Thursday, September 5, 2019

Champ reunited with gold, Major creative shakeup in WWE, Flair vs Lynch, Linda backs HOF'er, and more...

Carmella ill:

Carmella has revealed that she has had to slow down her WWE career in the past month, because she had a health scare over the summer. She did not detail what it was, but says the time away has given her the opportunity to reflect and to enjoy what she has more.

Impact audition:

Scarlett Bordeaux had an in in-ring tryout for WWE, at their PC today.

Champ reunited with his gold:

Chris Jericho was given the AEW title back today, after it had been recovered by police. His first defense of the gold will be vs Cody Rhodes, at the next AEW PPV.

WWE shake up creative:

Ryan Ward has been turfed out of his role as SmackDown's lead writer. Ed Koskey will swap from the red version of the role, with 205's Jonathan Baeckstrom getting the huge promotion to lead the red team's creative output. Chad Barbash has taken his old role with the cruisers.

Some issues leading to this are, the botching of the Roman Reigns / Erick Rowan stories and Michael Hayes finding members of the blue team asleep after Vince demanded they re-write a recent episode from scratch on the day.

Ric Flair addresses lawsuit vs WWE:

And revealed his daughter is furious with him...

"I'm glad that I'm having this opportunity to clear the air. When I first saw this thing go down in August 2018, I thought, 'Cool, 'The Man' - my gimmick - versus my daughter, Charlotte.' Okay, that's the day it started, right after SummerSlam. I thought, cool. I said, 'I'm going to make some money; it's my trademark and they have it to use.' I've been saying it since 1981. So I got my worded statement, I sent WWE's lawyer a text and the lawyer, who just has no respect for me whatsoever which is something I'm not going to deal with much longer, he said, 'You're wrong. It's not even close.' I said, 'It's not even close?' So, boom, I sent him another text, he didn't respond. So I had my lawyer call him and he blew off my lawyer. This is all in 2018 or in January of '19. I told Hunter, 'Hunter, I'm going to file.' I mean, the reason they don't have the trademark, it's my understanding that it's because it's too close to mine... I told Hunter, 'Hey, if push comes to shove, I'm going to file for it.' I mean, I get it, but here's the deal: I love Becky Lynch, and no one has supported the women's division more than me as an outsider. As a matter of fact, I told the guys that I would have texted Becky last night and Sasha, but I'm sure Becky - I don't know what the WWE's spin has been to her. They stole it last night. It's funny, my daughter is so mad at me because I filed, not even understanding that it's not Becky. I have no beef with Becky. But here's the deal: when I almost died two years ago, one person stayed by me the whole time for 31 days in ICU, 12 days while I was dying on a respirator, and I'm going to take care of her and her family, and my family that has taken care of me, no matter what. I don't care what the WWE thinks of me personally; I know they love me, but obviously they have lost respect for me. If I don't win, and even if I won, Becky can have it all day long. I'm glad! But I want the company to pay me for it because I'm going to take care of my family. I am going to be 'The Man', and if I don't get it, you know what my tombstone will say? 'He died trying to be The Man'."

WWE cancel tryouts:

WWE cancelled their PC tryout this week, due to the threat of a hurricane in Florida.

Shawn Spears talks motivation for getting out of WWE:

"I take great pride in being able to work with anybody. Whether it be a brand-new talent, whether it be someone who has been in wrestling for four or five years, or even 15 to 20, I take pride in being able to cover the spectrum when it comes down to match preparation and execution. But that can also pigeonhole you, and I was pigeonholed for quite a long time. On one hand, I was very reliable when WWE needed something done. I was there and I got it done, but at the same time I couldn't break through the glass ceiling that seemed to be placed over my head. Now, that has changed. I have taken my career into my own hands, been given an opportunity to be on a worldwide platform with no restrictions. Now, this is all on me. Now there's no more "Oh, well, maybe you are being held back or it's not him it's creative." I want all that out of the way, I want everything to fall on my shoulders now. Regardless of what happens, when I'm seventy years old, I can look back and say that I did this the way I wanted to, on my terms, and I gave it everything I got."

PC newcomers:

King Cuerno and former Mexican footabller Edgar Lopez have signed for WWE.

Killer Kross vs Impact:

Killer Kross has now hired an attorney to deal with his contract dispute vs Impact.

Linda backs HOF'er:

Linda McMahon has donated over $350,000 to Donald Trump's rer-election campaign.

Kacy not gone yet:

Reports Kacy Catanzarro is leaving NXT due to a back injury earlier in the week, have not yet come to fruition, she is still to hand in her notice, and is still contracted.

Noah star to Impact:

Naomichi Marufuji is coming to Bound For Glory.

WWE on TV:

Byron Saxton has appeared on 'Dr. Phil' to support a friend.

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