Thursday, January 31, 2013

Today's News

Worse than getting shot in the eye:

A man that was shot in the eye last week, during a robbery in his liquor store, says that the worst that happened to him was not his injuries, but watching The Rock beat CM Punk at the Rumble...

"That's the worst thing that happened to me all week, the Rock beat Punk," Dotterer exclaimed. "Did you know that?"

CM Punk tweeted...

"Tom Dotterer is amazing. He's got my respect. If he needs anything from me let me know."

SmackDown taping changed:

The April 16 taping of SmackDown will not be in Charlotte, NC, instead the Thompson-Boling Arena at the University Of Tennessee in Knoxville, Tennessee will host the show.

Headbanger Thrasher interview:

On the formation of the team...

"We actually got together, I was the head trainer for the world famous Monster Factory Wrestling School in New Jersey; which was owned by 'Prett Boy' Larry Sharp, and I was the head trainer there. I trained Chaz (Headbanger Mosh), D-Lo Brown, the Big Show among others, and me and Chaz just really hit it off and we jumped in the car and headed out on the road. We did our round in Memphis, we did our round for Smokey Mountain Wrestling where we actually became the Headbangers; Jim Cornette gave us the name 'The Headbangers' and when Smokey Mountain was closing, that when Cornette was trying to get all of his guys from Smokey Mountain into WWE/WWF. At that time, they were doing the part-time contracts and we were hired, just for TV, on a part-time basis. So we came into WWF as the Headbangers; that wasn't a Vince McMahon made gimmick or anything else, and frankly, it's not really a gimmick. That's how we are, we've always had the tattoos, the piercings and everything else; I just don't walk around my house in a skirt."

On Ribs in the back...

"It was funny, because Owen used to do fully, silly stuff where the rib would last two days. I can remember him being in the locker room and taking someone's wrestling bag and taking a padlock and padlocking it to a chair, just a steel chair. Or he take two guys bags; he did that to me and Chaz, he took a padlock and locked our two bags together and we were just like; we walk in and catch the end of it. We're like 'Oh, hey. What are you doing?' and he's like 'Oh, your bags are locked together. I don't know who did that; I just came over and saw it.' We knew who did it, because it was just Owen. Just to see what would happen tomorrow, is what he would do. Me and Chaz, we lived in the same hotel room, so the bags went together. We played along with it and lasted until Tuesday when we came to do TV and when we got there, we'd break the lock open.

"It was harmless stuff but it was just so funny and it happened so often. One time, when Mark Henry first started wrestling, he broke his ankle or his leg. So, we're in the arena and Davey takes his crutches because he was sitting down. So he steals the crutches without Mark Henry even knowing and then Owen comes up to Mark and say 'Hey, Vince wants you and he's on the other side of the arena.' So, Mark is looking around and going 'Oh my god' and can't find his crutches. So, Mark Henry gets up and he starts hopping, on one leg, all the way across the arena and no Vince McMahon. It was things like that and once you know it was a joke, it was so funny."

Major announcement from TNA:

Dixie Carter has announced that TNA will finally take their TV shows national, rather than solely Florida based, they will air one show live, and tape a second every other week.

The first live Impact will be on March 14 in Illinois' Sears Center.

She also spoke of her hopes for the company's future...

"Expanding outside of wrestling I think is important in order to grow the core product globally. Coming up with more licensing and sponsors, more programming - in the United States we just have one show and our competitor has ten hours of television a week so it is hard to compete. We have more television in the UK and that shows you how competitive we can be when we have more exposure, so that would be our goal in the United States. Again it's not because I haven't wanted to, it's just contractually I haven't been able to due to our contract agreement with Spike TV. But that is changing as well. I think all of these things combined will make for a very interesting 2013."

New OVW Champion:

Doug Williams beat Rob Terry to take TNA's feeder leagues top title.


TNA decided to add Taz to Aces & 8's because they feel the group needs a strong mouthpiece, and don't feel Devon has what they are looking for.

WWE vs US Airways:

Alberto Del Rio has angrily chastised US Airways for holding the SmackDown crew for over 7 hours in an airport yesterday.

Jerry Lawler interview:

On his Heart Attack...

''Fortunately, I think fortunately, I really have no memory of that. We were doing a live broadcast, Monday Night Right, world-wide television. I had a match, a tag team match with myself and Randy Orton wrestling Dolph Ziggler and our WWE champion C.M. Punk. We went in and had a match that lasted about ten minutes long.

Then, from the match, I came over and we went to commercial break and we started doing commentary. Literally, the next time I opened my eyes, I'm in the hospital with a ventilator down my throat and all these I.V.s in me and wires going everywhere.

That was the real deal. Apparently, I had a cardian arrest and my heart just stopped beating for twenty minutes. ... They did CPR for 20 minutes and they shocked me seven or eight times and got me back."

On Andy Kaufman...

"Actually, when we got there that day to be on Letterman's show, Andy would not be seen with me. He wouldn't go anywhere with me. So, seperately, they brought us back with the segment coordinator and the guy said, 'Here's what we want to do. You guys are going to be on for two segments. Dave is going to have you try to be a little antagonistic.'

I said, 'How antagonistic?' He said, 'Just a little bit during the first segment. During the second segment, Andy will apologize for making fun of wrestling and doing whgat he did and then you apologize to Andy for giving him the piledriver. Then, Andy is going to sing 'What The World Needs Now Is Love, Sweet Love.

That was what was supposed to happen. That was early in the day because we taped at 5:30 in the afternoon and Andy called me at about noon and he said, 'You met with the segment coordinators?' I said, 'Yeah.' He said, 'What do you think?' I was just happy to be on network television. I said, 'All that's going to do though, Andy, is end our feud forever once we apologize on network television.

He said, 'Yeah...I wonder what would happen if you just hauled off and slugged me?' And I said, 'Well, first of all Andy, they probably wouldn't show it. Second of all, I'll probably get arrested. So, I don't know if we should do that or not.' He said, 'Yeah, you're probably right.' And literally, that's the way it was left. I didn't see or talk to Andy until we went on the air."

New team:

Brodus Clay and Tensai are to be paired together, because WWE enjoyed them dancing on Raw this week.

WrestleMania 30 location:

The official announcement on the location of WrestleMania 30 is to be made at the Elimination Chamber next month, the venue is almost certainly going to be the SuperDome in New Orleans.

Fan fests:

WWE were so happy with the Royal Rumble fan fest that they plan on continuing them for all the big 4 PPV events of the year.

WWE suits earnings revealed:

* Vince McMahon, $1.1 million

* George Barrios, $575,000

* Kevin Dunn, $800,000

* Paul (Triple H) Levesque, $500,000

* Michelle Wilson, $575,000

The Rock pushes for McGillicutty:

WWE Champion The Rock has joined Triple H in urging WWE to promote, and change the name of Michael McGillicutty, WWE are said to be digging their heels in, because they want to have full control over their stars names, and do not like their talent to use their real names.

Vince surgery is legit:

Vince McMahon is to have surgery on his left hip, but the damage was not caused by Brock Lesnar, he has had the problems for a while, WWE decided they needed to do the angle to write him off TV for his operation and rehab.

Rock vs Punk backstage news:

The Rock and CM Punk practiced their Royal Rumble match during the day before the show, WWE were so careful to avoid spoilers that a curtain was placed around the ring to keep the talent from knowing what was happening.

The match was moved to the main event at the Rumble at the last minute, the Over the top match was to be last until very late into Sunday afternoon.

The Rock's Super Bowl ad has also been released, you can watch via this link.

Mason Ryan:

Mason Ryan is using a big boot followed by a Jack Hammer as his new finisher combo.

New WWE Alumni:

This weeks new addition to WWE.Com is Bruiser Brody.

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