Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Today's News

Hall Of Famer assaulted:

Sunny who was arrested again this weekend has filed a claim of assault against her boyfriend, (Indy star Damien Darling), saying he broke her ribs. However, after being taken to a medical centre for an X-ray she was found to have suffered no damage to her ribs at all, her (Now ex) Partner Darling has contacted Police, who told him no report was made against him, he has removed all connection to Tammy Sytch from all of his social media, and angrily hit back on his Facebook...

"Out of respect I wasn't going to post or comment in regard to what has happened, but I refuse to allow someone to make false accusations via media outlets. I went to the Branford Police Department to confirm, there is NO assault charge filed against me AND there are NO "broken ribs". #facts"

Friends of the couple claim she hit him in the head with a hammer, he did not make a reference to this incident.

WWE Hall Of Fame:

It looks as if the Hall Of Fame induction is now finalized, WWE had been hoping to have the biggest induction ceremony yet, which would have meant inducting more than the 11 they enshrined in 2004, but Triple H, who is in control this year has hit roadblock after roadblock in his hopes of his ideal group of inductees, For example...

Macho Man Randy Savage - His Brother (The Genius) will only accept induction if WWE also induct their Father, Angelo and himself.

Miss Elizabeth - They want to induct her at the same time as Mach.

Owen Hart - His wife Martha wants no connection between WWE and Owen.

Hart Foundation - Same as above.

The Ultimate Warrior - WWE were hoping to confirm his induction and make the announcement at the Royal Rumble, but they have trust issues with the Warrior, fearing if they announce early, he will demand more money, or no show the event.

The Kliq - That was slapped down as soon as it was brought up, Triple H, still says it may happen in the future.

Diesel - Ruled induction out after Mick Foley was confirmed.

Sable - HOF induction for Sable was apparently a part of the contract that Brock Lesnar signed upon his WWE return last year, However rumours are Sable was not happy about it, feeling induction should be an honour not a part of a deal. WWE were tied, they either had to convince her that the offer of induction was legit, or risk reneging on a contract promise to Brock, while they were still trying to get him to sign another.

Triple H has also been working hard on the stars that are going in, he has had many meetings with Bob Backlund, who has refused induction in the past, has been working hard in the past week on Trish Stratus, who has dreamt of being inducted in her home country of Canada. He has managed to get her to accept this year, she was confirmed last night on Raw.

Official induction video...

He has also had an epic battle to secure agreement for induction from Bruno Sammartino, it seems he has managed to achieve the seemingly impossible in getting that agreement, although that is still not officially confirmed.

It now appears that he has taken that (Possible) victory, and has called it a day, They are still talking about and to some possible inductees, but the feeling now is, if no-one else is added, this years class is good enough.

The class of 2013 is expected to be...

* Mick Foley

* Bob Backlund

* Trish Stratus

(All above are confirmed)

* Kamala

(Only issues for him are any potential special travel requirements, due to his health issues).

* Bruno Sammartino

* DX

- Shawn Michaels

- Triple H

- Road Dogg Jesse James

- Mr. Ass BA Billy Gunn

- X-Pac

Hall Of Famer undergoes surgery:

Superfly Jimmy Snuka was treated last night for a hernia.

Chris Jericho return not popular:

WWE talent have complained about Chris Jericho's return to the WWE at the Royal Rumble, it is felt that he took the spot of someone on the active roster, who were more deserving of the place..

Jericho was not the only star that returned of course, and this is a regular gripe with rostered talent, so I am not sure why Chris Jericho has been singled out for criticism.

Chris has officially returned to active WWE duties, his profile has been moved to the current roster on WWE.Com, he will however miss 2 Raws in February due to a band tour of Australia, and in late April he will tour the UK.

Mania main event official:

John Cena challenged the WWE Champion for WrestleMania 29.

Elimination Chamber main event official:

The Rock will have a rematch vs CM Punk 1 on 1.

World Title announcement:

SmackDown GM Booker T says an announcement on the future of the World Heavyweight title will be made on tonight's SmackDown taping.

Brock Lesnar:

Returned to WWE last night and attacked Vince McMahon, WWE have announced Vince suffered a broken pelvis during the altercation, and aired an exclusive video of Vince taking over 5 minutes to get out of the ring, and being helped to the back on a stretcher.

Unfortunately, followers of the WWE on Twitter had the return spoilt, someone in the back tweeted Lesnar was at the arena before the appearance was made.

Brock signed his new deal at Raw, and will work 3 or 4 PPV's a year for the next 2 years.

After Raw ended Sheamus was given a Birthday Bash by John Cena in the ring, Dolph Ziggler interrupted and got beat up by both men and was hit in the face with a cake.

New referee:

Something I missed in my Royal Rumble recap yesterday was the promotion of NXT Referee Darrick Moore to the main roster, he officiated the US Title Pre Show match.

Mick Foley DVD:

Full content listings for the upcoming Foley DVD have today been confirmed, for release in April...

Disc 1

A Happy Story
Idyllic Childhood
Huge Fan
Training School
Working the Road
ECW & Japan
Dude Love
Hell in a Cell
Mr. Socko
The Rock
Triple H
Going Away
Randy Orton
Making a Difference
Stand Up Comic
A Complete One-Off

Disc 2

ack Foley / Les Thornton vs. The British Bulldogs
Superstars September 1986
Alternate Commentary: Mick Foley & Joey Styles

Cactus Jack / Gary Young vs. Scott Steiner / Billy Travis
AWA All Star Wrestling October 1988

Cactus Jack Manson vs. Brickhouse Brown
Wild West Wrestling April 1989

Cactus Jack vs. Keith Hart
Power Hour March 1990

Submit or Surrender Match
Cactus Jack vs. Sting
Power Hour November 1991

Falls Count Anywhere Match
Cactus Jack vs. Van Hammer
Clash of the Champions XVIII 21st January, 1992

Barbed Wire Match
Cactus Jack vs. Sandman
Ft. Lauderdale, FL May 1995

Cactus Jack vs. Shane Douglas
CyberSlam February 1996
Alternate Commentary: Mick Foley & Joey Styles

Mankind vs. Rocky Maivia
IYH: Cold Day in Hell 11th May, 1997

Mankind vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
IYH: Canadian Stampede 6th July, 1997

Disc 3

Dude Love vs. Rocky Maivia
RAW 17th November, 1997

Hell in a Cell
Mankind vs. Undertaker
King of the Ring 28th June, 1998
Alternate Commentary: Mick Foley & Joey Styles

WWE Tag Team Championship Match
Mankind / Kane vs. New Age Outlaws
RAW 13th July, 1998

WWE Championship Match
Mankind vs. The Rock
IYH: Rock Bottom 13th December, 1998

WWE Tag Team Championship
Mankind / The Rock vs. Triple H / Shane McMahon
SmackDown 2nd September, 1999

Mankind vs. Al Snow
SmackDown 16th December, 1999

Hell In A Cell – Retirement Match
Cactus Jack vs. Triple H
No Way Out 27th February, 2000

Blu-ray Exclusives


Sting's Birthday Cake
WCW World Championship Wrestling 5th October, 1991

No Ear Surgery
WCW Saturday Night 10th September, 1994

RAW 5th April, 2004

Cutting Edge
SmackDown 1st August, 2008

Relevancy with CM Punk
RAW 24th September, 2012


Frank Foley

Snowed In

DeNucci Training School

Arrested in Italy?

Cactus Jack – The Name


Birth of Bang Bang

Losing Teeth

On the Spot

Wanted T-Shirt

Smoking Flight?

Anti-Hardcore ECW

Farewell in ECW

Vicious Suplex

Kevin Sullivan – Mentor

Rock 'n Sock Jacket


Loogie Heard 'Round the World


Mr. Socko vs. The Cobra

Comedy Show

Favourite Mick Foley Persona

Sheamus Meets Mick

Christmas Cheer


Thrifty Mick

Great Dad

Ric Flair withdraws from WWE:

Ric Flair is now home from Japan, but had to miss this weeks WWE TV's due to the pain he is in from the blood clot in his leg.

Creative heat:

The Creative team were criticized for the second hour of Raw last night, Officials feel they lost the audience for the whole hour. The creative team are fully in WrestleMania story mode, and are said to be burnt out from the long meetings and constant rewrites demanded from above.

Rock won't work house Shows:

Ryback is taking The Rock's spot on the house show circuit, because The Rock will not be working live events, despite being the current WWE Champion.

Intercontinental Cup entrants confirmed:

The tournament for a shot at Wade Barrett's IC Belt will start on Main Event tomorrow (Aired Wednesday)

* The Miz

* Kofi Kingston

* Darren Young

* Antonio Cesaro

* Dolph Ziggler

* Cody Rhodes

* Damien Sandow

* Randy Orton

NXT stars impress:

Memo Montenegro (Brother of Alberto Del Rio) and Denton Blackwell (Booker T student) are said to be impressing the top brass at NXT with their improvement since joining the WWE feeder league.

Hulk Hogan heat:

He is getting heat for posting a picture of his Daughter Brooke's legs onto his Twitter.

ESPN praise Punk:

ESPN have congratulated former WWE Champion CM Punk for elevating the WWE title to a level of prestige it has not reached in a decade.

Ex star loses Alumni status:

Dawn Marie Bytch has been removed from WWE.Com's Alumni section, possibly because of the controversy over her charity Wrestler's rescue, however there has been no announcement or explanation as to why from WWE.

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