Saturday, January 12, 2019



Chris Jericho has compared his signing with AEW to Hulk Hogan signing for WCW in 1994 (was it?, or late '93). He also talked about if Vince knew about his decision, his relationship with Triple H and more. The interview was on Bubba Dudley's Busted Open Radio show, which is available via podcast.


WWE have announced a UK performance centre. The announcement was made by three of the top stars of NXT UK on 'Good Morning Britain.' The location is thought to be just outside of London.

NXT star written out of the ring:

WWE are transitioning injured NXT star Tino Sabbatelli from the ring to the broadcast team.

HOF'er wishes he refused WWE angle:

Jake The Snake said of his angles with the King in 1996...

"It was ridiculous. That was one of the things I'd wish I had never done. The whole idea behind that was really cheap, I thought. I thought it was disgusting, actually. After everything that I've been through, then you're gonna go out there and bring it up in the front, and that's gonna be your idea? That's the best the writers can come up with? Come on, give me a break. It was ridiculous, man. Not many times in my career I said no, but that's one time I should have said no."

Elite snub HHH:

Triple H personally worked out unique and big money deals to bring all four members of the Elite into WWE this year. Cody and the Bucks would have gone straight to the main roster and Hangman Page would have become the top star in NXT. Elite did not bite and started their own league instead.

Sasha calls out champs:

Sasha Banks called Brock Lesnar and Ronda Rousey out on social media today. She said, should she win at Royal Rumble, she would be making towns with the gold on the live tour, as a true champion should.

Major Mania match may be off:

WWE planned to have a meeting between John Cena and Lars Sullivan to discuss the two men having a match at Mania 35 this year, but the NXT man no-showed the event, apparently he had an anxiety attack and went home. WWE have had their faith in him as a future top gun for them shaken by the lack of appearance and are already looking to offer the dream match vs the Hollywood poster boy to someone else.

A leak of the creative path would have had Lars put Cena out of the Rumble match and an irate Cena either going back in the ring to put Lars out in revenge, or cost Lars his spot by helping someone in the ring eliminate him, via a rope pull or distraction from the outside.

UFC want $ from Brock:

Brock Lesnar needs to pay a quarter of a million $ fine for his last drugs ban to be lifted before he can compete in the octagon again.

Titus to the movies:

Titus O'Neil has meetings with Batista and movie officials in Hollywood next week.

Please come back:

WWE have named Batista, Eva Marie, The Rock and Wade Barrett as the starts they most want to see return to the company in 2019.

Rock vs UK rag:

The Rock has fiercely denied an exclusive interview with UK fish 'n' chip paper publication 'The Daily Star' where the paper claim he blasted the snowflake generation...

"This generation are looking for a reason to be offended... generation snowflake or, whatever you want to call them, are actually putting us backwards."

He says the interview did not happen at all, and was entirely fabricated, calling out the so called journalist by name, so angry was he by having his name tarnished in such as grubby fashion.

205 Live:

205 is moving back to Tuesday nights from next week.

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