Saturday, September 14, 2019

Gargano chooses brand, MSG donate, WWE host to land Fox gig, and Matt talks Edge / Lita affair...

Gargano rejects promotion:

Johnny Gargano says he will not accept a main roster promotion, to stay with NXT...

''I made my choice. I poured my heart and soul into this brand for YEARS. You think I'm gonna leave now that everything I helped work towards is finally happening? Not a chance! The phrase going "up" is dead. We're THE Main Roster now.#WeAreNXT and when you're NXT.. you're NXT.''

MSG sponsor Connor The Crusher:

MSG gave $10,000 to WWE's Connor's Cure charity this week.

WWE on Fox:

Renee Young is strong favourite to land the hosting role for the WWE recap chat show on Fox.

Matt Hardy recalls real life being turned into story:

Referencing Edge and Lita's love affair...

"For me, it's where I first started learning to separate personal life from professional life and now I am extremely comfortable in being able to differentiate the two. I mean, at first, it was a little intense, a little strange, knowing that we were all on the same page; everyone was okay. Everybody had to keep their emotions in check and as long as we did that, we knew that everything was going to be good. As time went on it got a little easier and a little bit better. The most fascinating part about 2005 in my career was that you weren't able to tell the lines between what was real and what wasn't real and where that line lies. It's the most important thing about professional wrestling, especially this day and age in 2019 you need to blur the lines where you are not sure about what is real and what is scripted."

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