania since then, I haven't had the opportunity to do that again. I'm hoping at Mania 30 or 31 to bounce back to that level again. The wheel goes round and round and comes back and opportunities are given again. You just have to remember that. After four years of experience -- and especially after the match with Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania 27 for the U.S. title that ended up being a dark match -- you've got to realize that patience is a huge key in this game."

Scooby Doo:

WWE stars at the premiere of their Scooby Doo movie.

And here are the stars recording their lines for the cartoon.

TNA star to WWE:

Sarah Stock AKA Sarita has reportedly had a try out with WWE.

Hogan vs Cena:

Hulk Hogan is doing the rounds promoting WrestleMania today, and would not rule out facing John Cena in the future, saying ''Never say never'' and he would be ready, should any stars want to mix things up with him.

He also says he has forgiven Bubba The Love Sponge for the sex tape incident.

DDP defends David Arquette:

"David Arquette is his own animal. As much heat as he ever took, for him, . all the money he made for that pay per view when he busted me over the head with the guitar and Jarrett took the World Title, the money he made, he gave to Melanie Pillman. When he pinned Bischoff, not me, and I will go on record as saying that was the biggest cluster fu*k ever! and it never should've happened, but it did. That being said, that was the booking committee, it was not David Arquette, and every fan that has ever roasted him should dip their own ass in boiling oil, because everyone of you that has buried David Arquette if put in the same position, you would've jumped through a hoop of burning oil to do the same sh*t. That's why when everybody busts balls on that, I just want to smack someone. I'm like really, you, 'marko mark?' You would've died for that."

Money In The Bank:

WWE have confirmed MITB this year will be in the TD Garden in Boston.

Rey Mysterio:

It is being reported in Mexico, that the Mexican football team have used Rey Mysterio's mask as inspiration for their shirt design for this year's World Cup.

Stacy Keibler:

Stacy Keibler has confirmed she is pregnant.

Bret Hart:

As well as predicting his Brother's Hall Of Fame induction, Bret also talked about a number of other subjects during his speaking event, including...

* Praising Triple H for his roles with the company.

* Calling his WrestleMania 26 match BS, but that he considers it a personal victory.

* That Vince McMahon told him he would be champion for 5 years in 1992.

* On his feud with Hulk Hogan, he says he looked up to Hulk Hogan but there was an incident in 1993 when Hogan returned, Bret was talking to Brutus Beefcake at a TV taping. Hogan approached and Bret tried to shake his hand but Hogan left him hanging for about 30 seconds. Bret later said he and Stone Cold Steve Austin got their own back, they were backstage at a Hall of Fame and when they saw Hogan walking over, Austin said, "I never trusted him." Hogan walked over, held out his hand and both Austin and Hart ignored him for about 30 seconds.

* He named Kurt Angle, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton and Brock Lesnar as guys he would have liked to wrestle. He said it would have been cool to face Daniel Bryan and CM Punk.

* He also called for WWE to bring back the King of the Ring tournament as a PPV.