Friday, September 13, 2019

WWE interested in CMLL, Slick bashes WWE, Cass talking to WWE, Cena lands major movie, and more...

Big Show Show:

The Big Show's Netflix sitcom starts taping next week. Tickets are on sale now.

Feuding HOF'er's were friends:

Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has had many recent political disputes with US president, Donald Trump, has discussed their past friendship, and the link wrestling played in forming it...

"I don't think he fears me. But I remember that in the old days, when we went to the wrestling matches, the way he admired people with bodies, and the way they would jump around in the ring, and to perform physical stunts and stuff like that. He had great admiration for that. And the showmanship, he had great admiration for that. He asked me, 'How do you do that, with the movies? I mean, it's so believable.' He drilled down to specific questions that fascinated him. It was about how do you sell something. Like, a scene. How do you go and act out a scene so that I get affected emotionally? He was fascinated by that. How do you do this when you do interviews — that you penetrate through it and you then are totally believable?"

WWE interested in buying Mexican promotion:

WWE are reportedly deep in talks with CMLL. They want to buy their tape library for their network.

Slick bashes WWE over Akeem:

"I thought George was treated unfairly in the WWE. We even talked about that yesterday, and to some degree, it was George's fault because, right in the middle of having a big, big push with Hogan, he requested some time off. He had a young kid, and my kids were just a little bit older than George's... young kid, maybe 3 or 4, and he just missed his wife and kid, you know? And Vince has given you the big push that everybody wants. After that, I thought Vince was extremely brutal in his dealings with George. George was a former world champion in the UWF and everything. He was a big star in World Class, everywhere he went, you know? But they brutalized him and butchered his career and I always thought it was in retaliation for that."

Kofi talks breaking racial barriers in WWE:

"It means the world, especially when we talk about representation being so important. For me to be the first African-born WWE Champion is incredible because now, people who look like myself can look at TV and see on WWE television that anything is possible because I'm doing it."

Rock 'N' Rager 2:

Chris Jericho says his 2nd sea cruise is now fully sold out.

WWE before bro's:

Cass says he is in talks with WWE, and would be willing to ditch his friendship with Enzo Amore to seal his return.

John Cena lands major movie role:

John Cena has been named in the cast of 'Suicide Squad 2'.

Live watered off:

A live in Tennessee had to be cancelled this week due to a burst water main in the arena.

DH Smith confirms WWE return plans:

"I think the door is open for me to return to WWE at some point, I'm not sure when that is. Right now I am singed with MLW and they are really showcasing me good, so before I come back to WWE at some point, I would like to do some great thing in my career and build my name back up in North America before I come back."


R-Truth almost lost the 24/7 title to a cop during a traffic stop today.

Angelina Love recalls disturbing stalker story:

"Unfortunately, I had a stalker in the UK give me some of the most uncomfortable experiences ever. One experience was when he flew from London to Las Vegas to watch one of my fitness competitions and somehow knew what hotel we were staying in and where we would be at every moment. Came to breakfast buffet and sat at our table and also walked 10 steps behind us on the strip the following day. He recorded me on stage in my bikini. Bought me diamond earrings and left them at the front desk of my hotel. Got on my Facebook page and started asking me about family members in my photos (my page is now private). Waited by a slot machine by the front doors of the hotel at 4 a.m. when I was leaving to almost knock me over with hugs before I flew home. There were more encounters with him but that was definitely one of the worst."

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