Saturday, January 19, 2013

Today's News

Goldust interview:

WWE Alum Goldust has spoken to Arda Ocal, some highlights...

On his dream match vs Cody Rhodes...

"It was discussed several times. I took it to Vince's attention many times and this was like months before and almost a year before things like that. Each time he was like no, second time no not going to do that, third time no, not yet, he left that open for me with not yet, it gave me a little hope."

On Goldust (Character)...

"As far as the work it took me about 6 months of Vince saying I'm going to stand behind you and no matter what. I don't want you to get head strong, if you're stressed out just give me a call if you need to talk, and I did on several occasions. I really got no direction on how to be more androgynous and I was just learning how to be a heel."

On his Father, Dusty Rhodes...

"Oh we're on the best terms now, I'll never let that happen again. As far as children out there that hate their moms and dads just get over it because you get one dad and one mom, you know suck it up, learn something."

Hall Of Famer health crisis:

Superstar Billy Graham, is, according to his wife, showing signs of Heart Failure, he is currently in hospital suffering from Pneumonia and signs are not good.

A medical overview of his condition...

"Atrial fibrillation is an electrical problem with the heart where ectopic electric pathways are formed making the top of the heart fibrillate instead of contract. It can go up to 400 beats per minute. Lucky the heart is smart and it only sends some of the signals to the bottom of the heart. Patient's usually present with a heart rate in the 120-140 range. Eldridge goes in and out of this rhythm. He has occasional episodes where his heart rate will become irregular and fast. This can cause shortness of breath, dizziness or lightheartedness and sometimes even chest pain. I placed Eldridge on two rate control medications so that he can go in and out of the rhythm and not have the fast rates. He is also on aspirin as a mild blood thinner. His has no coronary artery disease and his heart muscle is strong. Once again, this is purely a rhythm problem that the incidence increases with age. If he fails rate control medications or is unable to tolerate medications, atrial fibrillation ablation is an option."

Tyson Kidd:

Doctors have extended his injury lay off to 7-9 months, Tyson is remaining positive and says he is swatting up on Japanese wrestling in his time out, and will return with a whole new arsenal of moves.

Ex Horseman slams CM Punk:

Paul Roma, said...

"He looks like somebody who was dragged out of the tattoo parlor - kicks his feet up and is just chain-smoking cigarettes. Not somebody that you want your son to look like.

And that's the same thing with CM Punk. You said it. He doesn't have a physique. He' s just that less-than-average guy as far as physically looking at him and he goes out there and wins, wins, wins. And it drives the average Joe out in the audience, that looks like him, to say, 'Oh, I can do that, man. CM Punk is doing it and he looks like s--t. I can do it.' The other people out there, who are jacked and in better shape physically, are saying, 'When's this guy gonna get beat?' That's the philosophy that Vince is using with this dude."

He also said he does not care about being an horseman...

"I had friends - close friends - who said to me, 'Don't you understand? You're a Horseman.' I said, 'Yeah. I got it, dude. I'm a Horseman.' (They'd reply), 'Oh dude! It's an honor! Don't you understand? There's only been like a few people and blah, blah, blah.' And I'm like, 'Okay. Alright. I get it. I'm a Horseman. Big f--king deal. It's not real. What are you not understanding? It's not real.' Take Brock Lesnar. He goes into the UFC. That's real - as far as I know. That's real. Those guys are fighting. He is controlling, for the most part, his own destiny. You go out there and get your a-- kicked - not good. You go out there and win - that's good. Wrestling's not real. You go out there and they tell you if you're gonna win or lose."


* Tara vs Velvet Sky (Knockouts)

* Christian York & Rob Van Dam vs Kenny King & Zema Ion

* Taz promo

* Bobby Roode vs Hernandez

* Kurt Angle Promo

* Joseph Park Promo

* Sting / Hulk Hogan Promo

* Jeff Hardy vs Christopher Daniels

As expected Hardy was assaulted by Aces and 8's and had to be helped to the back, this is to write him out of the 4 taping's in the UK.

Bobby Eaton wanted by police:

Police Officials are wanting to clear old offences off their books, and Bobby Eaton has a DUI charge from 2002, that he refused to attend court to answer too.

Edge honoured:

Edge is to receive the Lou Thesz award at this years Tragos / Thesz Hall Of Fame.

Curt Hawkins:

Has a new look, he returned from injury this week. (Pic to follow).

Randy Orton:

Has shot down rumours he will be taking time away from WWE this year.

Wrestlers vs Lance Armstrong:

TNA star Magnus took offence to the now disgraced athlete saying he was suffering a death sentence...

"Sorry Lance, but a lifetime ban from a sport that made you a household name and a millionaire is not a death sentence. Melodramatic much? People with terminal illness/on death row would probably trade places with Armstrong's "death penalty"...ironic considering he survived TC."

WWE Champion CM Punk followed suit, with...

"Lance Armstrong is a p---y. Straight edge. Drug free. For life. #livestronger"

WWE UK / European dates announced:

November 6: Belfast, Ireland
November 7: Dublin, Ireland
November 8: Brussels, Belgium
November 9: Birmingham, England
November 10: Cardiff, Wales
November 11: Manchester, England TV
November 12: Newcastle, England
November 13: Zurich, Switzerland
November 14: Roeun, France
November 15: Marseille, France

November 7 Barcelona, Spain
November 8: Gdansk / Madrid
November 9: Munich, Germany
November 10: Glasgow, Scotland
November 11: N/A (All talent at RAW)
November 12: Manchester, England TV
November 13: Nottingham, England
November 14: Leeds, England
November 15: London, England
November 16: Minehead, England

I will see you there... 

Lilian Garcia:

Is in Las Vegas having meetings to further her music career.

R-Truth is also shooting a music video soon, he tweeted his followers in North Carolina to come down and be a part of the shoot.

WWE poll fans:

WWE are asking fans if they read online spoilers, what websites they use to read them, and if it affects their enjoyment of the product.

They have been considering moving SmackDown to Friday's and air it live, to avoid spoilers getting out.

Injury return:

NXT star Rick Victor returned from injury on Thursday.

Royal Rumble SPOILERS!!!:

Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara will be announced as over the top rope competitors this week, the plan is to have one eliminate the other to start a feud leading into WrestleMania.

Rosa Mendes:

Is set to join Alberto Del Rio as his valet soon.

Santino's YouTube show:

Santino Marella has given Yoshi Tatsu the task of hosting his show, while he recovers from his neck injury.

It's kayfabe, you mark!!!:

A celebrity blogger has made fool of herself, then attacked wrestling...

Perez Hilton (Is that the actress???) was slagging Bubba Dudley for having topless dancers at his bachelor party, after being mocked for the article, this response was posted...

"We checked Brooke's facebook page where she lists herself as single. So she MAY not be getting married to Bubba after all, and pro wrestling MAY be fake. One thing is for sure - our dreams have officially been shattered."

TNA confirm Hardy will miss UK tour:

TNA have officially confirmed Jeff Hardy is out of the UK tour via their Facebook page, he will be replaced by Sting...

"TNA regrets to inform our fans in the U.K. and Ireland that Jeff Hardy will not be on the Road To Lockdown Tour, due to an injury sustained on the TNA Impact Wrestling show on January 18. However we are delighted to announce that 'The Icon' Sting will be replacing Jeff at the TNA live events in Dublin, Glasgow, Nottingham, Manchester, and London."

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