Saturday, September 7, 2019

NXT still feeding big 2, HHH hands off UK?, Heat on NXT star, ODB loses business, and more...

NXT not getting wish:

Any hope NXT fans had of keeping their talent, now they have their own show, has been shot down. Raw and SmackDown will still have their pick of NXT's brightest stars, it was confirmed today.

HHH hands off UK?:

NXT UK's champion, Walter, says his dealings with HHH have been minimal since signing for the company this time last year...

"Oh yeah, they did make me feel wanted, I can't deny that. But, my conversations with Triple H have been very little so far, actually. We had a conversation when I started, but in between not much. That was really it, I'm not really a small talk guy. I don't talk to people unless I have something worth talking about or reasoning behind it. I've worked a little more with Shawn Michaels which is very helpful. Obviously, he's a very experienced guy and he's been very successful in his career. Actually, I think people often think with wrestling, the things that make the difference are major changes, but it's the very smallest of details that make a very big difference. Those people – like William Regal – they all have those little tricks in their back pocket. So it's a very good environment to be in."

He also confirmed, even an offer of a main roster spot, would not get him to move to America...

"I would go on the main roster at some point but I wouldn't move to America. Moving to America is not for me. American lifestyle is not for me. No, I couldn't imagine that. When it comes to that, I stay where I am. But, I am able to get on an airplane!"

Briscoe back:

Mark Briscoe has been cleared to return from his recent knee injury.

WWE fundraising:

WWE have launched a social media fundraiser for victims of a recent hurricane in Florida.

Angle adopts:

Kurt Angle and his wife are in Bulgaria to finalise the adoption of a new son from the country.

Heat on Riddle:

Matt Riddle's heat has gone public on social media, after he called out an unnamed NXT star for not giving him a ride to work yesterday. Tommaso Ciampa responded that the locker room would police his outburst themselves, with or without, office approval.

One Destroyed Business:

ODB's food truck burned down yesterday.

Clash Of The Champions:

Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross will put their Women's Tag gold on the line vs Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville at Clash.

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