Wednesday, September 11, 2019

KOTR final confirmed, KO fired, Seth's secret siblings, UK star moving stateside, and more...

King Of The Ring:

Shane McMahon stepped into the KOTR Semi-Final, in place of Elias, last night. He lost to Chad Gable, twice, meaning Gable will face Baron Corbin in the final. The match will not now happen at Clash Of The Champions, but on Raw the following night.

King remembers the day he died:

It has been 7 years since Jerry Lawler died on an episode of Raw, before being saved by the WWE medics backstage. He recalled the incident today...

"Seven years ago today, September 10, 2012, I died on WWE RAW from a cardiac arrest! Thanks to DocSampson13, MichaelCole, your prayers and God, I got a second chance!"

Impact own TV:

As Anthem, owners of Impact, complete a majority takeover of AXS, they have announced a closure of the TV company offices, and laid off most of their staff today.

Killer Kross addresses Impact situation:

"I'm in a situation right now where I have to be very careful how I choose to address things. My hands are completely clean in all of this. I have been attempting to get clarification on things that were supposed to be given to me in a timely manner. Some of them have been ... I'm not even sure how to put it. It's so difficult to answer. It's very difficult to even discuss. I'm doing my absolutely best to remain civil and professional on the entire ordeal and it's extremely difficult. I'm really just looking to being treated fairly and I'm just looking to put my best work out there. There are now situations that are occurring where, basically, opportunities are being delayed and I guess, what the easiest way to put it, opportunities are being ... I apologize. It's really the first time I've talked about it. These things I'm attempting to pursue in my career, I'm being blocked from pursuing them for really ridiculous circumstances."

Announce change:

Nigel McGuinness has left 205 to concentrate on NXT. Dio Maddin will take his seat.

KO fired:

Shane McMahon fired Kevin Owens on TV  last night. There is speculation that he will drop back into NXT, to give the new TV show some major star power for it's debut on USA.

Seth meets family he didn't know he had:

Seth Rollins recently found out he had a brother and sister. He met them for the first time this week, and thanked the DNA testing company who broke the news of his secret siblings, for helping to bring them together.

Kurt's new role:

Kurt Angle has reportedly started working as a backstage producer for Raw this week.

New announcers:

WWE have hired Mackenzie Mitchell, ex of Impact, and Matt Camp for their NXT broadcast team.

JR has dig at SCSA:

Jim Ross bemoaned the lack of the double middle finger salute from Stone Cold on Raw this week, before he hit his stunner. He said it lacked the impact the move normally has.

Dunne with UK:

Pete Dunne is moving to the USA full time. He will be one of the mainstays of the new NXT TV show, but will leave the UK off-shoot behind, to do so.

Book talks Sting's anti-WWE ethos:

Booker T says Sting robbed himself and WWE fans of his services. Sting reportedly refused to join WWE after WCW folded because of a promo by the Rock, dissing then WCW champ Booker T. Book himself feels that was an error in his judgement...

"I didn't dislike Sting or anything like that. Sting and I are friends; we've always been friends. I just think he really missed out more than anybody on that deal. I've always been able to speak up for myself and when it's a wrestling angle it's as real as we make it. It's Shakespeare; Romeo & Juliet which is how I've always viewed it. I never looked at the way Sting looked at it."

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