Thursday, January 24, 2013

Today's News


Has confirmed he plans to return to wrestling soon, but in an open swipe at WWE said there was no chance in hell he would be a part of this weekend's Royal Rumble, and that he had no intentions of ever returning to WWE.

JR bitching on Twitter:

Jim Ross was in a right mood yesterday on Twitter, he was complaining about fans talking about Sting vs The Undertaker...

"Why are some fans SO naive to think that @Sting can wrestle Taker when Stung is under contract to another company? Makes NO sense. None!"

Then complained about people linking Goldberg to WWE, then mocked a fan that said he was looking forward to some past stars being at the Rumble, saying, yeah Andre, Benoit, Owen they will all be there...

He later deleted that Tweet, and wrote that he was cranky because he is suffering from flu.

WWE Alum teases Royal Rumble spot:

The Brooklyn Brawler says he has received a call to appear at the Royal Rumble this Sunday, and teased that he would be starting his road to WrestleMania.

He has never competed on a WWE supercard as his iconic character, so IMO it will be about time he gets his due.

TNA releases update:

Kid Kash has denied he has been dropped by TNA, despite being deleted from their website, also Christian York's profile has been re-uploaded, so he is still employed by the promotion.

Rockstar Spud has also been added to the website, after winning British Boot Camp.

Rey Mysterio:

WWE are working on getting Rey Mysterio to be in the Royal Rumble match, but thoughts are he won't be back until Tuesday's TV's.

WWE feature Hulk Hogan:

Hulkamania was born 29 years ago today, and WWE are celebrating the Hulkster, by featuring him on their homepage.

WrestleMania match leaked:

Alberto Del Rio is set to wrestle Dolph Ziggler at WrestleMania 29, but it is not likely to be for the World Title, despite ADR currently holding the gold.

Trent Barreta:

Says he knew his days with WWE were numbered from the moment he tore his tricep last year...

"I totally saw it coming. I was on the road doing pretty good, I thought I was improving constantly and then I tore my tricep. I was out six months and was ready to get back to it and was sent to FCW practice. So I was like, 'Ohh, something's up. This isn't good.'"

THQ dissolved:

WWE video game producer THQ is no more, the company was officially wound up yesterday.

2K sports, the parent company of THQ is said to have acquired the WWE licence and will make a decision on what to do about new games in the near future.

WWE live shake up:

WWE will drop separate house show tours from this April, Raw and SmackDown stars will be brought together post WrestleMania, the brand extension is over.

TNA women pulled form UK shows:

Christy Hemme and Brooke Tessmacher are sick with Flu, and have missed Glasgow and Nottingham's show's.

Setback for Hall Of Famer:

Superstar Billy Graham has taken ill again, he was struggling with his breathing, and was vomiting up a worrying liquid, doctors are very concerned about him.

Shelton wants WWE return:

Shelton Benjamin has tweeted he wants to come back to WWE...

"I should hope so. I still got plenty of gas in the tank"

Intercontinental Cup announced:

Main Event for the next 3 weeks will feature a series of matches with 6 WWE stars competing for the Intercontinental cup, the winner will earn a shot at Wade Barrett's title.

Why Alberto won the World Title:

WWE put the World title on Alberto Del Rio because a latin star won a UFC title the week before, and the show drew huge figures, WWE were hoping to get a bounce in their own figures by putting their title on a latino.

The Miz / Dolph Ziggler:

The current story line for The Miz, where he is becoming the next Ric Flair, was originally to be for Dolph Ziggler, but WWE have decided to delay his face turn.

Brock Lesnar:

WWE have pitched 2 major feuds for Brock Lesnar, for 2013, to entice him to sign on for another year, Randy Orton and CM Punk, are his potential foes.

Snuka on Backlund's HOF:

"He was great to wrestle against; I mean, he was coming out of college, he was in good shape and everything, he looked good. He looked like a champion. And it was such a great pleasure, for me, to have the opportunity to wrestle him; you know the education that me and him put together, we learned a lot from each other. At it was such a special night for me, because I wrestled him twice and the second time was the best, greatest psychology I ever had with him because we clicked. We took care of it, do it right, because when we go back to that locker room brudda, you want to feel good and make sure you continue feeling that way."

Dynamite Kid documentary trailer released:

Royal Rumble:

Today is the anniversary of the very first Royal Rumble match, to celebrate here it is in full...

SPOILER ALERT!!! (Potential)...

Several names rumoured to be guests in the Royal Rumble are in Arizona for an indy show...

* Carlito

* Shelton Benjamin

* The Honky Tonk Man

* Chris Masters

* Domino

* Shane ''The Hurricane'' Helms

Interesting... or coincidence... IDK

New Alumni:

This weeks new Alumnus on WWE.Com is La Parka.

Ex-WCW man La Parka is only the second star to be given Alumni status (Following Sting), to have never stepped foot in a WWE ring.

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