Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Today's News

Raw news and notes:

X-Pac was backstage, visiting friends.

Dolph Ziggler, and all 3 members of 3MB, Heath Slater, Drew McIntyre, and Jinder Mahal, have confirmed they will be in the Royal Rumble Match.

CM Punk vs The Rock has been confirmed as the main event, after Punk beat Ryback to retain his WWE title.

And of course The Great One, The Rock returned to the company, he closed the show with a verbal showdown vs. WWE Champion CM Punk to build up their feud.

During an add break, CM Punk left the ring, got a chair and sat in the ring, while the fans chanted ''You Suck'', he sat in silence until the ad's ended.

Developmental diva Skyler Moon, who was removed from the NXT Website after entering rehab for an eating disorder was backstage at Raw last night, she tweeted a picture of herself with Ricardo Rodriguez.

Sting added to TNA PPV:

Sting vs DOC has been added to TNA Genesis.

Alundra Blayze:

Has clarified yesterday's news, regarding an appearance at Raw is 20 next week, she says she will be in the area over this weekend and is going to stay on an extra night to watch the show, but, she intends to buy a ticket and sit in the crowd, not as previously reported, be a guest of WWE.

A potential conflict for Stone Cold Steve Austin has been resolved and he will be at the show.

Zack Ryder:

Zack continues to air his frustrations with his employers. He went on a Twitter rant last night to protest a graphic aired on Raw, which showed WWE stars number of Twitter followers. Despite being one of WWE's top 5 followed stars, he was left off the list in favour of The Miz (Pic on wall).

WWE have since posted a tout, with John Cena asking fans to follow Zack to help him reach 1,000,000 followers.

Dusty Rhodes:

Is currently working on a WarGames DVD, he will host the retrospective, dedicated to the classic WCW match up.

The Royal Rumble:

WWE have confirmed the Royal Rumble is now sold out.


THQ and all of the company's assets will be auctioned off on January 22nd, Electronic Arts, are current favourites to buy them out.

Hall Of Fame 2013:

Next week on Raw, the first name to be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame Class of 2013 will be announced, Mick Foley has teased that name may be his...

“Might have to buy some of those Hall of Fame tickets…just in case! #FoleyFriendsAndFamily”

Hulk Hogan:

Jimmy Hart will host wrestling parties at Hulk Hogan's beach shop on Monday's (Raw) and Thursday's (Impact).

MVP - WWE may have to wait:

MVP says he does want to, and will one day return to WWE, but it will be on his terms, and he is happy as he is at the moment...

“To the WWE one day. It’s all about timing. Right now, I’m just enjoying life on my terms.”

WWE sign deal:

WWE have partnered with ''Irish Soap'', expect Sheamus to be involved down the road.

New DVDs:

Mick Foley, and In Your House retrospectives will be released in April.

Ric Flair on Vince McMahon:

“Vince again is a great guy, he’s very honest and to the point and truthful. He is brutally honest and it takes a lot for someone in this day and age to be brutally honest but Vince is and I respect that about him. He’s the man, there is no one like him and no one has ever compared to him in this business, he has put things together that no one ever has, he’s a genius. But don’t p*ss him off! I’ve p*ssed Vince off plenty of times but oh boy did he make me aware of it and at the end of the day Vince always wins.”

Post Rumble Raw match announced:

John Cena and Randy Orton vs Big Show and Dolph Ziggler will headline the Raw on the night after this years Royal Rumble PPV.

Elijah Burke leaves TNA:

The Pope D'Angleo Dinero says his contract expired on January 1, and he has no intention of re-signing, he thanked Dixie Carter, the roster and officials for their support during his time there, but that he wanted to move on.

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