Sunday, September 8, 2019

Daffney's health, NWA title change at ROH, Sabu talks WWECW, and Cody in heat...

Daffney provides health update:

"First, let me again say thank you for the love and kind thoughts ???? I wanted to update y'all as best I can on my physical health. For those interested on an update of both my physical and mental health - I'll be doing a live stream as soon as I can because I definitely need to. I went to one of the top orthopedic Dr.s at St. Joseph's Hospital on 8/27. After speaking with his PA, I waited very briefly and Dr. Jeffords came in with his cart and a monitor on it. He showed me a few images with a bright white spot next to my spine - which looked like the third picture, but it's between my C7 and T1. He sat down and said that he wouldn't waste any of my time. He had never seen anything like it and said I needed to see a neurologist asap. He put this rare diagnosis on the referral so they would get me in quicker. A perineural root sleeve cyst is found in the lower back - again like in picture #3 - but because it was up between my C7 & T1 it was unheard of. Plus, if you look it up (which believe me I've read a ton now) the patient usually only feels symptoms in the legs and that's only 1% of the time. And mine is my left arm, shoulder, hand etc. So we are all perplexed. The soonest I could get an appointment was 9/11 @ 7:30am but I'm gonna be there at 7 because this really blows. I'm in constant pain and have muscle spasms in my left shoulder, shoulder blade and bicep. My left thumb is still numb. I get sharp pains in my wrist and fingers. My neck is stiff just like it was after my surgery 2 1/2 years ago. I've been just trying to stay positive and push through until my appointment so I can find out what is going on. I love my new job @yogaworks_atlanta and I've been able to work, but sometimes it kills and then sometimes I have more feeling and there's less pain and it's not too terribly bad. It's weird. So I hope that explains my silence. Just been playing the waiting game. Literally counting down the days. Knowledge is power. I hope it's something that can be fixed easily so I can start taking some yoga classes on my days off and build back strength."


Bram and Royce Isaacs won the NWA Tag titles at an ROH show this weekend.

Sabu talks why WWECW failed:

"The first few months were fine because it went the way I thought it was where they would let us run with the ball like with the One Night Stand PPV. But it was half WWE and half us and they forced it that way like Randy Orton was on our show and I like Randy Orton, but they brought us in and said we trust you guys. But then when we did the big show we'd bring in these WWE guys so even if we did good, we would not get credit for it."

AEW apologise for controversial Cody chant:

Cody Rhodes has been receiving huge heat for chanting ''Puto'' at his rivals after a AAA match this weekend. The word has homophobic connotations. AEW today released a statement on the matter...

''Cody joined his teammates at AAA TripleMania for what he understood to be their post-match tradition in Mexico and was unaware of any negative connotations. Certainly the last thing Cody would want to do is to hurt or offend anyone, anywhere.''

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