Friday, September 6, 2019

Rousey gone from WWE?, Renee traded, Roman talks fake cancer battle, Kacy update, and more...

Rousey removed:

WWE have removed Ronda Rousey from their active roster, and dropped her to the Alum page.

Big  E. applauds WWE inclusion:

"I think that it's incredible, and I think it's also reflective of what you see in media as a whole now, more representation across lines, not just in our industry but elsewhere. And I think the problem is a lot of times people bristle at the mere mention of race or representation or feminism or whatever minority group there is that's trying to have a voice in media, people don't even want to have that discussion. But I think for Kofi to be the first African-born champion I think is such an incredible feat. And also Becky Lynch and Ronda and Charlotte being able to close WrestleMania, to have the women close the biggest show of the year, is also pretty incredible. So I think it's a discussion that we just need to be open to. And I guess I don't really consider myself one for politics but I just think having this discourse and being able to talk about these things and being open to these things I think is big, so I'm glad we're doing a better job with that in our industry and I hope we continue to grow."

Renee traded?:

Renee Young is expected to be moved to SmackDown in time for the shows move to Fox in October.

WWE support campaign:

Paige and the Bella's are joining an awareness campaign to warn young girls about the dangers of over sharing on social media. Paige talked about the effect her leaked sex tape had on her. She said she needed hours of therapy and suffered hair loss, an eating issue and permanent emotional scars.

Roman addresses fake cancer believers:

Roman Reigns has spoken to a UK charity about the belief of some fans, that his cancer battle was an elaborate storyline by WWE. You can read his interview on the online publication of the charities monthly newsletter, here.

Should Kacy stay, or should she go:

Ricochet has addressed his lady love's (Kacy Catanzarro) WWE status. He denied she is injured, but did concede she may not wrestle again...

"I don't know. She's very family-oriented and she wants kids, so she doesn't know if being on the road so much is for her. For me, I'm already too deep—I'm on the road all the time. She loves wrestling and she loves it here, and she's so good at it, so it's a very tough decision for her."

WWE cancel shows:

WWE have axed a live for Kentucky, scheduled for October, and this weekends show in Canada, due to severe weather in the area.

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